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London Epic GT May 19-20

 Post subject: Re: London Epic GT May 19-20
PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2018 5:19 pm 
Brood Brother
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What's the plan for Sat night dinner? Do we have a booking for a certain time or are we going to see how it goes on the day?

I'm a maybe now depending on timing, as I'm going to be crashing at an old friends place in Putney that night but they're not getting home till 9ish so maybe I could eat with you and then head over there.

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 Post subject: Re: London Epic GT May 19-20
PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2018 6:27 pm 
Brood Brother
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Lists are all in so I’ve done the draw (as not really around till Friday night now). Good spread of forces:

2 x Ghaz Orks
2 x Nids
1 x Dark Eldar
1 x Black Legion
1 x Codex Marines
1 x Emperor’s Children
1 x Knights

Draw for round 1 is:

Dan v Richard
Charles v Mark
Simon v Glynn
Mike v Rob

I’m sitting out round 1. Hopefully, Ffoley will be there on Sunday so that means no byes then.

Dinner plans aren’t fixed but there’s half a dozen bars, pubs etc within a 15 minute walk (though longer if Rob is guiding us).


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 Post subject: Re: London Epic GT May 19-20
PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2018 8:30 pm 
Brood Brother
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Nice easy draw!

At least I have no expectations!

Big Gunz don't fly!

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 Post subject: Re: London Epic GT May 19-20
PostPosted: Fri May 18, 2018 8:34 pm 

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Mike Thomas, 3000 POINTS
Black Legion (Epic UK v070414)

8 Chaos Space Marines, (Tzeentch), Daemonic Pact (includes 1 lesser daemon), Chaos Warlord (Supreme Commander), Obliterator

8 Chaos Space Marines, (Tzeentch), Daemonic Pact (includes 1 lesser daemon), 4 Rhino, Sorcerer Lord

8 Chaos Space Marines, (Tzeentch), Daemonic Pact (includes 1 lesser daemon), 4 Rhino, Sorcerer Lord

4 Chaos Terminators, Chaos Lord, (Tzeentch), Daemonic Pact (includes 1 lesser daemon)

CHOSEN [170]
4 Chaos Space Marine Scouts, (Tzeentch), Daemonic Pact (includes 1 lesser daemon), 2 Rhino

CHOSEN [225]
4 Chaos Space Marine Scouts, (Tzeentch), Daemonic Pact (includes 1 lesser daemon), Dreadnought, 5 Dreadclaw Drop Pod

4 Chaos Space Marine Havocs, 2 Rhinos, (Tzeentch), Sorcerer Lord, Daemonic Pact (includes 1 lesser daemon)

Death Wheel, (Tzeentch)

Decimator, (Tzeentch)

5 Lesser Daemon


2 Bombers

Fairly sure it's identical to the list I've taken the last couple years for Black Legion.

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 Post subject: Re: London Epic GT May 19-20
PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2018 9:47 am 
Brood Brother
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Wow, the size of the queue! First game is meant to be starting now but it's going to take an age to get in. Hope the timing is flexible and we can play on till later.

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 Post subject: London Epic GT May 19-20
PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2018 7:45 pm 
Brood Brother
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Thanks all for an interesting event. I think we successfully overcame some interesting organisational issues (an hour for bag check etc) to thoroughly enjoy ourselves (at least I did). All the games were great, painting standard was really high again. The final standings were.

1st place - Mike Thomas
2nd place - Dan Wilson
3rd place - Steve Cole

Best painted - Richard Laking
Most sporting - Glyn (bizarrely fending off stiff competition from Dan!!!!!)
Charles picked up the wooden spoon.

Full standings



Last edited by StevekCole on Sun May 20, 2018 11:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: London Epic GT May 19-20
PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2018 9:26 pm 

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I hope Dan writes up one of his stories. That would be swell.

Have you guys considered using this? https://tabletop.to/
Would be cool for unfortunate folk like me that cant make watch along.

Also any pictures for me to drool over?

I have 4 laptops in this room and cannot play a pixel pushing tabletop simulator on any of them.

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 Post subject: Re: London Epic GT May 19-20
PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2018 10:38 am 
Brood Brother
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An interesting weekend overall, there were definitely organisation issues on the saturday, both in getting in and food at lunchtime (mind you, i just went into westfield both days instead of trying to get something on site, which was fine). That aside though things ran reasonably smoothly though i thought. Thankfully we'd brought our own scenery, as otherwise we might well have ended up with something like the 40k guys:
File comment: Awesome terrain
IMG_20180520_151302.jpg [ 132.36 KiB | Viewed 3192 times ]

Truly awe inspiring scenery for them :spin Nice mats at least, but it almost makes the scenery that much sadder if anything...

I'd taken the Tyranid titans out for another spin, mainly because they're pretty and we were hoping to interest some of the 40k players with our pretty epic models :)

Game 1: Dan's Knights
Yeah, so this one didn't go particularly well. Turns out a few lancers are more than up to the job of killing dominatrixes, and the less said about the heirophants and suchlike the better. I was pretty much out-ranged for assault, out shot, completely outclassed in the assaults no matter what was going into what, and got obliterated. Dan getting 3 super lucky crits early on, killing a dominatrix in one hit followed by a heirophant and heirodule wasn't particularly helpful, but after i lost the second to a paired lancer assault it was pretty much all done. It's always a bit sad when your assault army just can't stand up in assault to your opponents units that are either similarly priced or cheaper, but heyho. Abject Loss.

Game 2: After the abject result of the first game i got the bye.

Game 3: Charles' Marines
This one was going a bit better, as the marines struggle to kill dominatrixes. Things went a bit pear shaped when one bounced off some scouts, and the bts broke from a clipping engagement from terminators, and guess which one didn't rally? Still, the game was edging towards a draw as i'd covered sufficient objectives to stop Charles winning until a last gasp assault on the bigger brute squad from some scouts (unprepped and in firefight) ended up with the scouts winning and the game ended 2-0 to Charles in turn 4.

Game 4: Rob's Orks
Things didn't go too badly early on, i lost a Heirophant (no great surprise) but took out the landa at least, and broke some storm boyz. I won the strategy rolloff turn 2, which did at least allow me to take out some commandoes and the big blitz brigade with the supa zzap guns (a big relief that), after that though things went downhill, and i got a gargant to the face. I did kill it, but not before it had taken out fully 50% of my army. Sad times. Again, out-ranged in assaults, which was a bit of a pain. Game ended 3-1 turn 3 i think?

Game 5: Nick's Marines
Nick got a bit over-enthusiastic early on and ran at me. Happy days for the nids! Got to munch on a load of units in CC, which went very well for me. I kept munching on stuff and was able to win 3-0 in turn 4 after taking out his tactical BTS finally.

So yeah, the army's going into storage. unfortunately the stuff i've pained doesn't really work, and it's pretty clear to me now that if you want a decently competitive nid list, stick to the infantry. An assault list that struggles in assault and combines that with a low activation count and strategy rating is just arse.

Still, Glynn's novel take on Nids does give me some interesting ideas for a spin on Mike's effective infantry spam, but again still needs me to paint all the bloody infantry. Ah well...

A big thanks to Steve for organising, to Mike and Simon for lugging the terrain with them, and all my opponents for some interesting (if generally one sided) games!

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 Post subject: London Epic GT May 19-20
PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2018 3:45 pm 
Brood Brother
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Couple of pics (afraid between playing and TOing I didn’t get many.






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 Post subject: Re: London Epic GT May 19-20
PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2018 8:02 pm 
Brood Brother
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Having just successfully negotiated Steve Coles wife release from a Hungarian prison for art theft (here’s the level of honest reporting and accurate statement of the facts that you have come to expect if not rely on), I had a weekend to kill and was in the London area. But what to play? My best painted army was orks, but I knew I would struggle to get such a large army through customs (the whole art theft link), worse Steve G had made it clear as I lorded over everyone at Bristol, that he required armies to be well painted for the London tournament, after all it would be at a 60,000 seater stadium and this was a slight increase to my usual fan numbers (2, including opponent). Hard pressed for time, and not unable to buy paint (art theft… it’s the theme) I quickly pulled out my knights list. I’d never won a game with them, and they really are pretty poor, but needs must, the world (mainly Interpol) was watching.
Game 1 – Richard.
Just think of the last 20 minutes of each of the 5 Death Wish films rolled into an hour and a half of pure liquid revenge….
Sure Richard will claim he had gone one of the worst (but best painted) lists ever assembled. But ask yourself, did he? Or did I so outthink him in this game of wit and strategy that he was a broken man for the next two days unable to pick up a dice without the fear of seeing another one?
Richard’s description above is pretty accurate, except he didn’t hear my inner monologue, with every crit I was yelling: that’s for stamping on me with your Necrons! I could have won Leicster and London, DIE DIE DIE! Off course all this was in my head…
Sadly Richard took the horrendous luck like a gentleman and accepted fate, refusing to smash the table, which was what I hoped for.
A rather harsh 5-0

Mid-day pints.
On the way to the bar I ran into a Mike, a lovely chap who was running black legion. Sadly the fates have never allowed me to play Mike in a tournament, though he oddly claims to have always beaten me 5-0. Weird!
Anyway Mike and I sat down and enjoyed a few pints and we discussed the theoretics of the game. He started with what would happen if you played BL with your knights and they got pulverised in turn one? I mean really messed up, like your supreme commander got blown away with a space ship, then your lancers got annilated by some scouts and then you failed four activations in a row. It was a really interesting chat, I think I may have even placed models to support my points. I argued that even if this horror continued into turn two, I could still try to put the two retinues on the objectives and cling on for a losing draw, but wow that would suck. Oh how we laughed at this theory and drank beer, and gave it no further thought.
Game 2 (ish) – Steve.
Well having saved his beloved and negotiated their return to the UK with a very accurate looking copy of Caravaggio’s The Adoration I expected this game to be a very easy win, think Scotland v Estonia in 1996, when Estonia didn’t turn up and Scotland won 3-0 (some expected more goals…).
I was not disappointed when we set up and I saw only two units. Clever lad Steve, no units and people would see he had thrown the game.
But no. There really is no honour amongst thieves. He had taken the diabolical Dark Eldar and actually intended to make a game off it. Very poor show. Some men carry grudges….
Well knights with heavy AA versus off-board Dark Eldar really is a cagey affair and as watchable as… well as Scotland V Estonia in 1996.
Game 3 (ish) Charles.
Well everytime I have played Charles he has had the most horrendous luck. So I have no idea how good a player he is because everything goes terrible. I refrained from putting my beer on the table as I expected a previously reliable leg to suddenly buckle dropping its whole wait on him.
Fortunately the table held, but there was no improvement on luck. His space marine terminators flew in on a thunderhawk and were promptly shot down by AA on a crit. Then his warhound titan stumbled over a tree and crited losing two points of damage. When my T bolts shot away its shields it was as good as finished. Charles made a fight of it, bravely against such terrible luck. But he was doomed to blead out.
Game 4 (ish) Glynn.
Some times in epic you come across a truly great list. A situation where a player has taken an old and tried army and injects something new and beautiful in to it, creating an army that deserves to win by its framework alone. Of course I am talking about my thunderhawk list last year, but Glynn’s nid list did make me think about it, which really is to his compliment.
Here I was facing off against four hive nests, each surrounded by disrupt artillery. I had no scouts to slow the slither of the nid infantry and little hope to keep them out of the buildings where they will be as stuck as an art thieve in a Hungarian jail (to use an ancient Scottish saying). I need a lot of luck to make any play of this, but fortunately I had a good whack.
The spore mines were kind enough to explode under my AA guns (what else were they going to do, they were pretty much useless for this) and this allowed my planes to fly unmolested and to take out the biovores.
It was still all looking like a world of draw, when the crazy happened. I brought forward the AA on their worthless tractors to force him to waste an activation getting rid of them and sat nice and close to a nest. But unfortunately for Glynn the assault didn’t quite go as it should have. With no hits it went to a roll off and the Nest was broken, this freed up an objective.
I still though had to free the other objective so I planned on using the unbroken AA to get some cross fire… not realising they were thick rear armour. My BTS paladin squad doubled up and I was gleeful when they scored 5 hits. But when I heard it was 4+ reinforced saves, I didn’t give much hope. But Glynn then had Charles’ luck and the next popped.
With some assaults and shooting I was able to push this for a 2-0.
So 3 wins, a draw and a long chat over two pints, all a good result.
Though I was slightly surprised that Steve thought my drinks with Mike were a game and recorded me as second. I am not concerned though, Mike will put him right….

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 Post subject: Re: London Epic GT May 19-20
PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2018 9:01 pm 
Brood Brother
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If this is Dan's reality, what are his weird f*cked up dreams that we all have at times like?

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 Post subject: Re: London Epic GT May 19-20
PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2018 9:27 am 
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Quick report from me before my brain fades entirely...

Game 1 - GlynG (Nids)

Glyn had taken an unconventional list with 4 nest swarms loaded with disrupt-firing barrage gribblies, and multiple units of spore mines, he strung the spore mines out in a big curtain across his table half and split the nest swarms onto his blitz and a T&H objective, wary of the barrages and my vulnerable light vehicles I played a cagey game to keep as much as possible outside of the 60cm biovore range, this kept most of my formations alive for much of the game. My Gargant went steaming head-on into the nid horde and between engagements, shooting and supporting fire, accounted for 5 formations of tyranids in all, thanks to his efforts I managed a winning draw on points when it became apparent I was never going to get to his blitz and he was never going to get to mine (him winning strategy 3 turns on the trot didn't help!)

Game 2 - Monkeyboy (orks)

We had both bought gargants but Rob decided to set his up diagonally away from my own so they never really got to fight, Rob had decided to play for the draw pretty much from turn 1, whereas I felt I could win, so exposed myself a little more, I only realised the error of my ways too late and had lost more points than rob who claimed a winning draw on turn 3

Game 3 - MikeT (black legion)

This was a bloodbath, Mike was the only person to kill my gargant all weekend, coupled with some insane rolls and solid play, saw me take a 5-0 loss

Game 4 - Nick (space marines)

Day 2 saw me facing off against Nick, he confessed he had barely played in 3 years but he didn't seem like a noob, making multiple sound tactical moves throughout, the only thing letting him down was his lack of terminators in a thunderhawk, he had instead opted for double assault marines. This was another cagey game in which I had resigned myself to going for the winning draw, after moving my fortress mob up to shoot his second broken tactical formation and get in range of his broken bikes we went to counting points, nick failed to rally either formation in my half which I was sure had given me the points win, until I realised my gargant was sat between his T&H objectives unopposed so I picked up a 2-0 win (T&H, TSNP) by accident

Game 5 - Orange (marines)

Charles had a spaceship and a more 'tournament optimised' list than Nick, I managed to largely dodge the barrage, and for the first time ever, all my shielded formations rolled max shields, I was still nervous but for the second time in the weekend, the skorchas really got stuck in, engaging his scouts, land speeders and other stuff. He did thump the gargant with his terminators, making an obscene number of saves (plus THREE inv saves on his terminator chaplain in the game) and breaking the big fella, but my battleforts saved the day, eating multiple formations in firefights and chugging around being a threat, after charles took his BTS tacticals off overwatch and moved them to shoot and prep my gargant I saw my chance and sent the landa mob in after them, in a brutal engagement that I envisioned sounded like some of the battles from game of thrones, the orks mashed 3 stands of marines and 2 vehicles for no loss (grotz excepted) and hacked them down to the supcom, a rhino and stand of marines, who ran away. The planes immediately went after them and reduced them to a single broken rhino. My landa kept landing to contest a T&H and shooting the land speeder typhoons guarding it and they. kept. saving. everything. When my planes went after the lone BTS rhino on T4, I scored 3 rocket hits and warned charles prior to saving that if he rolled triple five, I might have jumped the table and attacked him, fortunately my threat worked and the rhino blew up, I was then able to blast his warhound with my gargant, leaving nothing guarding his blitz from my landa orks and skorchas, nab my T&H objectives and double back to my blitz to contest the two termies holding it, giving me a 3-0 win in turn 4

All in all 5 fun games against 5 nice opponents (MikeT excepted obviously)

On the tournament I was less impressed, the 90 minute queue to get through security on saturday morning was awful, the food overpriced and under quality (I said at one point to Mike that the burger I had was awful, and he replied 'well at least it was also very expensive') and on the saturday night paying almost 20 quid for the thinnest pizza I have ever eaten and a pint of cloudy craft ale of dubious quality really didn't improve my opinion much, I think I'll be giving it a swerve next year

Also the last 3 tournaments have all been won by chaos armies rocking hordes of flamers, what more evidence do EpicUK need that they are clearly too good??

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Last edited by kyussinchains on Wed May 23, 2018 9:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: London Epic GT May 19-20
PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2018 9:37 am 
Brood Brother
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Yeah, can't say i'd be that keen with doing this one again for the above and other bits.

On the changes to Chaos - i would at least ask for a delay so that i can get in my own tournament win with them this year - i'm feeling left out at the moment :D

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 Post subject: Re: London Epic GT May 19-20
PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2018 10:18 am 

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RichardL wrote:
On the changes to Chaos - i would at least ask for a delay so that i can get in my own tournament win with them this year - i'm feeling left out at the moment :D

Here, here - Thousand Sons/Black Legion for Battlefield Armageddon & then change.

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 Post subject: Re: London Epic GT May 19-20
PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2018 10:39 am 
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Personally I don't really understand the benefit to running tournaments at other big events, typically the tickets cost more, you have to pay more for travel (certainly for parking) you have to buy your own food (usually at hugely inflated prices) and deal with crowds and queues

If it's increased numbers then the London GT was the exact opposite, a paltry 9 players turned out, then look at the Expo, they kicked the epic tournament out because they didn't sell enough tickets quickly enough

Having run tournaments myself, the only upside I can see is that it offloads the risk to the event organiser, if you only sell 8 tickets then the tournament still runs and EpicUK doesn't make a loss having to pay venue hire and food etc. From my POV it wasn't worth it and I'll think very carefully next time about whether or not to attend

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