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Da Squig Pak (BFG)

 Post subject: Re: Da Squig Pak (BFG)
PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:24 pm 
Brood Brother
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Most impressive!



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 Post subject: Re: Da Squig Pak (BFG)
PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:29 pm 
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Can't wait to see them with some paint on them.

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 Post subject: Re: Da Squig Pak (BFG)
PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 5:06 am 
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Thanks Primarch. Atension, I'm a bit afraid to paint. I worry that all of my imperfections will show. Or worse I'll jack up da job and mess the models up stripping dem. It's been a pretty good spell since I took paint to brush. I think about colors and there look but it will have to wait a bit. If I start painting that becomes another madness in its self. Then I'll never get the Waaagh finished.

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 Post subject: Re: Da Squig Pak (BFG)
PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:54 pm 
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So if ya knows any-fing about dis ere Project den you knows; I too busy of a Grot ta be build in dis ere fleet. Problem is I don’t dare say no to it! Day calls ta me, it surly is "Da Madness". Da good news is Iz making progress! I looks out at all of da ships floating about. Iz gotz ta smile. Dis ere wagggh is getting bigga n bigga. Dem Emperior Gitz is gonna be in fer a big shaking up when we’z pop out of da warp in dare fancy neighborhood! Ok den enough of me banter (you’d fink I was talking wif a Nob or some-fing) let’s get to da goods………….


“Da Dakka Town” is dry docked right now, so it’s sort of a mess ta looks at. Not much is really in place. Iz juz wanted to show ya “Grot town” so kind of juz ignores da rest of me build. Ok den, “Grot Town”. Dis is da spot of da prow where a heap of da boyz calls home. It’z a pretty good ridding spot especially if ya can stomach dem Goff Boyz. Dem Goffs always be liking da best spots fer get-in stuck in furst see ( good in a fight, but none too bright). Fink abouts it fer a second…….. Being a Bad Moon ship, ya really fink dem Yellow Gits is gonna smash dare pretty cresent ship in ta some-fing. Naaa, day is gonna sit backs n shoot dem fancy shootas, and launch dare pretty fightas. Ya see I knows dese fings. Dem Goffs just a wishing and fink-ing day is gonna get stuck in furst. Although watching dem Boyz all dressed in black wif dare smashey smashers practicing loading up on dem boarding torps over n over makes dis Git smile; like having a mouth full of bubble gum squigs! Now who knows perhaps dem Goff aint as dense as me finks? Now day is not da only clan dat call dat space home. We’z got some clans dat is dedicated ta working dem port an starboard shootas an in da lower decks dare will be dem torp tubes I was yaking abouts. We’z also got a healthy dose of dem Evil Sunz boyz dat keep every-fing going an make extra sure dem torps can cross da big empty real fast like. Den dare is dem Blue Gitz. They is never far aways, always gots dare hands in some-fing. Watch yer grubbins or ya may be trading a good stack of teef ta gets yer stuff back. Day can be trouble but at da same time day is real good at coming up wif grubbins dat ya don’t ask where day comes from. It’s a real maze of chambers and twisty halls. Oh n every crawl space and hole has more Grots dan wun can count. Now we'z not even going ta mention da endless amounts of Snots all tip toeing abouts. Dis is where dem smelly Snake Bite boyz earn dare keep. Dem Grotz is da true workers and keep dis ship going an well dem Snake Bite boyz keep dem Grots in da Know whots. Ya, day can be a little strange wif all their rituals and glyph chanting but we needs dem Grots playing at da top of dare game. Oh speaking of holding dis ship together Iz almost forgots about me clan! Ya, dare is da Axes; dese Gitz are around too, mostly enforcing da Big Bosses wants. Ya see da Big Boss has this order to fings and iz boyz makes sure dat no Git forgets dat e sits at da biggest helm around dese parts. Ok, ok, I’m rambling again…………………….


A closer shot of “Grot Town” I’ll shows ya da ova side latters. “Grot Town” needs a wee bit of cleaning up, but I’z finking dis part of da jobs about a good-un. Ok, don’t be tell-in no git about da fings Iz showing ya.

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 Post subject: Re: Da Squig Pak (BFG)
PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:58 pm 
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Ok, ok………………. Juz pour another cup of dat dare warm Squig brew and I’ll show ya a wee bit more. But remember no yaking of yer lips or Iz will send some wun ta collect dem and put dem in a jar fer gobbling on latters. Ok den. Next up Iz gotz ta tell ya about what Da Bosses Sneeky Gitz came across awhiles back. Ya see day waz checking out places and looking fer material fer all of da buildas. Times has been a bit lean as dare aint been no good fight-in. Da boyz is getting sort of antsy an we’z gotz a lot of boyz all gathered up in wun place rights now.. Da Boss is real patient like, but he’s got to keep all of da clans together and most of da ova gitz aint so patient. If day gotz material ta build, squabble ova and have competitions ova den dat will keep dare minds occupied. Fer a bit at least. Ya see dare is no-fing worse dan a Boy wif nothing ta do. Soooooo at any rate our Recon Boyz is looking fer stuff ta scavenge or Gitz ta scrap wif an comes across dis asteroid field dat juz sort of slipped out of da warp one day. Day is say-in dare is all dese roks an we should be sending ships ta come an round some up fer tunneling in an building on. Da Big boss sayz wez needs ta go and get a close up looks see. Ok den I sayz. So we’z getz outz in dis ere big rok field. Dare is big Roks an little Roks, fat wuns an weedy wuns. Den I ere da Boss say “Dat Wun…………….” Now Da Boss is a cunning sort of Git, but me iz real clear wif out me help is work-ey stuff might not be so smart like. So I smile an grin as e is always right and Iz takes a look see at what e is spying. “OOOOhhhhhh” (I rub me hands together.) Dat Rok must be a gift from Mork an looks dare not to be out done dat must be a gift from Gork. We’z hit da big heap!


Dese three are da wuns dat were waiting fer us in dat dare rock field. Da middle wun I’z been fiddling wif (Da Oggly Eye). Da ova two will need some love, but what better place to end up fer some fine look-in Roks dan da middle of dis ere growing Waaagh. So we rounds dem up and drags dem home. Da next fing ya know it’s hamma an burner time. Drill-in an digging an a heap of figuring. Ahhhhhhh da sounds of happy boyz again. Shoot wun of does Roks even had a few nasty bitting fings living on it. Dem boyz so happy now day is buggy racing and grot rocket launching afta work shifts again. Life is good fer now, but me is worried dat if we’z don’t find us a good scrap soon day is going to get da itch again.. Ok let me show ya a closer peek.


So dis wun as gotz most of its engines now. Ya know it’s always a work in progress around dese parts, but I have to say I likes it. Dis big ol gift from Gork calls out ta me. I’z got lotz of work ta be do-in yet, but again it warms me little black heart. Ya can’t see da helm bit due ta da rock dat is in da way but I fink it looks real propa like sitting dare. Da ova bits are juz dare fer scale. I wanted to get a feel fer what I could use. So now it time ta start out fitting dis Rok and make sure it become the propa killing machine Gork intended it ta be.


Ok da boyz ave been a hammer-in on da front of dis ere beast of late. Day gotz dem self a ram-in plate and some propra teef. Oh an some eavy Shootas ta boot. Getting closer……………… Sorry fer da bad pic, you can’t see Da Suppa Shoota on da top deck so well. It’s a big-un fer sure an is gonna leave some propra holes in dem ova gits ships.


Dis ere wun is taking shape. I fink it looks juz like wun of dem nasty squigs wun finds mess-in around in old rotting shroom stocks. Da big gunz is juz sitting dare rights now. I’ll fix um up right when Iz getz back on dem. Day is gonna need a shak as it’s goning ta take a lot of boyz ta make sure day is doin dare job propra. Iz finking I need ta do another carving run on dis Rok too (ahhhh da job is never done). I fink da Big boss is gonna be a happy Git fer a change. Ok dare is more to show ya, but dis iz me fer now. I hope ya likes wot yer seeing and it’s gets ya building yer builds too. Dis way ya can links up wif us and we can all ava a big party in day Emperors back yard! As always comments, criticism n wot not is always welcome and helpful.

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 Post subject: Re: Da Squig Pak (BFG)
PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:16 pm 
Brood Brother
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Smashing stuff! Never liked the GW cockney (?) ork speak. But truly great minis!

Nitpicks Knapsack (Scratchbuilding and 3D designing and printing and painting)

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 Post subject: Re: Da Squig Pak (BFG)
PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 5:37 pm 
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Right on thank Nitpick, thanks. Ork speak? Sorry bro, it just sort of digresses into dat. I fink it's part of da madness.

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 Post subject: Re: Da Squig Pak (BFG)
PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 5:49 pm 
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Looking good!


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 Post subject: Re: Da Squig Pak (BFG)
PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 4:56 pm 
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I'm more in this for the pics, truth be told :) you have a unique style. Oftentimes, people here 'just' copy a designlanguage, but you (and a select few forumdwellers) have truly taken it one step further.

Nitpicks Knapsack (Scratchbuilding and 3D designing and printing and painting)

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 Post subject: Re: Da Squig Pak (BFG)
PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 6:18 pm 
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No worries, I too hunt pictures............ Actually I don't expect people to read all of my banter. The banter just draws my mind deeper into the project. It's the stuff that goes through my head when I'm building (perhaps that is what takes me one step further). Thanks for the compliments Nitpick and Markonz!

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 Post subject: Re: Da Squig Pak (BFG)
PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 7:47 pm 
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Da Boyz has been working ard and fixed up dis new grill fer dis ere Rok. As Iz looks at it Iz finking dat dem rivets is a bit too big. Iz finking dat Iz gonna give it’s a cut-in and try again. Speaking of trying again I also fink-ing dat Iz needs ta cuts off dat green stuff plate and take a second shot at it. I likes da idea, an da look itz juz dat piece didn’t turn out quit right. So a little forward a little backwards. But hey Boss we’z move-in all da same! Dis ere Rok is taking on a life an is whispering to me mind when Iz bussy doing ova fings (like tending to da Squig Hounds). At any rate some-fing ta shows ya Gits fer a wee bit of Christmas cheer.


Dat Gob is juz sitting dare right now. It will fit tighter when I’z puts da glue to it. I likes da feel of it, reminds me of me dear ol mom at grubbing time!


Ere is a Port view fer ya. Dare is a uge shoota on da underside dat needs some major work. I need to add some more styrefome and carve a bit so da angle is propra. Den I can start working da work-e parts. I know you Imperial Gits finking “It’s a Ork ship, so why does it matter?” Well we’z not dem dim witted get stuck in type of boyz ere, see……. We’z Blood Axes an dat means we knows dat a shoota dat don’t shoot straight aint worf da teef ya pait fer it.


Ok an da ova side. It is Christmas afta all……………….. Not too much to say ere. Da engines haven’t been worked ova yet. Day is jus dare so I’z know where day is supposed ta go. Da Rok still needs a wee bit more carving and den da fun part begins. Yep dats out fitting it wif shootas, shaks an whot have ya. I’z call-in dis ere ship “Da Smash Mouth” an if ya finds yer pretty ships not paying close attention den ya will know why da boyz call it dat! Thanks fer taking da time to check out dis Gits stuff and any comments, criticism or know whots is always is a big help.

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 Post subject: Re: Da Squig Pak (BFG)
PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 2:20 am 
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Our boyz sure likes build-in on dese Roks. I’z got ta say dat day carve up all easy like. Any of you Gitz got much experience playing wif dis styrefome? (any advice would be a big help) Gluing fings may pose a challenge, I’z a bit in unknown territory (sorta likes being in da chow line ahead of a mob of hungry Goffs). At any rate da project keeps slowly moving forwads.


So I gots some big shootas in place. Problem is I got a bit carried aways. Iz finking dat I need to remove 2 of dem. Still when dis ere Rok lines up on yer ship it’s gonna be screaming (or betta put) you’re gonna be screaming, Wez like it dat way, see. Ok, ok… I added a gunnery shak. It’s not it’s final home. When I adjust da Big Shootas, Iz gonna line it up closer to da Big Shootas me finks. Notice I didn’t change dem big rivets as of yet or da big hole cover-in plate. I’ll gets ta it. I juz sorta got lost in da shootas and exhaust pipes. Da Big Boss wanted iz engines an shootas moving in a propra direction furst.


Dare Boss, it’s got engines. I’z finking dis would be a good Rok fer dim Sunz Boyz dat been racing dim fightas around our flotilla afta work periods. I bet a good spanna wrench we finds us a right propra Kaptain dare. I knows dis ere Rok is gonnna be a fast wun. Ok, I needs to go in an green up around da flight stand hole. Dis ere will make da piece more stable and tie the rear together. Finish out da engines wif some green love too. Getting closer, I can smell da burning burn of dem big engines. Makes a Git all giddy.


Ere is a Port view fer ya. Can ya sees me lil resin shak down by da chin shoota. I’z a happy Git cause da help from me “Sac Town Lad” really paid off an nows Iz gotz more shaks dan a Git knows wot ta do wif. (any advice on cleaning da tiny resin pieces? Day is small and fiddly. Iz lookin at da exhaust mufflers and finking abouts how I’z gonna add some details. I was gonna drill dem out, but I don’t want to use dat idea up to much. Even though any Boy in his right mind goes bonkers ova mufflers all shiny and chrome like, Ummmmmmm da 3 exhaust pipes came out a little swirly. I’m debating if I should take another shot at dem. It does give it some Orky flavor, but Da Big Boss isn’t your average run of da mill Ork, see. I worry about my worky parts if E sees it an doesn’t give it iz stamp of approval. It’s not as gravy as wun would fink being a Big Grot Mek in dis growing Waaagh. It can get hazardious ta wuns well being.


Ere is da ova side. More of da same. Work ta be done. Da mufflers on dis side also need some love. An Iz also finking I may need another pipe (Da Rok may lean ta da Starboard side an dat’s bad fer da shoot-in). Wot da ya fink? Oh I likes how dem Big Shootas pop out of da Prow. Smile umie I’z Gotz some-fing fer ya! (like get-in a big wet lick from yer Squig Hound afta feeding it a Slacka Snot!)


Ahhhhhhh like Da 3 Big Bosses. Da is gonna dominate their piece of da big empty. Fink yer beekies gonna be put-in da stomp on us. Fink again Man-lings. My advise fer 2016 is ta pack yer bags an find another rock ta call ome. Or just stay put and join us fer chow and lotz o fun fings wez got planned! Ok den dat’s me fer now. Thanks fer checking out and sharing in me project.

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 Post subject: Re: Da Squig Pak (BFG)
PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 12:34 am 
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Well, been a bit since I'z been put-in ya in da loop. Ya,gotz some of dat Imperial bitz I'z see....... Good. So me'z guess-in dat we'z can be all a yaking aboutz itz nows! Work as been a heap slower dan normal. Lotz go-in on so me time ta plot, plan and get ta figuring as been creeping along at a squig slugs pace. Furst up is "Squigbeards Teef Getta" Dis ere Freebooter is a shifty Git ta say da least. I gotta give Big Mek Blind dare in Sac Town many a big thanks cause wif out iz elp dis ere project would never ave been wot it is! Ok, ok.......... So ere it iz already.


Ahhhhhh dare it is now! As ya Gitz can see me bitz turned out pretty propra! Well me n Da Boss like dem, so it works fer me! Aving Access to all of dese bitz as sure made building not only easier and less time consuming but fun wif lotz of options (or frustrating cause Iz gotz too many options). I went back an built us up some Torp Decks and I'z got-ta say I'z pretty smiley abouts dem. Ol' Squigbeard em self iz even showing off iz big bitters now! So I'd say Dis job is get-ten close ta being a good-un. I'z hope ya agree, but if ya sees some-fing dat don't sitz right in yer belly please letz me knows.


Dis ere is da ova side. I'z gotz more bitz on it now, but don't ave a current pic fer ya. Guess ya should a brought dem Plasma fings I was ask-in fer. At any rate I fink dis ere build iz taking shape. Oh an fer da record I don't ave da ram-in plate on dis ship fer da picture. It'z over at da ova shak get-in some more ammering!


Iz real found of dis ere Rok. Dis ere shot is early, but da feel is feel-in good. I went from Big Shootas ta a Torp Bay on Da Prow. Why? Guess-in cause I love me Torp bays an dis wun ere looks like a big eye!


Ere is some progression. I'z build-in up a lil Scrap Town and framing in sum Big Shootas.


An a Port shot fer ya, I like wot's hap-in-in, but I'z gots more work ta do. Oh an fer da record, Da Green Stuff binds real nice like to da Styrofoam. It's been nice to work wif. Well in a ammo can dats about me fer dis trip. Comments, criticism and wot not is always a big help. If ya want's more ya should be finking abouts bringing some propa scrap wif ya next time, see!

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 Post subject: Re: Da Squig Pak (BFG)
PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 1:30 pm 
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So much win

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 Post subject: Re: Da Squig Pak (BFG)
PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 8:18 pm 
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Been dancing wif dis ere Rok. Wot started off real good like (even gotz itz name real fast "Da Oggley Eye" (Athough now itz turning into some-fing else an will getz a new name)) ended up give-in me a rough crump-in kind a likes stealing meaty bites out of da camp soup when ya finking no gits a watch-in an den ya's gets coughed up by yer mate, see! At any rate I was a struggling wif dis ere build. Juz couldn't get Da Prow right (seems like dats da story of me life). But afta scraping, sum fit throwing and lotz a name calling it took shape. Now I'z a happy git again! Dats juz da way of fings when yer Mek-ing about.............


Itz only gotz itz exhaust pipes fitted on wun side fer now. I gotz a matching set fer da ova side, day just not in place fer dis ere picture. Dis is more about itz layout an how all dem grubbins iz gonna fit in da end. So itz sloppy rights now, but Iz gonna be fixing it up more propra likes.Gotta fill out da Rok on its sides sum more as it feel a little weedy right now. I wanna good mix between rock and build. Dat way when I'z getz ta throwing paint on it there is nice contrast. Ahhhhhh Shootas, shootas, shootas. Me finking da Big Boss gonna be smiling. Ya see da Big Boss like iz Shootas. I gotz a lot of green stuff work ta be doing, but again I like da feeling ere. Ok den moving on.


Iz gotz ta clean it up. Make it more rocky an add some plates and well get it busy. Dem plastic card squares gonna be all plate like and da angle is a bit off over all, but stuff iz just stuck dare fere now. I stole da helm and hab stacks from another ship, but I finking it feel more betta on dis ere ship. I'z not too sure how much I'z gonna build up around it yet. Again I want a lot of rocks so it feel well likes a Rok still. Gonna be tricky cause I juz ave a hard time not adding grubbins.


Ere is a Starboard shot fer ya. Iz still gotz a bunch of work as I work my way back, gotz ta fill da Rok out more and add some grubbins. Shootas, big plates an wot ave ya. Sorry dese ere pictures are not so good, but I wanted ta give ya some-fing today ta eyeball az I'z real thankful fer ya taking da time ta share in me madness! Any feed back is a heap helpful and hopefully yer working on yer Waagh too as we gonna be getting togethea fer Da Big Party!

Oh, an Big thanks fer da Kind words Jimmy!

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