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Tau Air power, Part 1, Introduction and Fighters

 Post subject: Tau Air power, Part 1, Introduction and Fighters
PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 8:27 am 
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Air power is a bit of a pet subject with me. I like it, I use it, but I worry about it increasing in Epic as I don't think the game is set up to cope with it - reasoning?s here (Air arguement)
Also it?s worth saying at this point that the stats fitting the models guns should not be 100% in the air. Doing so ups the power of the aircraft as literal 40k translations, like for tanks, doesn't seem to be possible whilst keeping the balance with the existing game and fliers..

So, how do the current Tau craft shape up in comparison to the Imperium and Eldar? I say these two as I think the Tau should fall between them in ability. So here?s a little comparison. Now I admit I've only faced Tau twice but both times the air caste was maxed out (though not all on planes) with the two players seeing it as an area of core competence for the list and a strength. Facing them both times was my normal AA mix. 2 Thunderbolts (who never got shot down) and 5 hydra/6 emplaced flak pieces. I did feel though the air (a squadron of each plane in the second game, and 2 fighter squadrons plus a Tigershark squadron in the second) had me outclassed. I have seen them in action several times as well.
So how do the planes look? Well, currently I'd ditch my Imperial gear for the tau in a second because they have some great ground attack stuff. Here?s what informs that decision.

Note all this assumes the Tau suggestions will come into effect (GM range 45cm, TK weapons for bomber etc).

In the fluff the Tau?s mainstay air defender now starting to explore ground attack. Both times I've faced them they chose to explore ground attack ever turn of the game. Indeed the description fails to match the stats with the barracuda coming across on paper and in the game as a great ground attack fighter (I recognize the GM changes and similar are meant to tone down the plane in relation to the tau bombers proper).
Barracuda vs Thunderbolt
3 Tau Barracuda Superiority Fighters 250 points
More expensive than a thunderbolt but cheaper than a nightwing.
The Tau is a small fraction better than the Thunderbolt due to the fact it is a fighter. On ground attacks it can turn tighter potentially dodging flak arcs. The Eldar are far better on the approach, and everyone is equal exiting.
AA ability
Better than a Thunderbolt squadron. 1 activation brings to bear a lot more firepower but that?s a fault of the thunderbolt squadron size. Plane for plane the Tau have a slightly better attack at 15-30cm and within 15cm have a statistically even number but also a chance for a high number of hits. It also has something both Eldar and Imperium fighter planes lack ? defensive flak. Not much help verses elder but a big deal verse Orks and cutting the number of attacks from a cautious Imperial pilot by half.
Eldar have them beat on firepower however. Longer range and lance make the nightwing the most able interceptor to date.
Ground attack ability.
The Barracuda is ahead of the Imperium here. Firepower is matched or exceeded. First off being a fighter means it can turn sharper on ground attack approach moves. The burst cannon have the same AP4+ as stormbolter but can fire 360. The ion cannon is simply a lot better than the multilaser and the seeker missiles have a longer range than the underwing rockets making stand off sniping attacks a lot easier to do (with 45cm you will be outside of most armies flak umbrella as flak is typically in the centre of formations, not at the edge). Ignoring fire arcs and weapon ranges against an infantry target the barracuda can deliver 2 AP4+ shots and one AT5/6+, against armour 1 AT4+, 1 AT5/6+ and 1 AP4+ - the Thunderbolt AP4+, AP5+, AT4+ or AP4+, AT6+, AT4+. Better I think in both mission profiles. I've ignored squadron size here but it is another advantage for the Tau meaning the same number of planes take less attacks reaching the target and get to lay down more firepower once they are there.
Against the Eldar its less clear cut. For hot zones the save is a big advantage. However at 100 points each effectively Eldar air players seem very cautious and attack similar targets to the other races (near suppressed/dead flak). Both are fighters so it comes down to weaponry. A lot of words isn't needed here, the tau have the advantage of range on one weapon, a choice of AP4/AT4 on the ion cannon and a good AP4+ back up shot. The eldar AT4+ and AP4+ is outmatched in number of weapons and overall hit chances.

Overall I have the say the Barracuda does not come over as its background suggests and I do not think it falls between the Imperium/Eldar power range, surpassing the Eldar in the ground attack role. Indeed the plane come across more as a ground attack fighter that doubles as an interceptor than a fighter that is now starting to explore and develop ground attack missions.
Also it could be a fault of the air rules but in the games I've played and the ones I've seen the barracuda has been almost exclusively ground attack. Hammerhead Ion cannon are enough to blastmaker transports and similar and players are going for ground kills instead.

I would suggest making it a fighter bomber (and thereby degrading its ground attack profile), making the seeker missiles 30cm range and the ion cannon AP5+/AT6+, AP6+/AT5+ or even AP6+/AT6+. I think the AA ability is fine but the ground attack capability should be reigned in to match. With the AP6+/AT6+ ion cannon option (call it a light ion or something :) ) the Imperial plane would be slightly better at ground attack and worse at air attack. And since it seems to be far more ground orientated I think this would be fine. The price could also drop to 225 points for three Barracuda.
As a final fighter note how does air superiority in every field translate into a very small price increase over the Thunderbolt?

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 Post subject: Tau Air power, Part 1, Introduction and Fighters
PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 9:35 am 
Brood Brother
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ak, no... changing the Baracuda Air Supiriority Fighter would not be good, it is a fighter their basic pilots can perform manovers that only the most experienced imperial fighter pilot can pull off.

They are fighters first and formost not bombers, a fighter bomber brings the image of a ground attack craft anyway. which is what you want to get  away from.

Fighters are like the lightning, not much weaponry, fast and only really AA
Bombers have cargo holds or massive weapons-they do not chase other planes and drop their cargo from hight onto enemy possitions - a la marauder
Fighter bombers remind me of thunderbolts... racks of rapid fire weapons that mow through an enemy horde.

If you are worried about there ability to do ground attacks... why not change the stats so it is more AA orientated.. and less AT/AP

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 Post subject: Tau Air power, Part 1, Introduction and Fighters
PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 9:52 am 
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All aircraft should have ground attack (CAS) stats, regardless ... We don't play Air2Air rules, only CAS and AAA/ADA/Flak ... ?But do what works for you. ?Bottom line - everything that flys should be able to perform CAS ... ?:;): ?IMO ... :D          BTW, I like the Tau, they are the most hi-tech/modern force in the game !  :laugh:

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 Post subject: Tau Air power, Part 1, Introduction and Fighters
PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 9:58 am 
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Damn, pc crash ate reply. In essence

? Fighter/fighter bomber has no realation to name. Its an in game term. The Barracuda would remain a fighter - just as an interceptor remains an interceptor. However they could be fighter or fighter bombers in the rules sense.

The fighter/fighter bomber bit comes down in the stats section. It refers to how manoverable a craft is making at a ground attack. Fighters are better at ground attack than fighter bombers. Fighters turn 90 degrees n ground attack approach moves, fighter bombers turn only 45. In the air for intercepts they both turn 90 degrees.

The way to show air superiority is through increased save, damage or AA weaponry. Fighter/fighter bomber has no impact.

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 Post subject: Tau Air power, Part 1, Introduction and Fighters
PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 12:00 pm 
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Quote (The_Real_Chris @ 14 2005 July,08:27)
Also it?s worth saying at this point that the stats fitting the models guns should not be 100% in the air. Doing so ups the power of the aircraft as literal 40k translations, like for tanks, doesn't seem to be possible whilst keeping the balance with the existing game and fliers..

Honestly, I am becoming a bit tired of hearing that argument over and over again, simply because it doesn't even apply here.

I agree with this concept, that's why one of the first things I did with the Barracuda was to replace the 'twin missile pods' (40K) with the current interceptor missiles - meaning dropping an AP4+/AT4+ weapon for AA5+ only.

I don't care for 40K stats for aircraft/titans *at all*, there have been several people on the old boards accusing me of this (quite rightly). What I do care about is what the Epic model carries.

It is a good concept to put the Tau between Imp and Eldar, that was the design goal. However, the problem with this is that while the Barracuda is similar in many ways to the T'bolt, the Nightwing is somewhat different to both, in that its greatest strengths lie in its excellent save and range.

So, how much better than the T'bolt is the Barracuda really?

>>AA is equal in total, with the Barracuda being a pip better at range (30cm). One further benefit is that the burst cannons have a 360? fire arc, so the Barracuda has a 6+ AA defence within 15cm. This is really just in for consistency reasons, as all Tau flyers have those all-round burst cannon defences. So all-in-all slightly better, but not a big deal.

(I would also like to dispel the myth here that 'more dice at equal mean value is better, because you can potentially get more hits', as TRC has mentioned it. This is one of those things that may seem to make sense intuitively, but is simply false statistically.
Look, there is the *mean* value (aka average), which means that, calculated over an infinite (or at least very large) number of attempts, this is the score you will get. It is true that whith more dice, you *potentially* have more successes, BUT there is also the increased chance of getting less hits, exactly to the extent to cancel out the bonus you may sometimes get - because the mean value is the same. This very fact means that for any hit you can get more, there must be an equal chance to get less.
The average number of hits is identical, and this is all what counts if you want to consider more than a few select instances.)

>>AT is also equal, with an AT4+ and an AT6+. Some points here: First, what almost all non-Tau players like to ignore is that the GMs are factored as much into infantry cost as into the cost of the carrier; they aren't so much 'free' shots for flyers or tanks, as a recompense for *total* lack of AT attacks on most infantry units. Second, the main source of AT power on the Barracuda is the Ion cannon, meaning that when firing at mixed formations (and the majority of formations includes at least some vehicles and infantry), you lose either AP4+ or AT4+ as you have to decide. With the T'bolt, you always get the AT4+ from the rockets, and can drop the AT6+ from the Multilaser for an AP5+.
The seekers have a 45cm range, but this on itself is pretty meaningless. If you really want to waste a flight of Barracudas for a 45cm standoff attack with just 3xAT6+, go ahead. But apart from using a 250 points air formation for placing a BM, you aren't going far with that.
So AT is pretty equal in total.

>>AP is slightly better with AP4+ at range and 2xAP4+ close up for the Barracuda, while a T'bolt has AP5+ at range and 5+ and 4+ close up. So again, one pip better, this time in both cases.
Even if we assume infantry targets with no save, this is equal to 0.5 more infantry units killed per aircraft per game.

>>Mixed Targets (AP&AT): when attacking formations including either LVs or both infantry and vehicles, which is very common due to transport vehicles, Barracudas are actually inferior by a pip both at range and close up.

So firepower-wise, the case is quite clear if you look at it exactly enough. The Barracuda *is* better, but not by much. Certainly not as much as some people would like to make out.

>>The Eldar: as I said, it is difficult to compare those to both Imperial and Tau craft, as they are a somewhat different concept. Their two big strengths come from their high save and long range, giving them excellent survivability. Their firepower isn't boosted by the same degree, but what one should never forget is that higher survivability often means higher number of shots, as living longer entails shooting back longer.
AA is plain superior than both contestants, AT is about even, depending on how useful 'lance' is against your targets, and AP is weaker than both, at least up close, but equal or even better at range. They can also compare quite well against mixed targets. So Eldar have similar firepower (dependng on targets) than out two contestants, but trump with range and save.

>>Fighter vs. Fighter-Bomber
This decision was made to get across the better manoeuvrability of Barracudas, and it is a small benefit indeed. Actually I don't feel it makes any meaningful difference for avoiding flak, I see its main use in getting back to your own table edge easier after G/As.
I would not change this, unless for very good and convincing reasons.

>>Formation size
Yes, this is the one area where Barracudas (and Nightwings) are clearly better than T'bolts. However, such small formation sizes are not problems in the Tau but should be addressed in the Imp lists. It's not so much a Tau, Eldar or Ork strength as an Imperial weakness - T'bolts should have been 3@200 in the first place...

>>The aircraft hype
Most of this is new army syndrome, really, or rather 'haven't really played that new army but airforce looks damn broken on paper syndrome' (without singling out any particular person with this comment, there have been several posts to this effect already).
With an army lacking any IDF weapons at all, while supposed to be working as a ranged army, other elements have to take up this role. It is true that with Tau, airforce is powerful (but expensive); however, this is not a bug, it's a feature. You just need some weapons to deal with threats like artillery. Actually, one reason why aircraft are not so widespread in other armies (Imp most notably), is that these armies have other units that are more effective at getting their payload to enemies anywhere on the table - artillery springs to mind.

Imagine the following scenario: the rulebook contains the Eldar, SM and ork lists. The IG list is being worked on now.
Comments by players: 'OMG an army full of RA and artillery! That's soo broken!'

>>What is all boils down to
however, is the question whether Tau can gain air superiority too easy, and whether a Tau army with a high proportion of airforce is at an unfair advantage.
The answer to both these questions is, in my experience, no.
And I have played some games with my entire 33% allowance blown on bombers and fighters.
Air superiority, against Orks okay, granted, against others it's more of a contest. To this day,duels between 1 flight of Barracudas and two flights of T'bolts are far from being a foregone conclusion.

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 Post subject: Tau Air power, Part 1, Introduction and Fighters
PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 1:18 pm 
Brood Brother
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Quote (The_Real_Chris @ 14 2005 July,08:27)
Also it could be a fault of the air rules but in the games I've played and the ones I've seen the barracuda has been almost exclusively ground attack. Hammerhead Ion cannon are enough to blastmaker transports and similar and players are going for ground kills instead.

It's the fault of Thunderhawk stats. There's no way anyone can shoot one of them down, so the name of the game is just getting the cheapest "BM-placer" flak. With Tau, that's generally the Ion Cannon HH.

Vulnerable transports, like the Tau Orca, *are* affected by enemy fighters.

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 Post subject: Tau Air power, Part 1, Introduction and Fighters
PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 3:52 pm 

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AA ability - I don't think it's wise to ignore the proposed +1 on AA shots under Interception/CAP orders in the experimental rules.  I feel confident that it will be implemented, and it adds more to the 3xAA Tau aircraft than other interceptors which have no more than 2xAA.

At the very least there should be significant playtesting done both ways to determine the extent of the effect.


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 Post subject: Tau Air power, Part 1, Introduction and Fighters
PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 9:04 pm 
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Neal, we've been using those exp. rules in most of our games, yes. That was the reason why the burst cannon stats have gone down from AA5+ to AA6+ (meaning without bonus a Barracuda doesn't have better AA than a mere T'Bolt, only when range and modifiers are brought in).

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 Post subject: Tau Air power, Part 1, Introduction and Fighters
PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 10:42 pm 

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Okay :)


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 Post subject: Tau Air power, Part 1, Introduction and Fighters
PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 11:47 am 
Strange, I can't seem to post to this thread as The_Real_Chris

Honestly, I am becoming a bit tired of hearing that argument over and over again, simply because it doesn't even apply here.

Sorry Jimmy, I know the barracuda doesn't do this, it was a comment I forgot to put in the air thread and stream of conciousness stuff put it in here.

>>AA is equal in total, (snip). So all-in-all slightly better, but not a big deal.

Indeed, I think the AA is spot on on the fighter. It has the edge on the thunderbolt, is slightly better at interceptions at 15cm+ and has a defense differentiating it from the Eldar.

(I would also like to dispel the myth here that 'more dice at equal mean value is better, because you can potentially get more hits', as TRC has mentioned it. This is one of those things that may seem to make sense intuitively, but is simply false statistically.

True - but it has implications in general for mechanics. Say on the ground sustain fire bonuses and similar come into effect. Likewise a plane with two AT5+ attacks is on average worse off attacking units in cover than a unit with AT3+. For AA as Nealhunt points out it may have an effect (however that effect would need so much testing I hope it is on trial for a year before coming out officially).

>>they aren't so much 'free' shots for flyers or tanks, as a recompense for *total* lack of AT attacks on most infantry units.

Wish my siege masters got that :)

If you really want to waste a flight of Barracudas for a 45cm standoff attack with just 3xAT6+, go ahead. But apart from using a 250 points air formation for placing a BM, you aren't going far with that.

Its a small advantage for extremely hot/dangerous situations. Why do you want to give it to them?

So firepower-wise, the case is quite clear if you look at it exactly enough. The Barracuda *is* better, but not by much. Certainly not as much as some people would like to make out.

I think it has numerous small edges which add up. And I would still be for tipping the AA/Ground balance or altering the background slightly. It seems strange for the Tau not to have used a good G/A fighter before now, even just on mopping up or wild weasel runs.
Oh and I think my seeker views may be coloured by barracudas making markerlight assisted runs at my artillary out of range of my blitzen :)

>>Fighter vs. Fighter-Bomber
This decision was made to get across the better manoeuvrability of Barracudas, and it is a small benefit indeed. Actually I don't feel it makes any meaningful difference for avoiding flak, I see its main use in getting back to your own table edge easier after G/As.
I would not change this, unless for very good and convincing reasons.

Rules check (I assume a lot rules wise and don't thave the pdf's to hand on this telephone modem). I was always under the impression that fighter bomber only came into effect on the approach move. In intercepts and exits it reverts to being a fighter. I'm pretty sure about this. Ironically being a fighter rather than a fighter bomber makes you better at the approach move, not the exit or dogfighting or anything else. To that end fighters with similar weapon loads are better at making ground attacks than fighter bombers.

I take it from your comments you think a fighter bomber exits the table like a bomber as well as enters?

It does make a difference, I was far more daring with my t'bolts until I realised I was on 45 degree turns on approach. Limits my chances to avoid flak and get off my own table edge. And to give the barracuda an edge at an area that is new to them seems to be slightly strange.

>>Formation size
Yes, this is the one area where Barracudas (and Nightwings) are clearly better than T'bolts. However, such small formation sizes are not problems in the Tau but should be addressed in the Imp lists. It's not so much a Tau, Eldar or Ork strength as an Imperial weakness - T'bolts should have been 3@200 in the first place...

As a ground attack plane the thunderbolt is really good if used well. But yes its poor in the air. Te formation size does act as a multiplier to the other Tau advantages, multiplying them (by a factor of three :) ).

Most of this is new army syndrome, really, or rather 'haven't really played that new army but airforce looks damn broken on paper syndrome'
Nothing beats the saim haine 360 degree 45cm range flak yet :)

It is true that with Tau, airforce is powerful (but expensive); however, this is not a bug, it's a feature. You just need some weapons to deal with threats like artillery. Actually, one reason why aircraft are not so widespread in other armies (Imp most notably), is that these armies have other units that are more effective at getting their payload to enemies anywhere on the table - artillery springs to mind.

I think with Orks it is pretty common to see half a dozen planes at least - as they are there doing the projected firepower thing as you note. However I'd echo nealhunts comments about indiviual planes getting more powerful, they require more counter-measures and the current epic lists can't all deliver those counter measures without being rather bland. I've already seen Orks running around with 2 dozen flak wagons to combat eldar air (and that isn't an attractive choice compared to the titans). And other people I know who go to tournaments are loading up with ever more flak. Powerful air (which I am not accusing the barracuda of being mind) then has a problem. How to cost it? If used right you can never take a single shot of flak in the game, do you cost for it being untouchable? (That THK annilator spring to mind.)

Imagine the following scenario: the rulebook contains the Eldar, SM and ork lists. The IG list is being worked on now.
Comments by players: 'OMG an army full of RA and artillery! That's soo broken!'

You kidding, judging by the eldar list last couple of months development the commissars would go from 2d6 to one per formation :) And a special rule for tank assualts would pop up :)

>>What is all boils down to
however, is the question whether Tau can gain air superiority too easy, and whether a Tau army with a high proportion of airforce is at an unfair advantage.

I should note you have to put flak into that equation. Would you have air supierority with 24 flak wagons runing around?
Conversly how does the air force look with the support of the ground flak?

Also verses Orks - should they have air superiority if they were really trying for it? Its what there armegeddon list seems to assert.

 Post subject: Tau Air power, Part 1, Introduction and Fighters
PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 3:35 pm 
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The_Real_ChrisNow I admit I've only faced Tau twice but both times the air caste was maxed out (though not all on planes) with the two players seeing it as an area of core competence for the list and a strength. Facing them both times was my normal AA mix. 2 Thunderbolts (who never got shot down) and 5 hydra/6 emplaced flak pieces. I did feel though the air (a squadron of each plane in the second game, and 2 fighter squadrons plus a Tigershark squadron in the second) had me outclassed.

I am not surprised to see aircrafts be an important component of a Tau army, because these are used to cope with the lack of ranged attacks over 75cm. Our local ork player maxes out on Gargants and fliers too for the same reasons: getting some staying power with WE and some extreme range weapons with flyers.

By the way can you tell us what were the outcomes of these games where you were Flak-heavy for the least?

The_Real_ChrisAlso it?s worth saying at this point that the stats fitting the models guns should not be 100% in the air. Doing so ups the power of the aircraft as literal 40k translations, like for tanks, doesn't seem to be possible whilst keeping the balance with the existing game and fliers..

Actually Tau flyers do lack the missile pods, and the twin-linked railcannon is quite toned down now.

the_real_chrisOverall I have the say the Barracuda does not come over as its background suggests and I do not think it falls between the Imperium/Eldar power range, surpassing the Eldar in the ground attack role.
From what I can recall, the main advantage a Barracuda has over a thunderbolt is its manoeuvrability of pure fighter and better range on some weapons. But not all weapons. So you still need to be within 15cm of the target to fire with all your weapons (30cm to fire all your AT).

And IMO, you are under-estimating the 4+ save of the nightwing that is the main reason for its high cost. Such resilience allows a Nightwing to fly through flak hot-spots if necessary, and to carry-on ground-attack missions whenever it is intercepted or fired at.

the_real_chrisAlso it could be a fault of the air rules but in the games I've played and the ones I've seen the barracuda has been almost exclusively ground attack.
This really depends on the army I face: should I face IG, I would only ever carry ground attacks against supporting formations; Should I face orks, I will certainly go on CAP especially if the opposing player has a Landa. So it really depends.

the_real_chris[...]With the AP6+/AT6+ ion cannon option (call it a light ion or something :) ) the Imperial plane would be slightly better at ground attack and worse at air attack.
From what I understand, you problem with the Barracuda is more design than cost isn't it?

The problem with your change is that Epic:A is a ground-based game. Therefore, having a flyer that would not be any good at attacking ground units points-wise seems a bad idea.

(I'm leaving in holidays soon, so it's likely I would not be able to answer)

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 Post subject: Tau Air power, Part 1, Introduction and Fighters
PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 3:43 pm 
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Agreed ... Epic is a ground based system w/CAS, not vis versa ... I feel the need to stay away from the "F/W IG syndrome" - a dozen different versions of the same model ...  As I have said before, we don't use Air2Air, only CAS & ADA/AAA/Flak ... just my take.  Do what works for you ! :;):  [I'm probably one of the few guys on this site that was trained to call in CAS !]  :D  (Maybe Tas or Mat, too ?) :;):

Legion 4 "Cry Havoc, and let slip the Dogs of War !" ... "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."

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 Post subject: Tau Air power, Part 1, Introduction and Fighters
PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 4:02 pm 
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cas standing for...?

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 Post subject: Tau Air power, Part 1, Introduction and Fighters
PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 4:15 pm 

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Close Air Support


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 Post subject: Tau Air power, Part 1, Introduction and Fighters
PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 9:29 pm 
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Quote (The_Real_Chris @ 14 2005 July,08:27)


Air power is a bit of a pet subject with me. I like it, I use it, but I worry about it increasing in Epic as I don't think the game is set up to cope with it

I have a contrasted view with portions of this topic.

1) E:A is a win/loss game based upon objective control across two of the typical 4 turns.
2) Win/loss is determined by ground units capturing and maintaining objectives. Air units (that cannot land) may only support ground units by design.
3) Air units that due land become immobile targets for a period of time and have their own liabilities from doing so.
4) An army may only have 33% of their forces in Air/spacecraft/Titan points.
5) One must forgo or completely sacrifice spacecraft and titan options in order to have a maximum of 33% of aircraft in their list.
6) Opponents can counter aircraft threat with their own aircraft, or by spending a reasonable amount of points in anti-air flak.
7) A given flak capable unit may fire at more than one enemy formation (assuming range restrictions of course)
8) Flak results are always tallied before aircraft is permitted to fire - so the craft in question must survive its attack run in order to impact the game.

As long as the above remains true, flyers can only have a measured and limited impact on the game. They can never win the game by themselves.

I think the relative "worry" is a bit inflated.

Keep in mind, my statements above are in regard to flyers as a whole and their potential impact on the game. As long as pointed correctly, flyers should never 'dominate' a game of epic:a.

A completely different argument is whether or not a given unit/formation in an army is too 'strong' for its assigned value. 'Strong' meaning a host of definiable unit specific values and measurable metrics/game impacts.

Also it?s worth saying at this point that the stats fitting the models guns should not be 100% in the air. Doing so ups the power of the aircraft as literal 40k translations, like for tanks, doesn't seem to be possible whilst keeping the balance with the existing game and fliers..

The problem I believe TRC is citing is there is a baseline or defacto standard of which other list champions must be mindful in their modus operandi of flyer development. That standard of 'dumbing down' flyer weapon outfits in E:A (from their 40K equivilents) when compared to the ground based units in E:A (from their 40K equivilents) has set the stage for future flyers in E:A.

Although there is a standard for conversions, I don't know that its the right standard. I'm not convinced that a given list champion cannot actually create a weapon for weapon comparison in a flyer that is 'converted' from 40K to E:A. The points must be accurately refelcted in the E:A version of course. Said flyer would also be quite a bit more expensive than a Tbolt as it has a larger compliment of weapons. Thus in doing so, may make this hypothetical new flyer much less appealing to the average player due to cost alone.

The real problem is not the new flyer, but the general impact it will have on the older lists. The 'unjust' treatment of legacy flyers - like the tbolt will generate a wave of requests to revise tbolts and the alike.

The net result would be all flyers cost more as a whole but are more representative of their 40K counterparts. Less flyers would be fielded as a whole due to their cost increase across the board. Is that a bad thing - yeah, probably. It's not really a game imbalancing concern, its more of a mindset and development concern - as long as the flyers are pointed correctly for their impact on the game mind you.

So, how do the current Tau craft shape up in comparison to the Imperium and Eldar?

My experience when looking at the Tau list as a whole vs the IG list as a whole is that Tau flyers have a greater impact on their success/failure than IG flyers. That perspective comes from the fact that Tau have a lessor compliment of ground based vehicles to dish out the damage that IG does. Tau also cannot field the same sized formations of infantry units with comparable effectiveness and points as a whole that the IG can on the ground. Tau air caste is a significant part of their background 1/4 of the caste members are in theory Air caste even. Tau as a result do indeed rely upon the supporting nature of their air superiority fighters and tiger/white shark bombers, mantas and mooray's to compliment the ground forces for successful engagements.

Personally, I think the list works quite well as a whole. It has its challenges to pull off a win and I'm still trying to master various aspects of the list. However, I've played several games with them. In their current version, the air power have not proven to be an overpowering nature of the list or a game breaking dominance. To the contrary, they've proven a flavorful asset to the list and I've yet to pull off any kind of a consistent winning strategy with the list. Frankly, I'd have to say the current flyers (proposed whiteshark variant excluded since I've not tested it yet) the air caste may be justified with a few up ticks here and there if anything.

I have to admit though, if the list were to go to press today as is - I applaud JG's approach to balance while injecting the list with an enjoyable amount of air caste units is very entertaining to field and play against.

In regards to how the list matches up to Eldar and its air support as a whole - well, I've not played enough games against the eldar to know for sure. I only have a few games against Eldar under my belt and the player fielding them was almost as new to the list as I was. I do know the Eldar seemed vicious and their flyers seemed quite a bit more powerful than I had expected, however, the lost one of the three games (vs. Orks) and beat IG twice. So - to early for me to know or comment there.

Now I admit I've only faced Tau twice but both times the air caste was maxed out (though not all on planes) with the two players seeing it as an area of core competence for the list and a strength. Facing them both times was my normal AA mix. 2 Thunderbolts (who never got shot down) and 5 hydra/6 emplaced flak pieces. I did feel though the air (a squadron of each plane in the second game, and 2 fighter squadrons plus a Tigershark squadron in the second) had me outclassed. I have seen them in action several times as well.

I don't see anything out of place here. Tau do rely on their air support to be effective against the might of the IG's ground based potential. Your 'normal' compliment of AA may or may not have been the right choice against them but the fact that you felt out-classed a bit is a good thing. Tau should make the IG feel out classed a bit.

Tau and IG are two of my three main armies. Chaos is the third but chaos is still under significant growing pains and as a result, Tau and IG are my favorite lists. Both are quite balanced and enjoyable to play. Its hard to 'break' both lists.

If anything, in general the IG lack in Imperial navy support IMHO.

So how do the planes look? Well, currently I'd ditch my Imperial gear for the tau in a second because they have some great ground attack stuff. Here?s what informs that decision.

LOL, and I'd be willing to bet that more than one Tau player would trade you for a kroot formation for your roughriders. I'm sure there would be those that would give you a scorpion for your a deathstrike missle formation or two... the list goes on... point is sure the IG want the tau fliers, they are better!

From a list as a whole though, there are reasons why. I think you can compare one list's units vs. another, but you have to be mindful of the entire list as a whole and how the list works as a whole. Tau air caste are IMHO part of the core of the Tau E:A list. I personally like it that way and find that it works quite well to balance itself.

Does this mean the unsuspecting IG player could get blind sided if he didn't take enough flak and/or air power to protect himself - sure it does! But I've played against Ork lists that you could say the same thing about. I really don't see it as a problem at all after playing dozens of games with both lists.

As a final fighter note how does air superiority in every field translate into a very small price increase over the Thunderbolt?

It's rare that I don't see a tank co in an IG list. In fact, it's a newb or a kid that can't afford the tank co that doesn't field it. The Tau don't have this same option. We have hammerheads as our closest comparison... but they are no comparison.

It's rare that I don't see ogryns in IG infantry formations. Roughriders are a pretty common staple. The vultures are hardly ever left at home too.

Point is - the IG rely on certain units to be effective, but those units by themselves do not win the game.

Tau don't have the same units that the IG do. There is NO h-t-h element in the tau list that compares to an ogryn or roughrider. There is no tank 10 strong + three upgrades equivilent in the Tau E:A army... Yeah... they do have something the IG don't though, it's air power. So what..? It's a trade off... surprisingly enough, the lists play VERY well against each other.

I would encourage you to try more than 2 against the Tau, I would also encourage you to field them. They are not the easiest list to manage and win with against the gambit of opponents that are out there. They are quite enjoyable to play with - and against.

I'm the first one to admit that the Tbolt stinks in the IG list and the Maurader is overpriced for its payload considering the rest of the list. I think the ball was dropped on the IG flyers.

That is no reason to say that the Tau flyers are to over powered. There are several elements in the IG list that the Tau do not benefit from. As a result, Tau have more skimmers and get better flyers than IG... OK. List diversity is a good thing.

In the end, I really don't see the Tau list as even close to overpowered. Nor do I see their amount of flyers by any way 'imbalanced' in our game results.

Until you really realize how quickly tau infantry units fold under pressure and in combat, you cannot fully appreciate the necessity of the aircraft in the list. Tau should fold in combat.

Tau should also make an Imperial loyalist envious of his technological might and air superiority.

I'd have to say - mission accomplished thus far from your post.

Hats off to JG in keeping the list balanced in doing so too. ;)


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