The rules for participating are below, if you have questions please post them here.
DatesAll of these are subject to change (and likely will).
- Entry Submission Ends - 2359 UT, January 3, 2021
- Voting - 1200 UT, Januray 10, 2021 (or whenever I have a chance to post)
- End of Voting - one week later
CategoriesFor the purposes of these categories, Epic models include models from any 6mm sci-fi manufacturer, 6mm conversions or 3D printed models.
- Best Single Model - Any single Epic vehicle, aircraft or stand of troops.
- Best War Engine - Any single Epic war engine (titan, super-heavy tank/aircraft, etc.).
- Best Formation - Eight or more Epic war engines, vehicles, aircraft or stands of troops (Epic war engines count as three each towards this count).
- Best Battleforce - Three or more formations as described in the Best Formation category (24 units, effectively).
- Open - A diorama or terrain piece
- Adeptus Titanicus - Any model(s) from the Adeptus Titanicus line
- Aeronautica Imperialis - Any model(s) from the Aeronautica Imperialis line
EnteringYou do not have to be a member of these boards to enter (you do to vote however). Just e-mail your entry to
epicompetitions [at] gmail [dot] com.
Please include the following:
- Your name, and TacComm member name if applicable
- A 1600x1200px image of your entry in .jpg format
- The title for the image
Entries should be models that you've completed
during the past year and not previously entered in an EpiComp competition. Entries already posted here or elsewhere on the internet can still be entered.
VotingVoting will take place on these boards, so you'll have to be a member here in order to vote. I'll break down each category into heats and the winners of each heat will go onto the final for a second round of voting.