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NetEA Sautekh Legion (Newcrons) 1.1 [Developmental]

 Post subject: NetEA Sautekh Legion (Newcrons) 1.1 [Developmental]
PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 6:38 pm 
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Hello All,

The idea of the list is to properly represent 5th edition Necrons, reduce aggravation for opponents and create a fun competitive list that will advance towards Approved status.

Changes are outlined additions in blue. Some places have text with a line over it to indicate removed.

List changes from version 0.4:
- Arcanthrites removed.
- Changed the Monolith formation layout allowing for units of 4 monoliths with combined Obelisks
- Pricing changed in several places to adjust for stats changes
- Portals realigned with Approved list (with the exception that formations cannot go back into reserves using portals).
- FAQ Section updated includes clarification on Night Scythes portals and formations gaining BMs using broken portals.

Stat changes:
- Reduced stats and points for ghost Arks to make them a more desirable choice.
- Reduced stats for Doomsday Arks (Flayer array changed to match Ghost Arks)
- MW replaced with IC on Bombers.
- Transport note on Night Scythes removed, note updated
- MW added to Vault to better reflect fluff, BP reduced from 4 to 3, points increased.
- Inspiring added to C'tan shard.

Updated the Armyforge list to include the changes in 0.5 just may take a little bit before Adam/Kyuss have time to upload it.
Sautekh Legion v0.5.pdf [372.35 KiB]
Downloaded 2263 times

List status being upgraded to [Developmental]. I've had a chance to test out all the formations at least a few times and am pleased with the structure. There will likely be some small changes still to come to stats and points but nothing major.

Changes from V0.5
Sentry Pylons - Simplified to only be one type, Gauss Exterminator versions with reduced range and abilities.
Abattoir - Infiltrator added (back), points increased to 700. Listed separately from Aeonic Orb.
Warrior formations - Separated into Ghost Ark Phalanx and Warrior Phalanx with adjusted upgrades.
Indicium Maniple - Structure updated to include any 5 Annihilations/Doomsday/Obleisks.
File comment: (updated 8/30/2015)
Sautekh Legion v1.0.pdf [352.15 KiB]
Downloaded 1681 times

Changes from V1.0
1. Change to portal function on night scythes. No longer land to deploy portal but portal assigned when activating.
2. Removed Disrupt from the Night Shroud bombers
3. Point increase on the harvester spaceship to 325pts
4. 25 points drop on Deathmarks and addition of AT6+ on the weapon.
5. Annihilation barge FF changed to 3+.
Sautekh Legion v1.1.pdf [257.47 KiB]
Downloaded 2492 times

Necron AC (click to see current Necron list threads)
Toronto Wargaming Group

Last edited by atension on Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:06 am, edited 3 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Sautekh Legion (Newcrons) 0.5 [Experimental]
PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 1:46 am 
Brood Brother
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I will be playing this list, and subsequent changes in our Los Angeles league starting in February. Any chance we could get this as a pdf formatted list like the other armies?

Thanks for keeping on with development!

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Sautekh Legion (Newcrons) 0.5 [Experimental]
PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 2:05 am 
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Oops, Yes I uploaded the wrong one. Fixed.

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Sautekh Legion (Newcrons) 0.5 [Experimental]
PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 8:05 pm 
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Armyforge updated with version 0.5. Enjoy! Thanks Adam and Kyuss!

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Sautekh Legion (Newcrons) 0.5 [Experimental]
PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:47 pm 
Brood Brother
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Great to see the list uploaded.

Just some small things I saw that you might want to change.

Portal (one formation) is not needed any more, since you're moving back towards using the rules in raiders. The basic portal rules already says that only one formation can use them. Only Portal is now needed.

I would probably reword the note on the night scythes. It's not clear what you intend. In what way are they treated as WE when landed? Do they block line of sight for instance?
I think what you intend is that they may land like WE transport aircraft. Or something else? The reference towards WE is not needed though. There's no prerequisite to be a WE to land. A unit only needs to be a tranport aircraft to land.

You could perhaps write something like. A formation of Night scythes may land in the same manner as a tranport aircraft. The portal of a night scythe may only be used ones the aircraft is landed. A night scythe may not however fire it's weapon ones landed or initiate an engagement.
This is just an example and trust you as a native english speaker can come up with something better. :)

I tried to limit portals to only one per aircraft formation (to represent that they have a kind of a light version of portals in 40k). In your current note they have one portal each. Is this intended? It's a considerable boost to have more than one per formation and should increase the price of the formation.

Perhaps being a bit of a nit pick :P , but...

you need to add the word "each" after both lines about upgrades to the monolith formation. As it's now you can interpret the text to mean that you get 2 extra monoliths for just 75 pts or three obelisks for 50 pts.

The line AND (15cm) small arms
can be removed from the two Arks. It's not needed for a weapon that actually has a shooting attack.

cheers! :D

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Sautekh Legion (Newcrons) 0.5 [Experimental]
PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 11:57 pm 
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Borka wrote:
Great to see the list uploaded.

I would probably reword the note on the night scythes. It's not clear what you intend. In what way are they treated as WE when landed? Do they block line of sight for instance?
I think what you intend is that they may land like WE transport aircraft. Or something else? The reference towards WE is not needed though. There's no prerequisite to be a WE to land. A unit only needs to be a tranport aircraft to land.

You could perhaps write something like. A formation of Night scythes may land in the same manner as a tranport aircraft. The portal of a night scythe may only be used ones the aircraft is landed. A night scythe may not however fire it's weapon ones landed or initiate an engagement.
This is just an example and trust you as a native english speaker can come up with something better. :)

I tried to limit portals to only one per aircraft formation (to represent that they have a kind of a light version of portals in 40k). In your current note they have one portal each. Is this intended? It's a considerable boost to have more than one per formation and should increase the price of the formation.

How I intend them to work:
-Act as a separate unit in terms of activations and engagements.
-Not able to fire at range when landing with the intention of using their portal, but still able to function as support in an engagement.
-When landed be treated as AV units in terms of being fired upon.
-When the unit has BM = to the number of scythes then have them considered as broken for portal use.

I suppose having 2 portals on the formation would make them quite formidable. So I agree that we should keep it to the formation having the equivalent of one portal whether there is one or two of them.

Borka wrote:
Perhaps being a bit of a nit pick :P , but...

you need to add the word "each" after both lines about upgrades to the monolith formation. As it's now you can interpret the text to mean that you get 2 extra monoliths for just 75 pts or three obelisks for 50 pts.

The line AND (15cm) small arms
can be removed from the two Arks. It's not needed for a weapon that actually has a shooting attack.

Both fixed, the "each" was on the original version just missed transferring it. The "small arms" was just to left to show the change.

Necron AC (click to see current Necron list threads)
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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Sautekh Legion (Newcrons) 0.5 [Experimental]
PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:44 pm 
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Played a game over the weekend and tried to see if I could exploit the list. Came up with this:

Incompertus, 3000 POINTS
Necron Sautekh Legion (0.5)
6 Sautekh Warrior unit, Necron Overlord
Necron Lord, 6 Sautekh Warrior unit
Necron Lord, 6 Sautekh Warrior unit
Necron Lord, 6 Sautekh Warrior unit
2 Night Scythes
2 Night Scythes
2 Monolith
2 Monolith
2 Monolith
2 Monolith
6 Flayed Ones units
6 Flayed Ones units
PYLON [200]
PYLON [200]
Necron Lord, 6 Immortal units

Played well against Codex Marines, didn't have the time to make a full battle report but it made for an interesting game. A little annoying for my opponent mind you.

My idea was to have a massive amount of moderately useful activations (15 in this case) play really defensive until he was out of activations which happened quickly as he wasn't prepared this tactic. He managed to kill off one of my monolith units and a pylon first turn but I managed to hide the rest so only one other monolith unit was broken and it was able to activate before being broken. I was left with 6 activations after he was all used up and then brought in my fliers to dump my immortals and warriors where ever I liked (with a bit of AA fire) and assault. It worked well the first turn but subsequently started becoming more and more difficult to really pull off as my activation count turn two was only 12 then 10 on turn 3. I ended up winning 2:1 by crowding all my remaining units on objectives with the help of the fliers in turn 3 and marshaling a fair amount.

This strategies effectiveness looks to heavily depend on the opponents army composition.

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Sautekh Legion (Newcrons) 0.5 [Experimental]
PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 11:31 am 
Brood Brother
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As a Popcorn list, you need to start at roughly a 3:2 advantage in activations (15:10 in your case), but then you need to be able to whittle down his activations at the same rate as you lose yours. While it is tempting to go after his 'big' stuff, that is often harder to destroy and in the case of marines it is also harder to break. If you can, you need to pick off smaller formations while keeping your distance from, or masking, the bigger stuff.

However, if the smaller army keeps relatively bunched up to prevent the Popcorn army from picking off stragglers then the result is likely to be drawish as in your game. This is because the speed of the smaller army is much reduced by bunching up, while the Popcorn army also loses its advantage in formations and mobility.

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Sautekh Legion (Newcrons) 0.5 [Experimental]
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 11:38 pm 
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After a bit of play testing I have been thinking about adding the "2x" AP5+/AT6+ back to the ghost arks as its more fitting with the fluff (5th edition codex) and I want the unit to have a more viable shooting option. I want to keep the cost of the unit equivalent to the cost of a tactical squad.

Looking for some thoughts on a unit that has:
6 warriors
3 Ghost Arks
3 Annihilation barges
cost = 425pts.

For shooting it would have 12x AP5+/AT6+, 6x AP5+, 6x AP4+/AT5+ at 15 cm. Since it is so short range, most often you would be looking at a double move & fire (move +fire = 65cm)
Statistically your looking at 5xAP hits or 2 AT hits for a double move & fire.

I guess comparing this point wise to a tactical unit with 2 vindicators and 2 razorbacks:
that's 12 units also at 425pts.
For shooting it would have a considerably farther reach as the marines have 45cm range and the vinds/razors 30cm not to mention rhinos move farther.
Double move & fire would mean 6x AP5+/AT6+, 2x AP4+ OR 2x AT4+, 2xAP3+/AT4+
= 3xAP hits or 2xAT hits.

In Combat it would depend on the situation if the marines could get in CC range of the necrons. Considering all situations the marines seem have a slight combat advantage mainly due to their armour save.

I think I can reasonably add back the extra shot and make the ghost arks a desirable choice for close range shooting while keeping the points the same.

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Sautekh Legion (Newcrons) 0.5 [Experimental]
PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:56 pm 
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Hit a bit of a lull in games recently. Hoping to pick it up shortly as it gets a little warmer out. Curse you abnormally cold winter (even for Canada).

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Sautekh Legion (Newcrons) 0.5 [Experimental]
PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 1:26 am 
Brood Brother
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Ok, played this newer list 0.5 twice and have some basic rules questions, being new to necrons in general.

1) If I have a unit of 3 monoliths with the portal ability does that mean that I can bring in 3 different formations, one from each portal per turn?

2) The basic sautekh warriors have a 5+ save whereas the normal Necron list has them at 4+...is this because the newer unit is 25 points less? This is the only list that has them with a 5+ save that I can tell

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Sautekh Legion (Newcrons) 0.5 [Experimental]
PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 1:58 am 
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Volrath wrote:
Ok, played this newer list 0.5 twice and have some basic rules questions, being new to necrons in general.

1) If I have a unit of 3 monoliths with the portal ability does that mean that I can bring in 3 different formations, one from each portal per turn?

2) The basic sautekh warriors have a 5+ save whereas the normal Necron list has them at 4+...is this because the newer unit is 25 points less? This is the only list that has them with a 5+ save that I can tell

You are correct on the first point. Each monolith has its own portal so yes 3 different units can portal each once through a unit that has three monoliths each turn. But don't forget that broken broken portal rule. Which applies if the formation hat has the portal is broken when the portal is being used.

As for the armour they were reduced to 5+ when this list was in version 0.1. This was for a number of reasons the main one being that with the higher armour value the units were incredibly resilient for the points especially with the regeneration rule. We wanted warriors to fit more with the fluff and allow people to take larger units of warriors but to make them balanced the armour had to go down and subsequently the small points decrease as well. We left the option for more robust troops with the immortals.

We eliminated the phase out also as everyone who played against the original list generally found it incredibly annoying. Also as the Necron player the Phase out rule would get you into pure chance situations where if things didn't rally you'd lose no matter how sound your strategy.

This list certainly needs some more tweeking and Battle reports are encouraged. Any ideas/criticisms are welcome as we push for approval.

Right now I'm working on making the list more than a one trick pony than the original list was. The Sautekh has some good ranged options and some good fliers which the original is lacking. Borka and I have tried really hard to make it fun to play both with and against and still be competitive. Having played extensively using the original list and now working on the new one, its nice not to get the sighs and eye rolling from my opponents any more when I pull them from my bag.

Necron AC (click to see current Necron list threads)
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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Sautekh Legion (Newcrons) 0.5 [Experimental]
PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 9:03 pm 
Brood Brother
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Ok, appreciate the replies. Having not read any of the old tactics with Crons I'm coming into learning them with a clean slate...and the frustrations with learning about exactly how to finesse their tactics. I will try and provide some feedback when I'm a few games and and a little more accustomed to the playstyle. thanks

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Sautekh Legion (Newcrons) 0.5 [Experimental]
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 2:02 am 
Brood Brother
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"Additionally formations may leave through an unsued portal when moving and renter through another portal on the board as part of the same movement, both portals count as having being used that turn. Necron Portals can only be used by Armored Vehicles with
the walker ability, Infantry, or Light Vehicles. Portals may not be used to go back into reserves"

Could I enter through an unused portal and come out of a portal already used that turn? I understand it says both portals count as being used after. But the first sentence implies that only the portal you go into has to be unused...or am i reading too much into that?

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Sautekh Legion (Newcrons) 0.5 [Experimental]
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 3:05 am 
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Volrath wrote:
"Additionally formations may leave through an unsued portal when moving and renter through another portal on the board as part of the same movement, both portals count as having being used that turn. Necron Portals can only be used by Armored Vehicles with
the walker ability, Infantry, or Light Vehicles. Portals may not be used to go back into reserves"

Could I enter through an unused portal and come out of a portal already used that turn? I understand it says both portals count as being used after. But the first sentence implies that only the portal you go into has to be unused...or am i reading too much into that?

Portals both being entered and exited from cannot have been previously used that turn. I'll amend the wording to make it more clear, thanks for catching that.

How have your games been going?

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