I've got a couple sculptors ready to go, I've got a caster lined up, nd I've got a rough idea of the sort of mecha I want to produce. But I'd like thoughts and comments. The intent is to have a new range of mecha models in 2 types, there are Multi-Role Fighters (MRF's) which are transformable units like LAM's and Veritechs from Robotech. The second style are Combat Armors which are just your standard giant robot, all the mecha will use a ball and socket joint system like GW and all the parts will use the same size fitting. The intent is to allow people to buy the mechs they want to build the way they want. I hoping to launch a Kickstarter to get everything payed for in the near future.
My question though is, what sort of parts do you want to see, go a head and drop reference pics, I'll take a look and use parts I think will work well as stretch goals. Also, what do you need to see before your money would go into the kickstarter, just pics of the sculptors previous works, or would I need pictures of the sculpts I am intending to sell?
Finally, here is a picture of the first MRF fighter, I found this art, contacted the artist, and he agreed to let me use it for producing and selling of a miniature.

Right now I am looking at a roughly $4k Goal at about $10 per figure (MRF is three figures), what do you guys think?