Micromunda Wasn't Built In A Day...
...but the first stage is done anyway
I thought I'd share some more pictures with you so you can see/guess at, the materials before I blackbomb the lot.
First up the initial set of buildings and walkways

I also decided to spice up the buildings with some electrical wiring and some airfans.

These pilons are for when one walkway just isn't long enough.
I may end up putting some more greeblies on them as they are a bit plain looking atm. then again maybe not... we'll see.

Next some of the more industrial looking bits.
A large storage tank/tower

which can split into two smaller ones

and as I was taking the pictures it suddenly occured to me that if you put the ring back on it could also function as a landing pad for "Get to da choppa" scenarios.

a small storage tank, probably for some kind of strange bio-agent or something

A water recycling plant

and last but not least a few more generic pieces

Now, if the weather holds, I should be able to prime these during the weekend and if all goes well get some paint on them by the end of next week.
I will also begin texturing one of the place mats/boards with magnetic paint to look like a concrete floor and start looking into ways to weather the other place mat into a less shiny/ slightly rusty version of itself. (any and all tips how to go about doing this are more than welcome)