Evil and Chaos wrote:
PFE200 wrote:
Cool, a scenario based on the story, that's awesome.
YES! I really want to try and capture the drama of the fluff you've wrote. Just got to get the various components in the right combos to max entertainment.
PFE I noted you didn't leverage any of the free landas that were swarming out of the cruisers skimming the atmosphere. Intentional or oversight (or were you playing that you suffered a crushing defeat in the previous space battle?).
Suggestions for v.Next
-DEF need to reign int he location of the Laser silos. Suggestions (other than we simply point out where on the map)? Perhaps something like a random quadrant? Not sure if table orientation the long way is best in this scenario. Refight?
-I think this should play like Gears of War horde mode in a way. I am thinking the ork player should actually get progressively more points of reinforcements per turn. T1 500 points, T2 650, T3 900, etc? Also note that you get 500 points from your "infinite reserves" on the start as well. I think that would have significantly changed your opening moves in T1.
-Should the Orks have orbital bombardments on the table plotted and scatter?
He's a lawyer and a super-villian. That's like having a shark with a bazooka!
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