Unfortunately, we had three guys drop out this year so only had 6 players for the fifth annual Shieldbash Invitational Tournament (ShiT). Much muppet glory was still achieved, however, and many a wallop were administered.

Ben takes my Vidaar out for a spin.

My newly painted Nhilde trolls perpare to wallop.

Troll down!

Matt took Karl's Kuld again.

He faced off against Karl with his Ki-Kak.

Eric took Karl's Elvorix

Forward to glory, Hank!

Meanwhile, the Vidaar game is getting rather bloody.

Chris's shrimp charges into the Snegil!

The Elvorix close on the Jaarl.

In game 2 my Nhilde took on Chris's Jaarl.

Forward, to glory!

Karl and Ben face off.

Matt and Eric bash Karl's armies against each other.

Racing time!

Ya mule! Ya! Ya!

The trojan rabbit.

Taking the first turn.

The race is rather tight.

My chariot is soon shot to pieces and my dreams of the Triple Crown are dashed.

Karl's Ki-Kak fight it out with Mondo Gecko.