Ten of us gathered for some games of Epic Armageddon hosted by Kal down at Fall In! 2024. Many a 6mm soldier sold their lives dearly all in the name of a good time.

Liddic's Imperial Fists make ready for battle.

They oppose Ben's Iyanden.

The lords of the dead come out punching.

My Hellhounds advance on Cameron's Steel Legion.

Shawn's Minoris roll out.

Paul's Knights rush to meet them.

Business in the front, Bill's Steam Gargants in the back.

Karl's NeuvoMarines prepare for the onslaught.

Darius's Reaver means business.

Conor's Necrons teleport in.

Liddic's scouts make life difficult for Ben's Nightspinners.

Bill's Orkeosaurus on the move.

Da boyz!

The Reaver stands its ground.

Shawn's AdMech battle line.

Cameron's Steel Legion roll up on my Minervans.

Imperial Fist Devastators hold an objective.

No more Baneblade!

Carpooling to the local watering hole.

Dropping the kids off at school.

Shawn's Chimedons advance.

My Shadowswords make use of the sparse cover on the desert table.

Conqueror's go hulldown to take on the Minoris.

Corner deployment meant a long haul to get to the battle.

Robots hold an oil field.

Ben's Eldar having a barbaque.

Darius's and Liddic's Marines face off.