Tactical Command

PDF vs. Daemonic /Cultist (Slaanesh)
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Author:  Warhead [ Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:33 pm ]
Post subject:  PDF vs. Daemonic /Cultist (Slaanesh)

On the left flank James uses his cavalry to try to protect his Shadowsword SHT from the lurking Subjugator close by.

The Subjugator in the defilade at the razorwire charges over the hill and through the defences with impunity. It strides over the wire and emplacements while twenty Rifle Squads, five Heavy Weapon Sections and the Shadowsword all try to bring it down. (To Hit Mod Total: -3 To Hit. Snap Firing/Aura of Slaanesh/Agile Scout Titan on Charge orders) The few shots that do strike it are deflected off the armour as the Subjugator continues on and engages one of the Hydra platforms on the valley ridge.

Two more Subjugators move into the vacated defilade waiting their own turn to attack.
The only trouble on the left for the Chaos Horde is the damaged Titan failing to move. It remains in place savouring the pain. (sick! sick! sick!  :( )

Author:  Warhead [ Fri Jan 23, 2009 4:35 pm ]
Post subject:  PDF vs. Daemonic /Cultist (Slaanesh)

The Daemonic Alter of Slaanesh again howls a torrent of sound waves at the Imperial lines. This time the Fiends stay out the way. The wave cracks the earth where it rushes towards the Imperials. The defenders watch dumbfounded as the wave passes over them. Three units of cavalry rupture in burst of flying bone and blood from the intense sounds.

The Imperials call for air support and the first Magog swoops down on a bombing run on the Knights. Straight into the teeth of two packs waiting for just such an attack it weaves and dodges wildly in an effort to complete it's run. However, before it can release it's deadly cargo of Napalm it takes a hit from one of the targets that rips through the hapless aircrafts fuselage.

Most of the Slaanesh First Fire is given over to Air Defence as they wait for the last raiding Magog to appear. It's not long before the last Magog thunders through the valley pass making directly for the damaged Subjugator. It too faces a cross fire of Thermal Cannon, Psi Pulse and Missile Launcher fire but it manages to evade the deadly lances of energy long enough to drop it's cargo. One of the Knights shatters in secondary explosions as the roaring Napalm cooks it. However, the pilots joy is short lived as the detachment of Veteran Chaos Marines shoot it from the skies.

Even the Robots on the left flank fail to cause any damage to the two Subjugators gathered in the defilade.

Author:  Warhead [ Fri Jan 23, 2009 4:45 pm ]
Post subject:  PDF vs. Daemonic /Cultist (Slaanesh)

Despite some desperate attempts to shoot the charging Titans all fail to breach their armour. Even the Regimental Baneblade fails to hit them. The Glamour of Slaanesh proving too strong.

The close combat phase begins with the Subjugator Titans engaging their Titan Point Defence against the attacking Cavalry. Five units of cavalry are blasted apart before they can even strike a blow.

The Sanctioned Psyker (as seen in the picture) checks the rule book.

The Subjugators have no trouble eviscerating the remaining cavalry and riflemen. The Psyker is the first to die. In the aftermath all three Subjugators screech in pleasure at the slaughter they have wrought.

The Scout Titan on the Left Flank easily survives the First Fire of all of the Hydras and goes on to crushing one of them with it's huge claws. (I like claws, me)

Author:  Warhead [ Fri Jan 23, 2009 4:59 pm ]
Post subject:  PDF vs. Daemonic /Cultist (Slaanesh)

The Advance Fire phase begins with many of the Slaanesh war engines out of range of any living targets. With a whooshing roar the Imperial Salamanders bathe the screaming Subjugators in a wall of fire. However despite two Titans taking hits they both shrug of the effects of the flames and turn their lusting gaze to the impudent enemy vehicles.

No other firing of note takes place and the turn closes without incident. The beginning of the End Phase sees more Chaos forces arriving...

After the Close Combat phase James and I had realised just how powerful the Titans would be in this scenario. It did not look good for a force with very few heavy units.
(Thought: I think that any unit in Close Combat should be allowed to benefit from an extra D6 per attacker after the first. The Titan Point defence is enough and the ability to use any unit to overwhelm bigger units should be allowed IMO.)

Again the Imperials gain another 5VP that adds to their running total but this time they had managed to break a pack of Knights which would earn double points.

Finally the damage to the Subjugators head is fixed. Yay! Now for some payback for being the prefered target for all those turns.

Chaos: 15      Imperials: 23


Author:  Warhead [ Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:29 am ]
Post subject:  PDF vs. Daemonic /Cultist (Slaanesh)

(Additional Errant Thoughts: Should Flame Template weapons still have a -1 to their To Hit when they Snap Fire. Also should they need to scatter on location tables. Being an area effect the whole location is saturated so should you need to scatter?.. even if it is just for game mechanics.)


James curses his luck as he loses initiative again. The first to move is a Subjugator in the ruins as I try to shift my Titans over onto the Left Flank. James takes the opportunity to rush a Human Bomb at a Subjugators feet.

It survives even though it took a hit to the foot causing a 4+ save. Scorched about the legs the Subjugator follows it's pack mate and displaces to the trees on the left flank. Another crazed Human Bomb makes a suicidal dash at the feet of the last Subjugator in range. The explosion rocks it slightly but it turns and follows it's mates unharmed. (I think Human Bombs should be an automatic hit to the main targetand and 6BP for other units under the template. Not 6BP to hit all... due to the fact it's in effect a guided missile.)

The Daemonic Alter of Slaanesh scuttles across the open ground and into the trees trying to get closer to it's prey. (I had a plan, I hoped it was a good one). James charged his cavalry over the top and straight into the Alter. (The Alter is described as a Superheavy Daemonic Engine but I would rather give it a location template and call it a Scout Titan at the very least. Ah, well...)

...too many photo's later and meanwhile back at the ranch...

James tries again to protect his Shadowsword with the remains of the cavalry troop but the Subjugator behind the Imperial lines makes a dash for the Rifle Company HQ and one of the Thudd Gun crews. The surviving Hydra platforms, the Regimental Baneblade and two full rifle platoons all snap fire at the charging Titan but again fail to make any hits count. with a -3 to hit I was not surprised... Relieved but not surprised.

Two more Subjugators use the defilade as a staging point for their charge into the Imperial lines. The Shadowsword, a rifle platoon and a heavy platoon all try to snap fire the Titans but again with the same poor results. As they charge in the newly fixed Subjugator takes their place awaiting next turn to seek it's revenge.

The Chaos Forces seem to avoid getting too close to the Alter and none come to it's aid against the Cavalry that surrounds it. Very odd... The Rhino APC's stay in the shelter of the trees with their troops still embarked. The focus of troops quickly changes flank as packs of Slaanesh Beast Riders and Daemon Knights as one, like a darting shoal of fish or flock of birds switch their direction to the left.

Author:  Madollin [ Sat Jan 24, 2009 5:09 pm ]
Post subject:  PDF vs. Daemonic /Cultist (Slaanesh)

Excellent report, lovely terain too. That temple was how much at the local pet shop?



Author:  Warhead [ Sat Jan 24, 2009 5:49 pm ]
Post subject:  PDF vs. Daemonic /Cultist (Slaanesh)

Thanks very much Mandolin. The temple was less than £5 while the bigger one was under £8 but about twice the size. Wish I had gotten it... must take a wee drive out there again. It was a garden centre weirdly enough but I bet pet shops do them too.

Author:  Warhead [ Sat Jan 24, 2009 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  PDF vs. Daemonic /Cultist (Slaanesh)

The Daemonic Alter of Slaanesh unleashes rippling waves of pure destruction that tares apart every living creature within 18cm. This is just short by mere millimetres from any of the Chaos units that had been holding back. Phew! The waves shred through all ten cavalry units and their mounted Commissar and go on to destroying a Salamander and the last two riflemen and the sniper in the temple. All in one activation. James and I look at each other and I can see he's none to happy. Understandably, but to his credit he continues with the fight.

The airstrikes start arriving. A squadron of Thunderbolts head straight for the Alter. The squadron leaders wingman is caught in a deadly hail of heat beams from the Hell Knights thermal lances and explodes without hope of survival. The squadron leader fires everything at the Alter inflicting three hits and one fails to save. One Chaos Card is relinquished for the failed save.

A Subjugator fails miserably in it's attempt to pick off one of the surviving Salamanders and James gets to bring in another air attack. Another squadron makes an attack run on the Alter. The pilots skim over the battlefield at full thrust in an attempt to defeat the waiting guns of the Knights and Veteran Chaos Marines. However, this time the Chaos Forces try to give them more attention and the Hydras with the aid of another pack of Hell Knights manage to take down two of the flyers in gouts of smoke and flame. Only the squadron leader survives and slashes in towards the Alter strafing it with bursts from his wing and nose cannons while his rockets steak in to the hideously beautiful construct. This time only two hits are caused but one again fails to save. Another Chaos Card is discarded...

I decide to leave the remaining units on First Fire for air defence since the next air attack will be the Marauder Bombers. Soon after I decline to fire they appear on the horizon...
Seeing that their way to the Alter is still heavily guarded with units on First Fire and after watching three of their comrades die in the attempt they switch targets from the Alter to the Subjugator that had just recovered from a head shot. There are no Chaos units near enough to attempt to shoot the Marauders down as the roar into the attack. Battle Cannon and turret guns blazing they pass overhead of the mighty Titan and release their Melta Bombs. Both explode across the Titan as the Marauder pilots fight with their controls to gain altitude to clear the fast approaching valley wall.

"It's a hit! It's a hit!" yells one of the gunners...

"Negative... negative... it just impacted on the surface..." The tail gunner watches grimly as the flames recede leaving the Titan intact and unscathed. The Marauders turn and head for base. Ashamed they used a Star Wars quote so poorly...

Author:  Warhead [ Sat Jan 24, 2009 7:12 pm ]
Post subject:  PDF vs. Daemonic /Cultist (Slaanesh)

The remainder of the First Fire phase for the Imperials proves no better and no further hits are caused. The Close Combat phase sees all three Subjugators easily win against their opponents and that brings us onto the Advance Fire Phase.

One of the Questor Scout Titans behind the Alter of Slaanesh fires on the two remaining Salamanders in the trees by the ruin. Both are blasted apart by the Titans rapid firing Tormentor Cannon and explode before they can target their flamers on the Alter. Shortly after this the turn ends as with little change.

The end Phase reveals the next Chaos reinforcements to arrive...

(Mr Pinchy's wife, Elixir has arrived... and she brought the kiddies)

What remains of the PDF Cavalry manage to make their Morale roll even with the help of their mounted priest. The flyers also make their morale saves too.

Chaos: 30        Imperials: 28

EDIT: Forgot to add a few kills to the score.


Author:  Legion 4 [ Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:01 am ]
Post subject:  PDF vs. Daemonic /Cultist (Slaanesh)

Hmmm ... taking the kids out for fast food ... PDFs !! :oh:

Author:  Legion 4 [ Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:04 am ]
Post subject:  PDF vs. Daemonic /Cultist (Slaanesh)

Quote: (Warhead @ 23 Jan. 2009, 03:13 )

Thanks L4. I took your advice/idea for the CAS glad you approved. The temple is from a garden centre of all places. It's for an aquarium of all things and they come in a bigger size. I've been toying with getting another.  :devil:

CAS is a Good Thing ! :ace:   Oh, yes, I've seen stuff like that temple at the pet stores !  Nice !  :agree:

Author:  zap123 [ Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:30 am ]
Post subject:  PDF vs. Daemonic /Cultist (Slaanesh)

This is an excellent report of what must have been a gruelling but fantastic game!

A Subjugator fails miserably in it's attempt to pick off one of the surviving Salamanders and James gets to bring in another air attack. Another squadron makes an attack run on the Alter. The pilots skim over the battlefield at full thrust in an attempt to defeat the waiting guns of the Knights and Veteran Chaos Marines. However, this time the Chaos Forces try to give them more attention and the Hydras with the aid of another pack of Hell Knights manage to take down two of the flyers in gouts of smoke and flame.

Bit harsh on the poor PDF player giving Chaos all their goodies and Imperial Hydras too!

Author:  Warhead [ Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:49 am ]
Post subject:  PDF vs. Daemonic /Cultist (Slaanesh)

Chaos Cultist Hydras... and to admit lameness, I actually thought the flyers would be nigh unstoppable and worried that I needed Flak cover. My bad. The fekers only hit one aircraft anyway and it saved. The Hell Knights were very effective with the rules I used. Big oversight, needs fixing somewhere. I think James' use of the flyers at low altitude cost him dearly for little gain. The -25cm would have made things much harder but he admitted afterwards that he hadn't bothered to think it through.

To be honest the PDF army choice compared with the Chaos Knights and Scout Titans in such quantity is way too much. A lighter number of attackers or a heavier defending force would have made a  far better game... maybe Imperial Knights and stuff, even a Warlord would have helped. You live and learn. James ended up with a rough deal on this game which was unfortunately my fault. Still, he knew it would be a rough game with little hope of survival. That wasn't his goal. His goal was to defend the valley pass for as long as he could and damage as much as he could before being overrun. As far as those objectives go the Scenario went according to plan... but yes, I admit I would not like to subject too many games like this on any player.

Author:  Warhead [ Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:57 am ]
Post subject:  PDF vs. Daemonic /Cultist (Slaanesh)

Just a few table shots I never got to post as I had to go out and meet some friends but I didn't forget about you's either...

Posted On: 25 Jan. 2009, 00:01 Legion 4
Hmmm ... taking the kids out for fast food ... PDFs !!

I don't think it's food that wets the appetites that they have L4. Better not to think about it... :tongue:

Have had a few drinks while out and have now gone to bed be back posting soon!   ???

All the very best! :))

Author:  Legion 4 [ Sun Jan 25, 2009 5:31 am ]
Post subject:  PDF vs. Daemonic /Cultist (Slaanesh)

Yeah ... Dey B some Freeks !!  :devil:  :sus:  :sus:  :sus:  :_(

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