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Vassal Development Thread

 Post subject: Vassal Development Thread
PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 3:13 pm 
Brood Brother
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Ummm it's probably time to enlist the general populace here with an informational thread about work items and news related to any hypothetical vassal EA module. Of course we're fully respectful of an IP issues and in no way distribute such a thing. In unrelated news, I like people and they can PM as I like meeting new ones. ;)

(note: all content was developed with Vassal 3.2.17, other versions have not been tested)
SUN JAVA IS RECOMMENDED (https://java.com/en/)

(Always check against your local copies)
Current Files:
Vassal Module:1.5.4
Ad Mech:2.1.2 REQUIRES 1.5.4+
Agents of the Imperium:0.3
Chaos:1.2.5 REQUIRES 1.5.4+
Dark Eldar:1.0.2 REQUIRES 1.5.4+
Imperial Guard:1.1.1
Imperial Navy:1.0.3
Ork:1.0.3 REQUIRES 1.5.4+
Space Marine:1.6.04
Tau 1.0


Small Chaos, Navy, and Guard revision
-Updated Chaos Hellblade
-Updated Macharius tanks
-Added Destroyer bomber

Agents of the Imperium 0.3 is out
-Custodes grav tanks, new infantry and dreds, and the Orion
-GK Arvus lighter added

Ad Mech 2.1.2b Ext is out
-Skorpius Dunerider and Skorpius Disintegrator Vehicles added
-Alternate Mars pattern titans added
-Dunescrawlers added

Module 1.5.4 is out
-Internal definition of WE and Shield management stats being separated. Not all WE have shields and not all shield units are WE
-AdMech, Chaos, Orks, DE updated to work with new prototypes

Ad Mech 2.1.0 Ext is out
-Karacnos, Macrocarid, and Triaros Heavy Assault Vehicles added

Ork Ext 1.0.2 is out
-Heavy Bomber added

Necrons Ext 1.1.0 is out
-Numerous newCron units added

Module 1.5.3 is out
-Maintenance release removing orphaned Ork elements that are part of the Ork extension now


Imperial Navy Ext 1.0.2 is out

Imperial Guard Ext 1.1.0 is out
-Crassus (Generic)
-Gorgon (Generic)
-All Malcador types (Generic)

Space Marine Ext 1.6.04 is out
-Spartan SHT
-Astraeus SHT (BA only)
-Fellblade SHT (BA only)

Chaos Ext 1.2.3 is out
-Decimator Walker
-Greater Bras Scorp
-Kytan engine
-Lord of Battles
-Relic Spartan
-Plaugeburster Crawler
-Blight drone

Ad Mech Ext 2.0.1 is out
-Added Acheron, Atopos, and Porphylion knights

Ad Mech Ext 2.0.0 is out
-Contains color schemes for 6 distinct houses
-Each house has knight units for Armiger, Errant, Crusader, Gallant, Paladin, Warden, Castellan, Valiant, Lancer, and Castigator knights

Space Marine Ext 1.6.03 is out
-Imperial Fist infantry comes with Dev and Assault Centurions (I'm not intending to add them to all chapters)

Module 1.5.2 is out
-We've optimized many of the terrain PNG files in the module seeing a significant drop in file size and memory usage. Roughly 10MB difference on the Epic vmod file itself. No changes have been made to the faction extensions with this release. (Much thanks to Apoc for his image wizardry)

Module 1.5.1 is out
-Provides a stop-gap implementation of a scatter die roll until something more effective and slick can be worked out

Imperial Navy 1.0.1 and Necron 1.0 have had a setting change to allow loading under any EA module

Module 1.5 is out
-Tau extraction complete.

Module 1.49 is out
-reduced core module size by 20%
-numerous internal metadata corrections
-Necron extension extraction complete

Module 1.48 is on track for completion in the next two weeks.
-Revamped Coherency tool from 1.4x
-HUGE asset cleanup completed (doesn't have visible effect but really makes development much smoother)
-New maps from Apoc

Eldar Module 1.3.2 Extension
-Corrected duplicated aspect character entries on menu. strange one
-Additional asset cleanup and PNG optimizations
-Reoganization Completed (duplicated identical aspects and character units in each craftworld are gone-easier to maintain with one set on the top level)

Dark Eldar Module 1.0 Extension completed (all thanks to Geep's efforts to get us all the updated items)
-Venoms and wracks added
-Flyer assets updated to current GW designs
-Numerous ontological cleanups from legacy content

Space Marine Module Extension 1.6
-Now has Thunderfires and Landing Craft assets for all chapters completed
-Change weapon command now cycles through all versions of Land Speeders and Predators, including with characters thus removing numerous redundant unit variants.

Ad Mech Module Extension 1.1
-Now contains Skitarii, Dunstalkers, Dragoons, Dominus, Electo priest, robts, and several versions of that breacher/destroyer servitor things from GW.

Chaos Module Extension 1.2.2
-EC termies and raptors added (character overloads as well)
-EC vehicle assets added
-TSons vehicle assets added
-Mauler/Forgefiends added
-Deathwheel added (thanks Nolo!)

Current Work Items:
-Eldar SHT asset clean up. Drop shadow-less versions of the assets are needed to be created.
-Review all flyers for appropriate landing/flying cycling and apply drop shadow/shadowless assets.
-Condense Scout and Scout sniper (with character overloads) into single unit with Change Weapon command to cycle through them. QA module for any mistakes.
-Create Phantom Titan assets for various Craftworlds
-Finish work on Imperial Agents extension (Grey knights, Custodes, Death Watch, and inquisitorial agents)
-Expand Imperial Navy extension to have Destroyers and Arvus Lander units
-Finish Chaos cultist units
--troops and aspiring champion and Enforcer characters
--Minotaur Arty
--Valdor tank hunter
--Malcador (all variants)
-Ork Module extension extract
-Necron Module extension extract
-Newcron units
-TSon terminators
-Tau Module extension extract
-Chaos Demon Warengines
--Khorne stuff
-Create missing demons
--beast of nurgle
--tzeench flyer thing
--evil salad chopping monsters
--poop fly monster
--bigger angry land arachnid
-Finish Guard Units

He's a lawyer and a super-villian. That's like having a shark with a bazooka!

-Penal Legion-Fan list
-Help me make Whitescars not suck!

Last edited by jimmyzimms on Tue Oct 08, 2019 3:45 pm, edited 42 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Vassal Development Thread
PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 5:40 pm 
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just waiting for the queue of people who will use the white scar thunderfires now

AFK with real life, still checking PMs

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 Post subject: Re: Vassal Development Thread
PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 5:54 pm 
Brood Brother
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meh siege marines by any other name. best to have non specialist equipment in each of the chapters present to the greatest level possible.

You do realize that you're now going to have your next game be against White IF, yeah? ;)

I've got some way fancier flyers and those Aspect Flyers (can't remember name) as well. Should I add them?

He's a lawyer and a super-villian. That's like having a shark with a bazooka!

-Penal Legion-Fan list
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 Post subject: Re: Vassal Development Thread
PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 6:00 pm 
Brood Brother
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You're on the hook for those evil machines. FIND ME EVIL SALAD CHOPPIGN MONSTERS SO I CAN TEST RC!! :D

He's a lawyer and a super-villian. That's like having a shark with a bazooka!

-Penal Legion-Fan list
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 Post subject: Re: Vassal Development Thread
PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 7:04 pm 
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you have mail. with a 3KB attachment.

might be worth chrunching all the images in vassal at some point. in % terms they are waaaaay bigger than they need to be. Like the SM lander, default sprite is 200KB – it'd fit in 17KB with no effort or quality loss, then maybe 10KB with attention to what you were doing and a v small loss.

AFK with real life, still checking PMs

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 Post subject: Re: Vassal Development Thread
PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 7:11 pm 
Brood Brother
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yeah that's a GREAT idea. Part of the reason I spent so much effort this cycle on the internal asset standards. Names and content was all over the place from H.

A terrified Steel Legion artillery crew looks on while they are flanked by evil salad chopping monsters.
Capture.PNG [ 713.33 KiB | Viewed 26049 times ]

He's a lawyer and a super-villian. That's like having a shark with a bazooka!

-Penal Legion-Fan list
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 Post subject: Re: Vassal Development Thread
PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 7:37 pm 
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huh that looks way too small …

AFK with real life, still checking PMs

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 Post subject: Re: Vassal Development Thread
PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 1:50 pm 
Brood Brother
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I've been gathering a heap of spaceship models, and working on a 'prototype' suitable for spaceships (nothing too fancy). Images were taken from Vassal BFG, though I increased the size by 1.5x (as the size is irrelevant for them, and they looked too tiny). The prototype idea is simple- allow a text box into which coordinates can be typed, allow 1/5/10 movement and only 90 degree turns (so measuring "40 up, 86 across" or similar is very easy and accurate) and have a 15cm rangefinder for drop zones. Another idea was to allow toggling between the ship sprite and a large blast marker. If a ship has multiple drops, blasts, etc. just copy the ship as many times as needed to accurately place all the required markers.

Would you like the images or anything else of the above?

Talking about the clean up, is there any reason for many of the weird random images? I've come across at least two photos of 'Mars' and one labelled 'Tau'- they may be the basis for maps but don't look familiar? No doubt there's other oddities hiding too- I know I made a mistake in naming the Necron vehicle sprites so there may be a few of them loose in the copy I put out (Once I had finished the spaceships I was going to put out a cleaned update too).

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 Post subject: Re: Vassal Development Thread
PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 6:10 pm 
Brood Brother
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I can't answer anything specific without an asset name but I know that Matt's branch had some nasa based images stuck in his vmod so that's likely what you're referring to I suspect. Not sure what's up with them. They're nice though. Apoc's been thinking of redoing his "premade maps" aka vsav files with them.

There's a ton of legacy issues with sprites and cruft in the vmod. When we started to break things down into extensions for each faction we've been cleaning up each so the internal naming to be consistent. Apoc plans on running a script against all of the png to shrink them down and other graphic design "stuff" that he knows about that's a mystery to me. He says "it makes it better". ;D

I'd really love to get ahold of any assets you want to sling our way. Especially nice ideas for those spaceships! Might just be easier to give you access to the source control system (you can interface with it via a browser so no SW required). That way you can just upload crap as you see fit.

Also looks like we're on track for an RC for 1.48 on mid week. Baring any major glitches we'll label it and move onto the next revision (Orks extension is up next but I'm happy to take any input on faction)

He's a lawyer and a super-villian. That's like having a shark with a bazooka!

-Penal Legion-Fan list
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 Post subject: Re: Vassal Development Thread
PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 6:18 pm 
Brood Brother
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FYI to assist in making it clear what branch of this work is what since Matt and AU started a branch off an earlier version that we branched off ourselves from Chroma's work we're planning on altering our file names and splash screens. From here on we'll refer to the zenith source as 'Epic Vassal Redux' as to assist in identifying it from the nadir sourced one.

In a perfect universe we'd see everyone merge back up as a best of breed of content integration in the future (aka 2.0). Hey Shadowlord! Come form up like Voltron, mate! :D

He's a lawyer and a super-villian. That's like having a shark with a bazooka!

-Penal Legion-Fan list
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 Post subject: Re: Vassal Development Thread
PostPosted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 3:06 pm 
Brood Brother
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I was hoping to have Agents of the Imperium extension done as part of this release but I'm out of time before extensive travel and then a move to new property I've just bought so I'm going to call it as a Release Candidate and would be good to know that some tests were done by someone not me for simple stupid mistakes/bugs. Obviously there's no public download link because IP matters. One additional change made was to use the same display location for DC and Shields that Matt's branch (changed from our menu item approach in the last few releases) to make it easier for people to switch between versions.

He's a lawyer and a super-villian. That's like having a shark with a bazooka!

-Penal Legion-Fan list
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 Post subject: Re: Vassal Development Thread
PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2017 2:19 pm 
Brood Brother
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Updates: Agents of the Imperium extension is in a good place for release but i need assets for a dreadknight model that doesn't suck. If anyone's got some image manipulation skills and wants to provide it, it's awesome to have.

Also might be nice to add in a a sprite for a Deathwheel and a Greater Brass Scorp for the Chaos one while we're at it. What are people's thoughts on the awesome model from Nolo perhaps?

Also got notice that the source control we're leveraging at this time is going to be shutting down at the end of the year so this means we're pretty much in need of moving. Not a huge fan of sourceforge nor github for this particular type of work but might be for the best. Anyone have any preferences for the move?

He's a lawyer and a super-villian. That's like having a shark with a bazooka!

-Penal Legion-Fan list
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 Post subject: Re: Vassal Development Thread
PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 1:38 pm 
Brood Brother
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Kindly supplied from the most excellent national cheese emporium! Thanks Nolo!!!
wheel.png [ 18.92 KiB | Viewed 25707 times ]

He's a lawyer and a super-villian. That's like having a shark with a bazooka!

-Penal Legion-Fan list
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 Post subject: Re: Vassal Development Thread
PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 10:19 am 
Brood Brother
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Nice Deathwheel. Is there no Brass Scorpion in v40k able to be re-scaled?

What do you mean about the source control shutting down? Is that just where you host the module for sharing, because I've never even seen the 'normal' source.

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 Post subject: Re: Vassal Development Thread
PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 3:34 pm 
Brood Brother
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It's currently grafted onto a Codeplex TFS instance but I'll need to move it prior to them shutting down. GIT isn't really the right tool but I'll probably move it on over regardless. All the individual assets are tracked and managed in there (plus the built archives).

edit: unless I missed it there's no GBS in the 40k vmod. We'll need to do up something ourselves.

He's a lawyer and a super-villian. That's like having a shark with a bazooka!

-Penal Legion-Fan list
-Help me make Whitescars not suck!

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