Tactical Command

My 1st test battle for new 2017 Dark Eldar against AMTL
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Author:  Deb [ Sat Feb 11, 2017 8:39 am ]
Post subject:  My 1st test battle for new 2017 Dark Eldar against AMTL

Sorry there are no pictures. Some of the miniatures were not painted particularly 2 Reaver Titans. I am waiting on my painting/ repair box to paint them and a few (about 50) Battletech mechs I am painting for a mate of mine.

I also had to use Paint as I have not downloaded any battle report tools from this site yet. Here is my report. It is cut and pasted from a word document which has JPG pictures embedded into it.

Here are the 2 lists used. Firstly the AMTL force:

900 Points – Reaver Titan – Volcano Cannon, Lasblaster, Plasma Destructor, Carapace Multi Lasers, Sacred Icon, Legate [BTS]
800 Points – Reaver Titan – Quake Cannon x 2, Carapace Landing Pad, Carapace Multi Lasers
550 points – Pair of Warhound titans, Princeps, Vulcan Mega Bolter + Turbo Laser Destructor, 1 x Plasma Cannon + Vulcan Mega Cannon
275 points – Warhound titan, Turbo Laser Destructor, Inferno Gun
150 points – 4 Crusader Robots
150 points – 4 Crusader Robots
150 Points – 2 Thunderbolt Fighters.

Then the Dark Eldar force used:

50 Points – Portable Warithgate
350 Points – Archon, 6 Incubi, 2 Raiders, 2 Venoms
225 Points – 4 Ravagers
225 Points – 4 Ravagers
250 Points – Succubus, 6 Reavers
250 Points – Succubus, 6 Reavers
250 Points – Vessel of Pain
250 Points – Vessel of Pain
225 Points – 4 Talos
500 Points – Tormentor Titan [BTS]
200 Points – 2 Razorwings
200 Points – 2 Razorwings

Now I look at the list, I realise that I forgot to use the Talos from the Wraithgate, I left them in the carry case. They could have made a difference in destroying the BTS Reaver titan. Oh well, next time.

The map used for the battle. Green is woods, Light blue/Grey is ruins, grey is buildings, brown is hills, the black lines are roads.


Dark Eldar had higher strategy rating so elected to set up 1st. AMTL set up 2 robot formations on Garrison covering the 2 objectives the DE had placed. Each took it in turn to set up, and DE won the strategy roll. The map is a little out of scale, as I used paint to create the picture. Forces after deployment.


Turn 1 saw the Dark Eldar first move up the Coterie who dragged the Reavers along to assault the Robots sitting in the Oil refinery near the middle of the table left side. The Reavers lost 2 bikes to overwatch, the robots lost 2 robots in the engagement, but the DE won the engagement. Keeping the reavers nearby, and withdrawing the coterie back to where it began. The robots withdrew to cover – moving towards the center along the oil refinery.

The Reaver with Quake cannons shot at the ravagers on the far right behind the hill, killing 2 and breaking them. DE put a razorwing sqadron on cap. The AMTL put their air cover on CAP. DE moved the Tormentor titan to behind the Mesa Hill left of the center of the table. The warhound pair moved along the road and sniped at the Tormentor between buildings removing a shield. The VOP on the right flank moved behind the woods on the tight flank. The BTS reaver titan on the road fired at the second ravage causing a blast marker and missing with its volcano cannon.

The Ravagers double moved forward and 3 shot at the war hound pair dropping shields. The second reaver bikes engage moved and with the ravagers assaulted/FF the reavers killing 1 breaking them, and losing 2 reavers and a ravager. They won the assault, but the ravagers broke, and withdrew back towards their Blitz (Military camp near hill on right flank). Broken Reaver jetbikes fell back towards their own table edge center table, near buildings for protect.on.

AMTL moved the second robot maniple up and shot at the reavers killing 2, causing them to break, and they moved back well behind to the refinery. DE activated the second razorwing squadron, and killed off the last 2 robots in the broken maniple. The AMTL cap shot at them causing a BM. The second VOP moved up and sniped at the BTS reaver, removing 2 shields and giving a BM. The single warhound triple moved up and positioned itself behind the Mesa hill near the crossroads.

End of turn 1, the reavers Titans all passed their morale, as did the as did the Reaver Jetbikes. Only 1 of the Ravagers formatoins passed morale, even after a command re-roll failed. The Warhound titan pass its test.


Turn 2, Tie roll, so AMTL get to go first as they lost previous round.

Quake cannon Reaver advances and fires at both ravager squadrons sitting in cover near military base. Broken ravage squadron loses its last ravager from BM, while the second squadron breaks after losing a unit.

The VOP near the titan moves behind ruins and shoots the robot maniple killing 1. DE retain, and engage with the reavers near robots. They win combat and last robot runs towards cover of refinery., reavers lose only 1 unit, and reform behind city ruins to support VOP. Remaining warhound Titan (from the paired titans) moves up and shoots the VOP, destroying it in 1 round of shooting with its Turbo Laser Destructor and Vulcan Mega Bolter (which removed its shields). It was criticalled and blew up with only 1 DC lost.

Tormentor Titan engaged the warhound titan that killed off the VOP, and destroyed it in Close combat with its Tormentor Blades. Withdrawing to cover the objective near the ruins. AMTL double moved up lone Warhound and stripped a lot of shields from the Tormentor titan. They retained, and the BTS reaver triple moved towards the centre between 2 objectives (to hold both of them).

The Remaining VOP double moved and shot at Quake cannon Reaver removing 2 shields (good rolling). Retaining, they moved in second razorwing to shoot at the Quake reaver, but lost 1 to AA fire. Razorwing removed it last shield. AMTL activated their Thunderbolts and finished off the last Ravager formation.

Incubi triple moved to deny the objectives to Reaver titan. Reaver Jetbikes repositioned to hold both the Blitz and help hold another objective if needed.

End turn 2 Aircraft safetly leave table. Tormentor and both reavers pass morale test removing BM. Remaining imperial titans remove BM and BTS titan regains all shields, while Quake Reaver gets only 2 back.

ImageSorry should be 4 reavers at top left of picture not 3.

Turn 3 DE win the roll and activate the Reavers Jetbike gang on right to engage the BTS Reaver Titan and draw in the Incubi as well. The BTS titan loses engage action with 3 DC left, and the Reavers and Incubi lose 3 units. Reaver JB withdraw broken back to their Blitz. Reaver Titan moves back behind hill still within 15cm of objectives. Quake cannon titans marshals regaining all shields and removing all but 1 BM and shoots at the Coterie killing off a Venom (not quite enough to break them).

AMTL retain moves the last warhound up to kill off the reaver Jetbikes near ruins, killing one and nearly breaking them. DE activates the Tormentor and it engages the warhound killing it due to a lucky crit (it still had 1 DC left). DE retain and put Razorwing duo on CAP. AMTL use thunderbolts to attack Reavers, but CAP and Titan AA kill off one and the other misses the reavers. DE VOP shoots at Quake Reaver Titan removes a shield and moves closer to Blitz.


End of turn 3 all aircraft leave with no further losses. All titans remove BM and Imperials regain shields. Both Reavers pass morale and remove BM. Coterie removes all BM.

Turn 4 the Dark Eldar win the strategy roll and activate the coterie who engage the BTS Titan. They win the engagement, but only just. They lose all their remaining infantry including the supreme commander. The titan is left with 1DC, is broken and withdraws further away (other side of hill and onto the DE side of table in hope of denying TSNP to DE). The Dark Eldar move the Coterie so they cover both the Blitz and one objective

The Quake cannon titan moves to try and deny the DE the Blitz and shoots the remaining VOP and removes its shields causing 1 DC, but no crits. In return it shoots and removes 3 shields from the Reaver. AMTL bring in their air cover to shoot at the Reavers on the Blitz causing a BM only.
DE move the tormentor to a position between the objectives in the enemy half and snipe at the BTS reaver removing shields only (it is fearless so no extra damage). DE retain and triple move the reavers on the left to hold the Blitz.

Enemy have no more activations, so the DE activate the last Reaver gang to better hold the Blitz. They then risk AA and pound the Quake Reaver removing shields, and more DC from it. It breaks, but still has enough DC left to be a threat.


End of turn 4 both Imperial titans pass morale test, so no BTS and thankfully they can not hold their own Blitz as I broke the Quake Reaver as well that turn Unfortunately the ATMTL had enough sense to keep the BTS reaver within the DE half. Dark Eldar remove BM from Coterie, and from Reavers.

Final count is DE have Blitz, Hold the line, Take and Hold. AMTL have nothing.

Losses for each side. DE lost 2 whole ravage Flotillas, 2/3rds of each of their Reaver gangs, all but 3 transports from the Coterie, 1 Vessel of pain, ½ a Razorwing squadron. AMTL lost both of the Robot maniples, the Warhound pair, and the lone warhound, and 1/2 the thunderbolt squadron.

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