Tactical Command

FAQ update
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Author:  D_Arquebus [ Fri Nov 29, 2019 2:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FAQ update

See I don't feel that is an FAQ, but rather a house rule or an errata.

As by the rules:

You cannot 'pass' on an activation (1.6.1)
You must move to get back into a legal formation if you are not when you activate, and thus cannot use the Overwatch activation at all (1.6.1)
You must either charge the enemy or leave the ZOC if you find yourself in an enemy ZOC at the beginning of your activation (1.7.3)


1.10 "Note that this
means that a unit can go into overwatch on one turn, and not
shoot until the following turn. Shooting in the following turn
counts as your action for that turn, and will stop the formation
taking an action later on. If the formation does not shoot in the
following turn then it may take an action instead of shooting."

There is nothing there about removing the Requireent to either use the existing Overwatch or Activate for another action in the following turn.

Author:  Kyrt [ Fri Nov 29, 2019 3:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FAQ update

Ginger wrote:
Neal has already ruled on this in the 2012 FAQ;

Section 1.10: Overwatch

Q: Can a unit remain on Overwatch into a following turn?
A: If the Formation hasn't fired by the end of the turn, then they can remain on Overwatch into the following turn.

Note, in order to achieve this the formation effectively ‘passes’ its activation, but may only do that after all other formations have activated. This process was then articulated by the E-UK.

That's pretty tenuous. It just says that if you put them on overwatch and don't use it then they are still on overwatch at the start of the next turn, rather than cancelling it. It doesn't mention that it can span a further turn, it's easy to argue it is answering the much simpler question of "does overwatch only last until the end of the turn?", i.e. for formations that already activated, not ones that haven't activated. Or, to put another way, the FAQ still makes perfect sense even if you have to activate the formation every turn. If so they still would have to activate in the next turn, it's just until they do they are on overwatch.

Not that I am against playing with passing allowed, so long as people agree, but very curious how this came to be given it contradicts the rules. If it is all a misinterpretation of an FAQ that would be amusing.

Author:  Ginger [ Fri Nov 29, 2019 10:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FAQ update

As I recall, there was a discussion over whether the formation needed to activate each turn. The answer was “no”, it didn’t need to activate to remain on OW, but would need to activate if it needed to do something different during the following turn.

However it seems that the E-UK committee agreed with you about the wording, hence their revised text.

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