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Firestorm's painting diary: The Big Paint (tm) :D

 Post subject: Firestorm's painting diary: The Big Paint (tm) :D
PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 5:45 pm 
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Okay, this week I've painted:

- 1 + 1/2 Fire Storm Marine (I'll get some pics up next week!)
- 4 Stands of Epic Guardsmen.

Just to show what else I've got to work on, here's a couple of pics - firstly the veterans from two of my Tactical Squads and One of my Assault Squads, and another of my Assault Squads (the words 'bog-standard' spring to mind! :D).

Lightning Claws are an important feature in the 'fluff' of my Chapter, as they are awarded to all Veterans who have successfully trained in the use of Terminator Armour (which are rare and valuable as my Chapter is quite a young Chapter).



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 Post subject: Firestorm's painting diary: The Big Paint (tm) :D
PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 8:40 pm 
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THe powered armor marines with lightning claws look very cool! :)



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 Post subject: Firestorm's painting diary: The Big Paint (tm) :D
PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 3:30 pm 
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Okay, I was hoping to post some pics of my painted Marines by the end of this week, but unfortunately the pics I took from my cheapo digital camera were too bad to post! ?:( ?But I hope to get some up by the end of next week (fingers crossed! ?:;):)

On the positive side I've been quite productive this week, I've painted 2 + 1/2 Marines - which means there's just one left of my 'monthly target' squad - and 4 stands of Epic Guardsmen. ?Which means I'm on target for my monthly paint! ?:D

Now, I just have to resist my urges to make some Fire Storm Marine themed objective pieces... ?:p

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 Post subject: Firestorm's painting diary: The Big Paint (tm) :D
PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 3:06 pm 
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Okay, it's been a few days but I'm back with a BIG update.  I only had one night free this week to paint, but I managed to meet my targets and I'm pleased to say I've finished my first Fire Storm Marine squad, and the first half of the Epic Guardsmen Detatchment! :D

The marines are *almost* finished, they just need varnishing and flocking on the bases.  I'm considering doing some 'writing' on the shoulder pads and parchment, but I'd like to get some fine pens to do that so I don't mess it up!

I had a bit of a Homer Simpson-esque 'd'oh' moment today however, when I looked at the remaining Units & chimeras I have to paint to complete the Epic Guard detatchment, and realised that I was a chimera short - Ogryns take up TWO spaces in a Chimera!  :o0  So now I regret using that 'spare' one (or so I thought at the time) to make an objective piece... D'oh!  :blush:

Anyway, here are the pics:

Enjoy!  :cool:

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 Post subject: Firestorm's painting diary: The Big Paint (tm) :D
PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 3:11 pm 
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...and to prove I'm not going to sit back and rest on my laurels, here's the next squad I'm painting up, along with the remaining 10 infantry units (6 Guardsmen, 2 Snipers, 2 Ogryns) from the Epic Guard Detatchment I've started - an 8 man Devestator squad.  My aim is to have these all done by mid-December, when my Term Ends.  Why the longer time-scale than normal?  Because I'm away for reading week during November, so that gives me less than a normal month to get my quota in.

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 Post subject: Firestorm's painting diary: The Big Paint (tm) :D
PostPosted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 10:26 am 
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Well, I'm afraid the Big Paint ™ hasn't been very BIG this week! ???

The only nights I was able to spend painting were tuesday and thursday (monday I was travelling back from a weekend away, Wednesday I went to the Mass Lobby of Parliament for Trade Justice and didn't get back till after mid-night).

In that short time the sum of my achievements has been to paint:
- the bases on 8 Epic Guard units - this is surprisingly time consuming!
- Black-undercoat touch-ups on the Marine Devestator squad (no matter how well you spray them, there's always gaps!)
- and, erm, one Hydra turret on the Epic Inquisition Drop Fortress :O

Not a very productive week painting wise, and next week will be less so as I'm away for reading week.  I may make one or two new minis then - but don't panic, they'll all be for my Fire Storm Marine army! :laugh:

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 Post subject: Firestorm's painting diary: The Big Paint (tm) :D
PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 1:03 pm 
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Well, I've been busy this week, even if I've not done a lot of painting!  I've been on reading week, staying at my girlfriends, where all my unmade & unpainted minis are.  The only bit of painting I did was a correction on the first Fire Storm Tactical Squad I did - over at the Bolter & Chainsword forum it was pointed out that Space Marines have their Chapter symbol on their LEFT shoulder, whereas I'd painted it on the RIGHT...  ???  I was going to leave it, but discovered that all my old Fire Storm Marines have their Chapter Symbol the correct way...  :blush:  so I went back and corrected my new ones!  I'm glad I didn't find this out after painting nearly the entire army.

Other than that, I've been making quite a bit of stuff:

- A Chaplain conversion:

- Some more marines, a Space Wolf for my Death Watch Kill Team, and a replacement Veteran for one of my Fire Storm Assault Squads (I'd originally made one with a Power Fist, which Idecided is not in keeping with the fluff for my Chapter) - pretty bog standard, really, nowt exciting:

- An Imperator Titan conversion (more pics in the Epic Modelling section):

- and finally, I started work on an objective for my Fire Storm army, which is going to be an Apothecary kneeling down to retrieve gne-seed from a badly mauled Marine.  I've made the dying Marine, but I'm going to be naughty and break my new minis amnesty  :oops: and get a Marine Command Squad set for the Kneeling Marine Legs to make the Apothecary.  I'll post pics when I've made the Apothecary.

Enjoy!  :cool:

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 Post subject: Firestorm's painting diary: The Big Paint (tm) :D
PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 3:27 pm 
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...and here's the Objective. ?I popped in to town over lunch to get the Marine Commander Box-set, and when I got home discovered that it didn't have the sprue with the kneeling Marine legs I needed! :angry: ?Fortunately I had a pair of kneeling marine legs I'd converted previously but had been intending to use in my next Fire Storm army (a Boarding company).

As ever, enjoy! :cool:

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 Post subject: Firestorm's painting diary: The Big Paint (tm) :D
PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 3:28 pm 
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Nice conversions, firestorm.

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 Post subject: Firestorm's painting diary: The Big Paint (tm) :D
PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 3:38 pm 

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Quote (firestorm40k @ 11 Nov. 2005 (14:27))
...and here's the Objective. ?

As ever, enjoy! :cool:





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 Post subject: Firestorm's painting diary: The Big Paint (tm) :D
PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 9:45 pm 
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Great conversions!



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 Post subject: Firestorm's painting diary: The Big Paint (tm) :D
PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 4:55 pm 
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Thanks for the positrive feedback! :) This afternoon I've been tweaking a couple of the minis I made this week.  I added to the Chaplain, bulking the 'stem' (or whatever the correct word for the long bit of the Crozius is! :D ) with some green stuff before adding purity seals... lots of 'em!

I readjusted the dying marine on the objective so that his posterior is perched firmly on the pavement :p - previously it was sort of 'floating', and didn't look right.

Finally I sculpted a couple of craters on to the cd base of the IMperaotr, so when that's dry it'll be ready to put gravel on it.  Then undercoating, and a 10 month wait to be painted! :D

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 Post subject: Firestorm's painting diary: The Big Paint (tm) :D
PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 11:39 am 
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No shiny pics to post this time I'm afriad, just some ruminations on painting. ?It's funny, but after my model-making/converting spree last week, I came back to my paints feeling totally un-motivated about painting. ?It just reinforces that I love converting & making the models, far more than painting! ?I think that I'm probably not alone in that though! :;):

Having said that though, Monday and Tuesday night I made myself sit down to paint, and did quite a bit. ?Monday I started on 6 stands of Epic Guardsmen (after that 2 Ogryn & 2 Sniper stands), I couldn't face my marines so I tinkered with the Epic Inquisition Drop Fortress. ?I'd hoped to have that finished at first by the end of September, then by the end of last month, but it's a model I just can't seem to face painting either! ???? ?I did a bit more to it on Monday once I got stuck in. ?At this rate I should have it finished by Christmas! ?:laugh:

Last night I painted the first Marine of my 8-man Devestator Squad, the Sergeant. ?It was going fine until near the end, when painting the squad markings on his right shoulder, I messed up no less than two times! ?:angry: ?Firstly, I painted a Tatical Squad marker, not a Devestator one. ?So I painted over that, and painted the correct Devestator marking... then the wrong Company number over that! ?So I painted over that AGAIN.. and sure enough, that shoulder pad now has the texture of the moon's surface! ?:p

I'm glad I got that Marine done however, as it's helped me regain my desire to paint. ?Tonight and tomorrow, more Marine and Epic Guardsmen painting (*sigh*... not that I do much else of late!)

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 Post subject: Firestorm's painting diary: The Big Paint (tm) :D
PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 1:36 pm 
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I'll start this week off by summarising my achievements last week!  :8): I felt pretty good about what I managed to get painted, at the start of the week I didn't really feel like painting but I did spend three solid evenings at it.

What's not so good is when I write it down, it doesn't feel like I've done much at all:

- 2 Space Marine Devestators
- 4 Epic Guard units


At times like these it makes me feel I'm getting nowhere fast with my painting!  Especially after I saw how much stuff I've got in storage that needs painting...  :80:

Anyway, I shall persevere, hopefully another 2 Devestators this week & more Epic Guard - at this rate I'll be ready to post some more pics in about 3 weeks!  ???

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 Post subject: Firestorm's painting diary: The Big Paint (tm) :D
PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 10:26 pm 
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Quote (firestorm40k @ 21 Nov. 2005 (11:36))
I'll start this week off by summarising my achievements last week! ?:8): I felt pretty good about what I managed to get painted, at the start of the week I didn't really feel like painting but I did spend three solid evenings at it.

What's not so good is when I write it down, it doesn't feel like I've done much at all:

- 2 Space Marine Devestators
- 4 Epic Guard units


At times like these it makes me feel I'm getting nowhere fast with my painting! ?Especially after I saw how much stuff I've got in storage that needs painting... ?:80:

Anyway, I shall persevere, hopefully another 2 Devestators this week & more Epic Guard - at this rate I'll be ready to post some more pics in about 3 weeks! ????

Keep it up FS! Lots of little bits of progress can really add up. Most of my painting now is single detachements, or half a dozen 25mm figures.  :D


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