IJW Wartrader wrote:
It doesn’t stretch per weapon type, other than Macro Weapon hits.
Hena2 wrote:
We've always played with stretching happening per weapon type as well. Similarly the cover modifiers are applied per target type.
And cover modifiers aren't either. You choose for the entire formation whether you're shooting into cover or not.
Or are you saying that you're doing this as a (quite sensible) house-rule?
From the Official Epic Armageddon FAQ
Q: When shooting at a formation where some units are in cover and others are not you can elect whether
to shoot at targets in cover (in which case you take the -1 penalty) or not (in which case you don't). What is the
scope of this decision?
• The entire shooting formation?
• Each shooting weapon type?
• Each shooting unit?
• By damage type (AT vs. AP)?
• Each shooting weapon?
• Unspecified, work it out with your
For example, if someone shoots at my tactical formation, which has three exposed rhinos and six marines in
cover, does the attacker have to take the -1 to hit the rhinos (which is AT fire), if he wants the tactical marines to be potential targets for his AP fire?
A: The choice to shoot at in-cover or out of-cover targets must be done by the entire formation. It can only be separated by type of weapon fire. If you had AT, AP, and MW fire in one salvo, you could fire AT at out-of-cover, AP at in-cover and MW at in-cover. Or any other arrangement, as long as all of each fire type (AP, AT, MW) is directed solely at one target type (in-cover or out-of-cover).
You cannot split up targetting of a single type of fire. If an IG infantry company had 2 units out of cover and 10 units in cover and you were firing with, say, 8 AP shots, you could not target 4 AP at out-of-cover and 4 at in-cover. All the AP shots would have to be directed at a single target type.