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Resetting the balance in competitive Epic, another approach.

 Post subject: Re: Resetting the balance in competitive Epic, another appro
PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 8:10 pm 
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sounds like an interesting and easy to implement local meta solution

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 Post subject: Re: Resetting the balance in competitive Epic, another appro
PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 11:36 pm 
Brood Brother
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Chroma wrote:
I think this is brilliant, a kind of "handicap" system.

Post this on that blog for comment.

Dave wrote:
I'm still firmly in the camp that's it's the player, not the list. So to turn that idea on its side:

Last Placing  Points at Next Tourney
     1                 2700
    2-3                2850
    4-13               3000
   14-15               3150
    16                 3300

It's interesting that some are posting that the points modification system originally presented might force people into limiting their list options which I don't believe at all and certainly didn't he fantasy days. Wouldn't this system of limiting the player discourage them from ever running anything but their strongest option? Perhaps that's what happens in your meta anyway so this system would work better.

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 Post subject: Re: Resetting the balance in competitive Epic, another appro
PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 12:41 am 
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Dave wrote:
I'm still firmly in the camp that's it's the player, not the list.
This is my point of view as well.
EpicUK's Championship Roll of Honour is a good example of this. 5 different winners in the last 10 years. The good players win games. They find ways to win with different armies.

As for all playing the same rules interpretations... :spin .
Here we go again. It's completely obvious how that argument will turn out... :gah

Unless we're suggesting we all just play how the rules are written in the book? I'd like that ;D

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 Post subject: Re: Resetting the balance in competitive Epic, another appro
PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 1:25 am 
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Handicapping players would certainly provide a different form of the tournament game. The handicapping system in Shogi works extremely well, but is obviously based on a single set of units used by both players. The major difference is that EA has many formations and units with widely different properties.

The main problem is that handicapping is making a broad assumption that the lists are inherently balanced, so that a series of games between a 'weak' player and a 'strong' player should come out roughly even, and over time as the weaker player improves, the handicap should reduce to zero.

However should a given list actually be Over or Under powered, players ratings would be artificially skewed either way which would affect their use of other lists. Further, when a player swaps to another list he may not do as well until he masters the appropriate strategies and tactics for the list, artificially reducing his rating for that period. Should he revert to the original list at that point, he or the list may temporarily appear to be artificially 'overpowered'. Indeed this drop in ratings may actively discourage people from using new armies.

The other significant issue is that the mechanism balances the strength of the players, not the relative strength of lists, formations, units etc, or their interactions. As such I suggest it reduces the usefulness of such tournament games as data towards balancing the lists, and would thus make balancing everything that much harder.

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 Post subject: Re: Resetting the balance in competitive Epic, another appro
PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 1:26 am 
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Good idea Onyx, now if only the book actually had properly written rules in it :)

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 Post subject: Re: Resetting the balance in competitive Epic, another appro
PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 1:36 am 
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Sounds like a reasonable idea to do what it's intended to do, i.e. adjust a local meta without having to get people to agree to change the lists.

Personally I too think it's players, but I'm not sure I would actually like a player handicap. It sounds like it makes sense, but I don't think my ego could take it being reminded of how much worse a player I was than my opponent :) OK maybe not, but there is also the fact that it would have the effect of evening out result, by which I mean it removes the whole point of tournament play - i.e. to exercise one's skill. If you win a tournament, what does it mean? That you played better or were luckier than you normally are?

Secondly (and this applies to both types of handicap) - how are you then going to know which lists are the top tier lists/players without an exceedingly complicated system to correct for the effect of the handicap itself. You'd no longer be able to simply look at a set of results and know who the best players were.

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 Post subject: Re: Resetting the balance in competitive Epic, another appro
PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 2:26 am 
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Onyx wrote:
Dave wrote:
As for all playing the same rules interpretations... :spin .
Here we go again. It's completely obvious how that argument will turn out... :gah

Unless we're suggesting we all just play how the rules are written in the book? I'd like that ;D
To be fair, rules interpretation is only part of the issue. Taking a extreme example, playing EA over a table with no terrain would obviously tend favour armies with long range firepower over those based on close assault capabilities. This in turn would tend to influence views over a list's power and development decisions. Indeed when Sotec went through the original exercise to reduce the power of the Eldar in 2008, he ended up largely discounting games played outside his own group because of the differing meta and interpretations.

Given that the tournament meta, the opposing armies and the player's different skill levels all impact the way a given list plays, to my mind the larger question is whether as a global community we can find ways to provide 'balanced' NetEA lists despite these influences. If we can indeed end up with an agreed set of balanced lists, tournaments can then be handicapped if desired to create a more level event.

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 Post subject: Re: Resetting the balance in competitive Epic, another appro
PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 4:04 am 
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Beefcake4000 wrote:
Wouldn't this system of limiting the player discourage them from ever running anything but their strongest option? Perhaps that's what happens in your meta anyway so this system would work better.

It'll depend on the player and their personality. I think our group is more motivated by a desire to play with an army because they like its style or because they want to build and paint it, rather than any desire to win at all costs. So mileage will vary, but I think it would lead to a more varied winners circle as well as some top rate ball busting (another big motivating factor, locally).



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 Post subject: Re: Resetting the balance in competitive Epic, another appro
PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 7:22 am 
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Kyrt wrote:
Good idea Onyx, now if only the book actually had properly written rules in it :)

Quoted for truth!

Perhaps GW knew this and why they included the 5 min warm up in the rules of the game... :D

Just call me Steve.

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 Post subject: Re: Resetting the balance in competitive Epic, another appro
PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 10:52 am 
Brood Brother
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I guess the other point I'd make on this is I've learned more and become a better player precisely because of losing to better players than me. I genuinely find that a couple of games really hard games against the top guys are worth a dozen against people at my own level. I'm not saying its a bad idea (in fact I think its well worth someone experimenting with), just that an unintended consequence could be stimying the creation of competition for the best players. In that sense incentivised race rotation could be an equally valid option for those concerned about imbalance to explore.


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 Post subject: Re: Resetting the balance in competitive Epic, another appro
PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 3:07 am 
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Beefcake4000 wrote:
Chroma wrote:
I think this is brilliant, a kind of "handicap" system.

Post this on that blog for comment.

Dave wrote:
I'm still firmly in the camp that's it's the player, not the list. So to turn that idea on its side:

Last Placing  Points at Next Tourney
     1                 2700
    2-3                2850
    4-13               3000
   14-15               3150
    16                 3300

It's interesting that some are posting that the points modification system originally presented might force people into limiting their list options which I don't believe at all and certainly didn't he fantasy days. Wouldn't this system of limiting the player discourage them from ever running anything but their strongest option? Perhaps that's what happens in your meta anyway so this system would work better.

I don't know about this idea; some of these tournaments require a 4,000km flight and that would be a long way to go with an army that has a chunk missing.

It's clearly a well intentioned idea, but unlike golf where a handicap doesn't stop players coming to try win the $1,000,000 prize, I think the effect in Epic might be to encourage attendance only every second year :D

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 Post subject: Re: Resetting the balance in competitive Epic, another appro
PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 11:50 pm 
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Dave wrote:
Beefcake4000 wrote:
Wouldn't this system of limiting the player discourage them from ever running anything but their strongest option? Perhaps that's what happens in your meta anyway so this system would work better.

It'll depend on the player and their personality. I think our group is more motivated by a desire to play with an army because they like its style or because they want to build and paint it, rather than any desire to win at all costs. So mileage will vary, but I think it would lead to a more varied winners circle as well as some top rate ball busting (another big motivating factor, locally).

I have to agree with Dave. Our group is more concerned with playing enjoyable, fluffy lists, rather than power gaming and winning at all costs. Despite all the times I've lost to Dave (or anyone else for that matter), I've never thought I needed handicap to even the odds. It's more of my needing to become a better player.

"I don't believe in destiny or the guiding hand of fate." N. Peart

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 Post subject: Re: Resetting the balance in competitive Epic, another appro
PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 3:34 am 
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Matt-Shadowlord wrote:
I don't know about this idea; some of these tournaments require a 4,000km flight and that would be a long way to go with an army that has a chunk missing.

It's clearly a well intentioned idea, but unlike golf where a handicap doesn't stop players coming to try win the $1,000,000 prize, I think the effect in Epic might be to encourage attendance only every second year :D

Ya, you could go the other way around and give the non-winners bonus points. The more I think about it though any system like these are going to end with certain lists being used less or people playing less in a competitive environment. They're all bandages, none actually fix the skill disparity. More games would fix that, especially against good players, and would also have the added benefit of people playing more. :P



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 Post subject: Re: Resetting the balance in competitive Epic, another appro
PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 7:15 pm 
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Maybe every time we play, we play the tourney rules, scenario with objectives. Hardly ever stepping out to play a scenario.

I play in two to three tourneys a year. The rest of the time, pick up games. In my experience, its you! I beat myself more often than not. New England group has some excellent players, one mistake and your FUBAR. Thankfully this group is not as hard faced as the Argentina football group. Beer, laughs, and smiles try enjoying your expensive ass hobby.

This is an objective based/combined arms strategy game. Focus on the Objectives and use the right tool for the right job.

Personally. If handicaps are in place, I would throw games. Thats right, purposely lose! Say you lost the first game at Cold Wars. Not the other guy, you did something stupid! Like forgetting to field a unit, shitty dice, bad luck. Little chance your taking first. AdeptIcon is next week. darn it, throw the next two games. I would take last place and roll into AdeptIcon with + 300 points.
But I am not an ass. I am happy just to play a game I have been in love with for 25 plus years.
If people are abusive within the list structure, why would one assume they would not abuse the handicap system?


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 Post subject: Re: Resetting the balance in competitive Epic, another appro
PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 6:11 am 
Brood Brother
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Matt-Shadowlord wrote:

I don't know about this idea; some of these tournaments require a 4,000km flight and that would be a long way to go with an army that has a chunk missing.

I don't think you've thought this through. All you need is someone to run a local tournament for you the week before you fly. You could call it the "Beat Shadowlord" tournament!

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