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Landing craft question

 Post subject: Landing craft question
PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 9:54 am 
Brood Brother
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This came up yesterday and we weren't sure how to deal with it...

Landing craft and contents ground attack but lose assault. LC is fearless so not destroyed. LC disengages. Does it get 8 BM? If so does that mean it will auto fail its activation next turn?

The broken marines inside fell back inside the LC. They successfully rallied at the end of the turn on a 3+. We let the LC have 4 BM but it still failed to come on the next turn so the marines auto rallied at the end of that turn to remove half the BM.

Did we do it right?

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 Post subject: Re: Landing craft question
PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 12:02 pm 
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It be 8 BMs, but otherwise that looks right.



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 Post subject: Re: Landing craft question
PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 6:07 pm 
Brood Brother
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8 BMs + any more picked up on exit, wrong table edge or Flak attacks on disengage.

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 Post subject: Re: Landing craft question
PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 6:31 pm 
Brood Brother
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It probably should have had 9 then but I guess anything above 6 is academic, the result being auto fail next turn's attempt to activate?

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 Post subject: Re: Landing craft question
PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 7:06 pm 
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Yes. You could always risk leaving it on the group though. It might rally and give you a sustain next turn, or control an objective.



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 Post subject: Re: Landing craft question
PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 7:36 pm 
Brood Brother
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Tangential but relevant: we've always played that aircraft are not allowed to enter play, drop off, pick up and disengage all in the same turn. I notice the FAQ only applies this restriction to consolidation moves and not to units making withdrawal or regular moves into an aircraft that has dropped off. Is that intentional? I could have sworn the official FAQ had different wording before. I guess I should also ask about planetfall (ie can a planetfalling aircraft drop off units, activate, then have units embark on it and finally disengage?

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 Post subject: Re: Landing craft question
PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 7:57 pm 
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The only time an AC can't disengage is when it air assaulted and troops used their consolidation move to embark.



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 Post subject: Re: Landing craft question
PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 10:51 pm 
Brood Brother
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Agreed Dave. Formations that embark as part of a Normal move or a Withdrawal do not prevent Disengagement. The constraint over Consolidation moves was added early on when the 'eternal assault' was found to be too powerful.

Note also that a Broken formation which fails to rally off-table may not disembark to take part in a ground assault undertaken by the air transport in the following turn. However it may disembark to help defend against an assault.

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 Post subject: Re: Landing craft question
PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 12:08 am 
Brood Brother
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Adding onto this post, another question regarding landing craft - in this case a bomber that is a war engine and once the turn has finished, the bomber can stay grounded (a useless option), or it can leave the formation it just dropped off and become a separate unit/ bomber which gives you an additional formation and activation.

My question pertains to enemy using a screen of scouts, say rough riders to protect a formation of say 9 basilisks. The blob sits in a nice position on the Blitz, and the rough riders bubble covers all the area and gaps to stop normal teleporting formations and planetfalling formations from getting to the basilisks.

I was told by another player that if I used my bomber (Slavebringer) to deploy the Talos Formaton - (4 Talos pain engines) which are fearless, AV walkers with CC MW, and a fairly decent short ranged weapon - can they ignore the scouts zone of control and assault the basilisks directly?

The other player mentioned a FAQ, and said that it was allowed because bombers have to face Flak, CAP, and the bomber transport itself is grounded until the end of the turn, so can be automatically destroyed if the Talos are broken in CC, as it has a move of "0" while grounded, and it is not fearless itself, even if the Talos are.

So can I assault the Basilisks directly ignoring the rough riders large control zone?

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 Post subject: Re: Landing craft question
PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 12:26 am 
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I depends on your local meta and interpretation of the rules

The 'screen from behind' FAQ partially explains it

Read up on that and then discuss with your opponent and play whatever seems most appropriate, there has been no consensus on the issue despite huge amounts of debate, the rules are badly written and the official position of the ERC is that its a 5-minute warmup question

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 Post subject: Re: Landing craft question
PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 1:12 am 
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What Kyuss said.
Best not to gt into another debate here.
Work it out with your opponent and obey the TO if playing in a tournament.

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 Post subject: Re: Landing craft question
PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 11:38 am 
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If you play where it's not allowed to enter the scout's ZoC you might be able to get away with it in the middle of the target formation by barging up to 2x your starting DC out of the way when landing. That might make disembarking inpossible though if it's 2x your starting DC (trapped inside).

If you play it where it is allowed what we notmally do is barge to make some room and then have the transported units charge the closest units in the target formation that are exterting their ZoC over the AC still. Once those are based you would have to charge the scouts exerting ZoC over the AC but you'e not allowed to base them (unless they started intermingled). We usually leave 1m between those units.

Regardless of which way you play, in there's a second round your counter charges can bring in other formations that weren't intermingled.



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