Dave wrote:
MrGonzo wrote:
The little fine detail clarification of 'starting' in a zone of control would be much appreciated.
I had thought we had something, although I might be confusing this with the counter-charge bit. An engaging formation is under no obligation to move, it's just allowed to make one charge move. Although by taking that line or reasoning all of a sudden you can't overwatch an engaging formation that's doesn't move.
Onyx, dptdexys, thoughts on adding a new FAQ for it?
isnt it covered by 1.7.3
1.7.3 Zones Of Control
All units in Epic have a zone of control that extends 5cm in
every direction from the model. Models mounted on a stand
may measure the zone of control from any model on the stand.
Units may not enter an enemy zone of control while they
move, unless they are undertaking an engage action and use
their charge move to get into base contact with the nearest
enemy unit whose zone of control they have entered. Once a
unit has been contacted by an engaging enemy unit, it loses its
own zone of control for the rest of that engage action
(including the ensuing assault). This will allow other units to
move round it. Units are never allowed to cross directly over
an enemy unit, even if it has lost its zone of control.
If a unit finds itself in an enemy zone of control for any reason,
then it must either charge the enemy or leave the zone of
control when it next takes an action (note that this will require
an action that allows it to charge or move).
it does not state a unit must either take an
engage action or move out but it states a unit must
charge or move out.
From the FAQ
Q: What are the options for a unit that
finds itself in an enemy ZOC at the
start of its activation?
A: If a unit finds itself in an enemy ZOC for
any reason then it must either charge the
enemy or leave the ZOC when it next takes
an action. It cannot choose to remain
stationary and stay in the ZOC, which
means that the formation it belongs to will
have to choose an action that allows the
unit to move away or charge.
Regarding formations staying still for overwatch FAQ
Section 1.10: Overwatch
Q: Is a formation that is allowed to
move as part of an action, but which
decides to remain stationary,
considered to be moving for the
purposes of triggering Overwatch fire?
For example, if I take an Engage
action, but don’t move any units as
they are already within firefight range
of the enemy, can my opponent make
an Overwatch attack before the
Assault takes place?
A: Yes, to both the question and the
example. Overwatch is triggered when an
enemy formation ‘completes a move’.
Formations that could move but remain
stationary have still `completed a move’
and are therefore eligable targets.