OK, I went through this thread again along with 1.12 and Neal's FAQ threads, I also e-mailed Neal, and PMed dptdexys and Onyx. Here's what I collated and where I think we're at for FAQ additions. I think I covered everything but I'd like some more eyes on the language and some discussion before it's worked into the TP.
1.12.3 Make Charge Move
Q: After it makes a charge move does the engaging formation need to have at least one unit with a line of fire to a unit in the target formation in order for the assault to take place?
A: Yes. While it is not specifically stated in the rules it is implied ("close enough that individual infantry are able to engage in the fight and make use of their small arms") and required to resolve firefight attacks.
Neal was the only dissenting voice for this one, to summarize his thoughts: RAW is the only fair choice, literal wording is the only definite common ground.
1.12.4 Counter Charges
Q: After counter charges are made does the engaging formation need to have at least one unit with a line of fire to a unit in the target formation in order for the assault to take place?
A: In the first round yes, as "all the normal charge move rules apply". In subsequent rounds no, as the assault is already taking place and its result must be determined.
In his PM to me Onyx said that it should go to resolution at this point. What are your thoughts here Onyx? If we're adding the LoS requirement to 1.12.3 I think it also gets added to 1.12.4 via the "all the normal charge move rules apply" bit. I think
Ginger's post explains some potential for gaminess if LoS is not required after counter-charges too.
Also, dptdexys thought an argument could be made for the assault stalling in a subsequent round after a defender counter-charged out of LoS. Can you expand on that more dptdexys?
Finally, because counter-charges can happen in subsequent rounds I felt the "yes/no" answer here was required. Separating it into two Q&As could lead to one getting missed or arguments.
1.12.5 Resolve Attacks
Q: What happens when an assault goes into a second round and no units are within 15cm of each other after both sides counter-charge?
A: Work out the result again.
Q: Can a hit be allocated to a directly engaged unit that does not have a line of fire to an enemy unit?
A: No, these hits are allocated in the same manner as shooting hits: they require a line of fire.
Q: Does an attacking unit need to have a line of fire to a unit in the target formation in order to be considered "directly engaged"?
A: Yes, in order to be an "attacking unit" the unit needs to have made an attack: attacks require a line of fire.
The first one already exists, I just think it's in the wrong section. I'm going to move it to 1.12.4.
The second one I'm on the fence for adding. It's a pretty quick find, but it's one of those referral rules of EA that I've grown to hate.
The third one didn't get must discussion here. I'm posting it here to get that going now. RAW don't require LoS here, which means the defender has to kill stuff that it can't see/affect in order to stall the assault. These seems like the same sort of situation for the Q&A we're adding to 1.12.3.