Tactical Command

Micromunda / Urban War Clau Tactics Nano.(finished building)
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Author:  stroezie [ Sun Oct 15, 2017 10:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Micromunda / Urban War Clau Tactics Nano.(finished build

I had some spare time between trains at work so I started working on my first gang.
The minis are Dark Realm Miniatures Jungle Fighters.
There are only 5 poses so at the moment I'm just adding berets and do-rags to differentiate them somewhat, later I'll probably do some weapon swaps once I get an idea of what weapon loadouts I'm going to need.

Here's a pic of the regular gangers


So shotguns, sword and knife, sword and gun and grenade launcher.
I gave one of the guys with the grenade launchers a sword but I think I may end up redoing that as it did not come out quite as I had envisionned it.

I also did two heavy weapons, a heavy bolter and a heavy stubber, I included the original figure so you could see what they started off as.


After sorting through my leadpile I'm thinking of starting three gangs the Orlocks as seen above, Ratskins and house Goliath.
As I have never played Necromunda before any tips on a good balanced starting force for any of these gangs are more then welcome. It might also help guide me as to what figures to try and model so do feel free to chime in.


Author:  Nitpick [ Sat Oct 21, 2017 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Micromunda / Urban War Clau Tactics Nano.(finished build

Wow! Just wow!

Author:  RexHavoc [ Sun Oct 22, 2017 3:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Micromunda / Urban War Clau Tactics Nano.(finished build

Excellent stuff. I've been following progress on your blog, but thought It best to leave a comment, the terrain is superb!

I really must get back to my own micro-munda set up. I got tons done, then got distracted with AoS and uni work, that its sat for months untouched. This makes me want to clear the desk and get back to it!

Is that magnetic card you used on the buildings walkways? I toyed with the idea of using magnetic tape (as I can get it quite cheap) but was put off, as it the kind of thing that can spiral costs out of control, and need to stop spending money for the rest of winter!

Can wait to see it painted, and will be stealing tons of ideas from your stuff now!

Author:  Abetillo [ Sun Oct 22, 2017 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Micromunda / Urban War Clau Tactics Nano.(finished build

Very inventive stuff. Thanks for this feast for the eyes!

Author:  stroezie [ Tue Oct 24, 2017 10:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Micromunda / Urban War Clau Tactics Nano.(finished build

And the sump canal board is done!
Over all I'm quite happy with how it turned out.
It was a bit of a compromise between weathering it and keeping the thing even enough for the magnetic paper to have enough flat surface to grip onto.
In the end I decided to sponge paint some rust effects on the tiles and use some washes to dirty it up some more. I'll be adding some more dirt, debris and general litter as scatter terrain later.

Here's the whole board put together


Which seperates into nine modular tiles


Here's a few closer pics of the sump canals so you can see the little details







I also managed to finish two gangs,

The DRM Orlocks from the last post


And some Goliaths (Wasteland Gangers/Warriors from Microworld miniatures)

Ahh nudie pic! ;D


and here with some paint on them


The shanties in the background are from Angel Barracks and I have a few vague ideas of making some platforms for them to turn them into a kind of vertical favela, we'll see...

First though I want to do some scatter terrain as Necromunda, and imo skirmish games in general, needs lots of cover for minis to hide behind.
I already have a collection of the usual oil drums, crates and jersy barriers but I'd like to add some things more in character with the setting.
For now I'm planning to do some loot tokens, rubble barricades, exploding mushrooms and heat vents. (feel free to add any cool idea's you may have to this list.)

Ok, time to go stat out those gangs now so I can try to get a game on and who knows maybe we'll even see the ever elusive batrep show up in the future. :-[


Author:  primarch [ Tue Oct 24, 2017 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Micromunda / Urban War Clau Tactics Nano.(finished build




Author:  jimmyzimms [ Wed Oct 25, 2017 1:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Micromunda / Urban War Clau Tactics Nano.(finished build

The little details in the muck are good. Especially like the tentacle thing

Author:  stroezie [ Wed Nov 01, 2017 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Micromunda / Urban War Clau Tactics Nano.(finished build

I have been told Necromunda needs lots of stuff for gangers to hide behind.
Ok then lets build some scatter terrain O0

I started with a classic to get me going,
everybody has done the stack of pipes, quick and easy linear terrain what's not to like?
Next were a set of crates and canisters on pallets from Angel Barracks which I magnetised and put on some magnetic paper disks so they can be used as both scatter terain and loot counters.
The last items in this picture are a form of fungus that explodes when fired upon ideal for placing next to the previous loot counters. >:D


Then I decided to recycle some of the offcuts littering my workstation into some rubble baricades.


For some reason only the Emperor knows tyres and cogs are stacked together in the underhive, but I thought it looked cool so...
The other items in this pic are my take on the ubiquitous Necromunda air vents.
Lots of fun/superglued fingers making these.


And lastly some slime pits to make running across those walkways a more interesting choice.
Oh and I almost forgot, I made two hills/risers, one of which you can see below to. The sides are also magnitic and the ladders are removable. I will be making some other stuff like stairs, ramps, terminals and junction boxes to attach to them to.


As you can see the board is filling up nicely


I have read through the Necromunda rules and have started reading Inquisimunda to.
I think once I've played a few games of Necromunda and gotten the hang of the rules I'll probably be expanding to Inquisimundan simply because there are so many cool minis out there and knowing myself it won't be long before I start looking at ways to bring them into my games.

So next on my to do list:
First make some measuring sticks, because at the reduced scale I'm going to be playing one unit of movement is 7mm so 28mm base move, thats a little finnicky to use a normal tape measure don't you think.
Then templates, again at the reduced scale, don't know if I'm just going to print them out on card or try something a bit more fancy, we'll see.
And of course, stat out my two gangs so we can start to rumble!!!


Author:  Samsonov [ Wed Nov 01, 2017 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Micromunda / Urban War Clau Tactics Nano.

Just incredible stuff all round. If I had significantly more cash I would seriously ask if you could commission me some of this terrain (but I don't have the cash so I'll just have to try and make it myself!). The colours are just beautiful, as is all the scatter terrain.

stroezie wrote:
Your Micromunda board was what inspired me to try my own build so I'd love to see your other work if you have any pictures.

Microhammer, Gorkamicro and Microheim.

Currently not decided about how to approach Microhammer, need decide upon which set of rules since they have different basing systems. Gorkamicro has a digga gang in production but in honesty I think I need some new Vanguard Skinners to use as Orks since the old GW do not inspire me. Microheim is fully abandoned I think. Whereas with Necromunda I can get away with large buildings which are not massively fiddly, with Mordheim you need a large number of smaller buildings which are fiddly. Basically, I can have large industrial buildings which are easy to use with 6mm models with Necromunda whereas I need move 6mm models around lots of small ruined buildings in Mordheim, including sometimes going underneath roofs, which is just too fiddly. I am thinking 15mm instead, maybe 10mm.

Author:  Apocolocyntosis [ Wed Nov 01, 2017 9:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Micromunda / Urban War Clau Tactics Nano.(finished build

amazing, a really excellent project

Author:  Blip [ Wed Nov 01, 2017 10:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Micromunda / Urban War Clau Tactics Nano.(finished build

Loving this!

Sent using Tapatalk

Author:  stroezie [ Thu Nov 02, 2017 10:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Micromunda / Urban War Clau Tactics Nano.(finished build


Wow that Gorkamicro game looked like a lot of fun, for some reason I kept hearing the sountrack from the Dukes of Hazard in the back of my mind. 8)
Definatly going to be one of my future projects to.

To bad about your Microheim project, it looked like it had a lot of potential and I must admit I've been wondering if a 6mm Frostgrave might not be something I'd like to dive into so it would have been nice to be able to mine for ideas. ;)

And then there's also Microhammer Quest...
Aahh so many possible projects so little time ;D


Author:  kyussinchains [ Thu Nov 02, 2017 1:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Micromunda / Urban War Clau Tactics Nano.(finished build

this project blows my tiny mind! keep it up!!

Author:  stroezie [ Fri Nov 03, 2017 12:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Micromunda / Urban War Clau Tactics Nano.(finished build

I made some templates , a range stick and some counters, If all goes well I'll be able to get my first game in somewhere next week 8)

IMG_20171103_1110422.jpg [ 756.39 KiB | Viewed 6945 times ]

I decided to mount the templates on sticks so my fat fingers would be out of the way when looking to see which figures are under the template, at 6mm it gets a bit fiddely some times :P . As an added bonus they can also be used as close range range sticks.


Author:  StudioMerlonghi [ Thu Mar 29, 2018 6:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Micromunda / Urban War Clau Tactics Nano.(finished build

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE your Necromunda board!

Question: How did you individually base your 6mm figs??? I want to play some pocket 40k... curious about doing the same thing.

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