Tactical Command

Biel-Tan Craftworld v4.1
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Author:  Lego [ Mon Oct 20, 2014 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Biel-Tan Craftworld v4.1

We have been running scorpions in different configurations during the last year in our epic group.

2 x 2+ MW 75cm
3 x 2+ MW 60cm
3 x 3+ MW 60cm

250 pt / model 200 for extra models in a group.

2,500 pt - 4,000 pt

The consensus in our group is now that
3 x 2+ MW is Possibly OTT
3 x 3+ MW is preferred
2 x 2+ MW is ok but it gives the eldar new range capabilities and the group is pretty divided on the issue.

Edit: Clarified after talking it through once more with our gaming group.

Author:  Largo_W [ Thu Nov 20, 2014 9:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Biel-Tan Craftworld v4.1

Just a quick question: which changes are intended compared to the current tournament pack (the approved list) and which are not? There seem to be numerous differences

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