Tactical Command

Tau Army LIst vs 6.71 (Developmental)
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Author:  yme-loc [ Sun May 18, 2014 4:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Tau Army LIst vs 6.71 (Developmental)

This is a modified version of the 6.7 list which is developmental and icludes quite a few changes from the approved 6.6 list.

I have added some text to the Stealth suits Gun Drone upgrade and implemented the Matt's not lance rule for testing.

Tau Third Phase Expansion Force v 6.71.2.pdf [662.43 KiB]
Downloaded 584 times

Author:  GlynG [ Sun May 18, 2014 8:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tau Army LIst vs 6.71 (Developmental)

I approve of the Railgun change.

What happened to the fixing of the Ionhead too by making it 175 in version 6.7? Did that get deliberately dropped or accidentally missed out by mistake? I really liked the 175 and would have actually used Ionheads quite often rather than disregarding them. Please can we bring this back?

Stealths rule seems effectively the same, just maybe worded differently? To be grammatically picky the sentence in the notes should start with "A" rather than "An".

Author:  Alf O'Mega [ Sun May 18, 2014 9:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tau Army LIst vs 6.71 (Developmental)

I'd actually forgotten about these changes - too focus see on tyranids for too long!!!

Really glad you've decided to try out the railhead this way and looking forward to taking the list for a spin.

I agree with Glyn, a slight points reduction for the ion heads would certainly see me consider taking them...

Author:  yme-loc [ Tue May 20, 2014 11:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tau Army LIst vs 6.71 (Developmental)

GlynG wrote:
I approve of the Railgun change.

What happened to the fixing of the Ionhead too by making it 175 in version 6.7? Did that get deliberately dropped or accidentally missed out by mistake? I really liked the 175 and would have actually used Ionheads quite often rather than disregarding them. Please can we bring this back?

Stealths rule seems effectively the same, just maybe worded differently? To be grammatically picky the sentence in the notes should start with "A" rather than "An".

The change back to 200pts is deliberate, they have never been bad really for their cost just not a good choice when compared directly to getting more anti-tank capability into a list in the form of the Railhead. The upgrade is still cheaper for Ionheads (which is where they work better anyway as upgrades to infantry formations) and it means you can still get a big 6 strong formation of Ionheads for 275pts where a 6 strong Railhead formation would cost 325pts.

It isn't the Stealth rule itself which changed - I just added a note for the Gun Drones upgrade for Stealth suits saying they can re-roll the dice when they teleport.

Regards the grammar doesn't x work a little oddly? As in one says (an x-ray) but (a xenon atom), so to me an XV15 sounds correct because I would effectively pronounce it an (ex v 15).

Author:  Ginger [ Tue May 20, 2014 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tau Army LIst vs 6.71 (Developmental)

Yme Loc, the HH costs are really smart, distinguishing each type of HH very cleverly and giving three different costs for 6x HH.

When will these find their way into the E-UK lists?

Author:  Dobbsy [ Wed May 21, 2014 1:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tau Army LIst vs 6.71 (Developmental)

Holy cow! Interesting changes. I like the points split on the HHs. Eager to try the new Railguns too.

Author:  Matt-Shadowlord [ Wed May 21, 2014 6:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tau Army LIst vs 6.71 (Developmental)

"Gun Drones (Added Drones gain Teleport and when
teleporting may re-roll the dice once for determining
if a blast marker is received)"

Is that once per formation or once per stand in the formation?

Author:  yme-loc [ Wed May 21, 2014 10:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tau Army LIst vs 6.71 (Developmental)

Matt-Shadowlord wrote:
"Gun Drones (Added Drones gain Teleport and when
teleporting may re-roll the dice once for determining
if a blast marker is received)"

Is that once per formation or once per stand in the formation?

It applies to each unit, I probably need to rephrase it to added Gun Drone units.

I have also spotted another mistake the Railhead Hammerhead should be FF5+ not 6+.

I have re-attached a new version of 6.71 - 6.711 ;) to the original post, apologies to anyone who has already downloaded it.

Author:  kyussinchains [ Thu Jun 19, 2014 2:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tau Army LIst vs 6.71 (Developmental)

can I make a tiny wee suggestion?

give the railcannon two 'fire modes' seems much less like a made up special rule like that.... then it's not a 'not lance' rule, it's 'lance' pure and simple :)

the EUK cobra has two fire modes on its main gun, there may be others....

along the lines of:

Railcannon 75cm AT4+ lance
OR 75cm AP5+

Author:  MephistonAG [ Thu Jun 19, 2014 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tau Army LIst vs 6.71 (Developmental)

kyussinchains wrote:
can I make a tiny wee suggestion?

give the railcannon two 'fire modes' seems much less like a made up special rule like that.... then it's not a 'not lance' rule, it's 'lance' pure and simple :)

Don't forget Lance isn't a common special rule, it's an Eldar one. So Lance or no-lance tm would need to be in the Tau codex.

Author:  yme-loc [ Thu Jun 19, 2014 5:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tau Army LIst vs 6.71 (Developmental)

kyussinchains wrote:
can I make a tiny wee suggestion?

give the railcannon two 'fire modes' seems much less like a made up special rule like that.... then it's not a 'not lance' rule, it's 'lance' pure and simple :)

the EUK cobra has two fire modes on its main gun, there may be others....

along the lines of:

Railcannon 75cm AT4+ lance
OR 75cm AP5+

What Dave said ;) .

What you propose is a perfectly reasonable way to do it, I just don't want to add lance to the Tau special rules and as the not-lance rule effectively applies to a single unit type - it works just fine in the notes.

Author:  yorkie [ Sun Jul 13, 2014 5:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tau Army LIst vs 6.71 (Developmental)

I have 1 small suggestion, could we please keep the hammerheads units more flexible, ie in the old list you could mix and match, now its more restricted in that you have to take 4 of whichever model.... These vehicles are not cheap and are becoming harder to get hold of.

I know there are some great proxy models out there, but they are sold in packs of 3....


Author:  osoi [ Mon Jul 14, 2014 3:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tau Army LIst vs 6.71 (Developmental)

I have played a few games with the changes and found the Railhead change very welcome.

I'm not sure if people see it as too much of a change to try and make but would there be consideration in giving Crisis suits access to the bonded upgrade as the extra leader in the small formation could help them out a lot.

Author:  Andrew_NZ [ Tue Jul 15, 2014 10:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tau Army LIst vs 6.71 (Developmental)

osoi wrote:
I'm not sure if people see it as too much of a change to try and make but would there be consideration in giving Crisis suits access to the bonded upgrade as the extra leader in the small formation could help them out a lot.

Including a Shas'el character as standard in a Crisis Suit Cadre would give a Leader to the formation. I'd like to see that happen for a variety of reasons, mostly described as "a minor buff". One consequence of an automatic upgrade would be to allow a Shas'o to be added as well giving two Leaders for the supreme commander formation.

In terms of fluff the bonded(?) team nature of a Crisis Suit Cadre is already tied up in the Init 1+ ?
I thought the bonded team thing is for a group of Fire Warrior only.

Author:  osoi [ Wed Jul 16, 2014 12:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tau Army LIst vs 6.71 (Developmental)

I would be up for the always there Shas'el as well that you can then add your Shas'O too as well. The formation is very vulnerable and housing your re-roll while trying to keep it from being BTS and being overwhelmed with BM.

I'm experimenting at the moment with a few lists with a Manta in it

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