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Knight World v2.2.3

 Post subject: Re: Knight World v2.2.2
PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 3:05 pm 
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Knights shift infantry in cover the old fashioned way: a prepped and supported assault.

Lancers have been in each of my games. They do only get the MW on the charge. It's FS though which is killer against high point units. Between their speed and Scout they're on par with the Paladins.



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Squats 2019-10-17

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 Post subject: Re: Knight World v2.2.2
PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 3:17 pm 
Brood Brother
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Dave wrote:
Knights shift infantry in cover the old fashioned way: a prepped and supported assault.

Lancers have been in each of my games. They do only get the MW on the charge. It's FS though which is killer against high point units. Between their speed and Scout they're on par with the Paladins.

I figured they would, but I was thinking that relying on FF is sometimes a waste of those nice crunchy Power Fists, and plays into the hands of many defensive formations. Just brainstorming really - the defenders have surrendered the initiative, so yes, should be possible to weaken them first.

How many Lancers do you use? 1 in 3 MW hitting just doesn't seem that impressive to me - more an occasional bonus on top of the basic FF attacks than anything devastating in its own right. I think I'd just stand off or use Errants as an initial impression. And the 1st edition Lancers are my favourite of the figures so I want them to kick some butt... :)

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 Post subject: Re: Knight World v2.2.2
PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 3:54 pm 
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Usually a formation of 3 with the Baron.



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 Post subject: Re: Knight World v2.2.2
PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 7:45 pm 
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Starting to future plan for a Knight army and I'm curious if anyone has had success with lists that don't use the Castellans or Crusaders? I'm thinking of doing all lancers and paladins with one group of errants.


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 Post subject: Re: Knight World v2.2.2
PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 7:55 pm 
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Brad ran some games without them in our group, I can't remember how they went though. I can't remember one of my games where they outright won it for me, that's usually been the Lancers.



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 Post subject: Re: Knight World v2.2.2
PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 8:12 pm 
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Hmm. I've been liking the look of the lancers. Seems like an excellent trade up over the paladins since they keep the ranged firepower and add scout+5cm speed. Maybe not quite as effective close in but the MWFF FS seems a nice benefit. I almost feel that a list with a fairly large number of them could be a bit OP with the speed and scout.


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 Post subject: Re: Knight World v2.2.2
PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 7:03 pm 
Brood Brother
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This is probably way too late to the party, so if that's the case please disregard, but what if you just gave the Castellans the BP and the Crusaders with the MW. That way each has a distinguished role, one is more barrage/"anti-infantry" with the BPs and autocannons and the other is more "anti-armour" with the MW and lascannons.

Like I said, if we are well past this I apologize but I just thought it would be worth mentioning. I'm sure the additional testing, etc. wouldn't be worth it tbh, but at the same time I always found the 2 variants of Custodian class to be a bit homogeneous.

Oh and does anyone ever use the Howitzers? I can't recall it ever being in a list.

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 Post subject: Re: Knight World v2.2.2
PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 7:42 pm 
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Redgeran wrote:
This is probably way too late to the party, so if that's the case please disregard, but what if you just gave the Castellans the BP and the Crusaders with the MW. That way each has a distinguished role, one is more barrage/"anti-infantry" with the BPs and autocannons and the other is more "anti-armour" with the MW and lascannons.

If the reduced BP option still leads to issues I'll likely remove it all together in an effort to make the units a more faithful translation from fluff and SM/TL than split it like that.

Oh and does anyone ever use the Howitzers? I can't recall it ever being in a list.

DS and another local have used them. With the Custodian BP playtest change they look that more appealing.



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 Post subject: Re: Knight World v2.2.2
PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 7:52 pm 
Brood Brother
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If the reduced BP option still leads to issues I'll likely remove it all together in an effort to make the units a more faithful translation from fluff and SM/TL than split it like that.

Cool beans Dave. I trust your judgment. :) I've definitely been eyeing knights lately so I am eager to see where it all ends up.

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 Post subject: Re: Knight World v2.2.2
PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 3:28 pm 
Brood Brother
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Dave wrote:
For the next round of playtest changes:

[*]Baron gains inspiring[/list]

About time I crawled back out of the woodwork again methinks... I totally missed version 2.1 and 2.2.1... they absolutely passed me by! Just been playing catch up.
Personally, I always thought the Baron should have +1 for combat res from inspiring, since it looks like myself and most others take him with lancers, and my lancers always get smashed first thing if I ever dare to garrison them forward. The loss of their MW FF if they aren't charging or in a FF, combined with only CC 5+, means they never do any damage and loose combat. Often i'm left with a broken Baron running away on his own, first turn. I've had to resort to deploying them in the main battle line just to keep them alive... So I'm all for this!
Also, although I think this might have got covered earlier, would Lancers not benefit from a FF4+? That way, it's a proper choice between palas or Lancers - palas CC 4+ FF 5+, Lancers simply swap those two stats over, since a lancer would rather be in a FF and a pala in CC! (admittedly, lancers have scout and +5cm speed gong for them, too... Maybe slow the lancers down to the same speed? They're not any faster than palas in 40k...)


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 Post subject: Re: Knight World v2.2.2
PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 3:30 pm 
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Lancers are armed similarly to the Paladin, hence the FF 5+. Scout and the speed bump definitely make up for the loss of the Power Lance, they're great for multiple objective grabs late in the game.

Lancers were faster in SM/TL, that's why they're faster in EA too.



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Squats 2019-10-17

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 Post subject: Re: Knight World v2.2.2
PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 12:07 am 
Brood Brother
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Hi Dave, it looks like the pricing for Emperor Class Battleship and Lunar Class Cruiser were omitted from the list page.

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 Post subject: Re: Knight World v2.2.2
PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 12:24 am 
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They're not in the list, just on the sheet because they share it with the AC.



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 Post subject: Re: Knight World v2.2.2
PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 6:02 am 
Brood Brother
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Makes sense, thanks

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 Post subject: Re: Knight World v2.2.2
PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 2:35 pm 
Brood Brother
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Brought some more toys, I fancied taking my army up to 4k :D
The list I'm now running is:

3 paladin
3 paladin
3 paladin
3 errant
3 errant
3 Lancer, Baron
3 crusader
3 castellan
4 warden (3 AA, 1 Demo)
4 warden (3 AA, 1 Vanq)
2 Thunderbolts
2 Thunderbolts
2 Thunderbolts

Comes in at 3980 I think. I love Knights :D

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