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Genestealer Cult List - Colonial Claw Uprising

 Post subject: Genestealer Cult List - Colonial Claw Uprising
PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 7:09 pm 
Swarm Tyrant
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This first post will hold the current version of the Colonial Claw Uprising Genestealer Cult list for Epic Armageddon.

V1.0 - July 2020

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 Post subject: Re: Genestealer Cult List - Colonial Claw Uprising
PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 7:26 pm 
Swarm Tyrant
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It seems like anyone who is anyone has had a go at putting together a Genestealer Cult list for Epic Armageddon, so I wanted to throw my hat into the ring as well. So, here goes.....

Why Me? Why Genestealers?

The Genestealer Cult was the first actual army I bought, way back around WD100 there was a Mail Order deal for a 40K Genestealer Cult army, and I phoned up (no internet in those days) and got one... I think that I still have most of it, unpainted. It had the old plastic IG, Khorne Helhounds, Purestrain and Hybrid Genestealers, a Patriarch and Magus, and Beastmen, because in those days a GSC could ally with Chaos. I have always loved the Genestealer ideal (take a look at the user groups here!). I created a list for the Genestealers in 3rd edition and now I want to have a go at it for 4th edition.

What Am I Trying To Do?

I am starting to get back into playing Epic again after a break, and alongside my Orks and Eldar, I wanted to bring Genestealers back into my games. I want to attempt to fuse the original background, with the current lore. Essentially, I assume that any GSC in Epic would have taken over large sections of the populace by that point, and expanded beyond the size of a cult represented in 40K, but this would still be at the core. So, I want to base this around the mining colony background that the current 40K cult uses, but also bring in elements of the PDF forces that also would have been infiltrated.

On top of this, I want to focus on what makes the GSC different, in its theme and play style. There are a lot of comments and feedback about 'purple IG' and I want to create a list that is distinct, written from the ground up to be its own thing and play very differently to potentially similar forces like the IG or Ad Mech.

Dont We Already Have A List.... Or Several?

Yes, yes we do. But, the current lists have not been commented on or developed for over 12 months now. If the current list authors return, then that's fine. I am not at this point attempting to create an 'official' list. I want a list that I can use, and that other people can pick up and try if they want. Right now, the idea of 'official' doesn't really make much sense anyway, so anyone who is interested can look over what I put together, try the list out and help in development. If it gets traction and the other authors don't return, then I would be happy to have the 'official NetEA' GSC list done.

So..... What next?

You can probably see that I have reserved the top four posts here. These will be to hold the latest information and updates, so that people don't need to trawl through a potentially long thread looking for the latest version or answers to questions. My first goal will be to map out the background. I think that it will be important to set out exactly what kind of world and society this list is designed to represent, as that will dictate the choice of units and formations that it will include. After this, I want to start with the actual types or units, and create a list of the basic building blocks based on the background for the list. Then.... buying and printing and painting and playing!

I have no idea how many people are actually interested in this..... but I am looking forward to it all.

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 Post subject: Re: Genestealer Cult List - Colonial Claw Uprising
PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:37 am 
Swarm Tyrant
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After a while working on this, I have now added the first version of this list to the first post in this thread.

I hope people will take a look, and let me know what you think. Thanks.

https://www.cybershadow.ninja - A brief look into my twisted world, including wargames and beyond.
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 Post subject: Re: Genestealer Cult List - Colonial Claw Uprising
PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 2:22 pm 
Brood Brother
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it was me that created the last list for this, end I don't mind at all if you're willing to oush things forward. Iäm having troubles getting the games in needed to fully playtest a list.

That said I have trouble looking at your list objectively. All my views are comparisons with my own list.
But one thing I don't quite understand is why you have 3 transporters (Goliath, Chimera and Truck).
And why introduce the chimera variants when the Ridgerunner can be equipped with comparable weapons (in 40k)?

I do like your army specific special rules, cleaner and more easily understood than mine.

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 Post subject: Re: Genestealer Cult List - Colonial Claw Uprising
PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 5:09 am 
Swarm Tyrant
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Hi, and many thanks for your comments. I will admit that I had the last three GSC lists when I put this one together. Standing on the shoulders of giants. ;D And thanks for taking a look over the list. I feel a lot better that there is room for this one too.

But one thing I don't quite understand is why you have 3 transporters (Goliath, Chimera and Truck).
And why introduce the chimera variants when the Ridgerunner can be equipped with comparable weapons (in 40k)?

Firstly, the Chimera are there as a result of my previous bias towards Brood Brothers as local PDF or IG regiment, and to add context to the other IG vehicles in the list like Leman Russ.

Secondly, trucks are only there for the Aberants/Abhumans. I didn't want this unit to have the 'We Watch From The Shadows' rule, as they wouldn't be able to conceal themselves in public the same way as other GSC units, and it would take away from their 'cheap disposable' nature that I think the Cult would use them as. This then causes problems when the transports have the 'WWFTS' rule and the infantry don't. So Trucks are my answer to that issue.

I assume you mean the Ridgerunner compared to the Griffon. I felt that the 'typical' Ridgerunner is a more flexible rapid assault vehicle. Its possible to have a variant of the Ridgerunner with a mortar and drop the Griffon, but I want to encourage players to use different minis for clarity.

I am more than happy to have a discussion on any of the points.

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 Post subject: Re: Genestealer Cult List - Colonial Claw Uprising
PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 9:07 pm 
Brood Brother
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Nice to see some new energy put into the stealers! I am not going to be able to contribute much in terms of playtesting, if higher power acceptance is your goal. So my plea is not really backed by effort I suppose. But here it comes anyway.

Please, please consider NOT letting the cult have bog standard IG-equipment. In my view it detracts tremendously from the appeal of the faction. If you feel you MUST have chimeras and so on, please leave an option to go with trucks or landmovers or welded-together-lawnmowers or something else instead.

Nitpicks Knapsack (Scratchbuilding and 3D designing and printing and painting)

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 Post subject: Re: Genestealer Cult List - Colonial Claw Uprising
PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 4:29 am 
Swarm Tyrant
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Nitpick wrote:
Nice to see some new energy put into the stealers! I am not going to be able to contribute much in terms of playtesting, if higher power acceptance is your goal. So my plea is not really backed by effort I suppose. But here it comes anyway.

Please, please consider NOT letting the cult have bog standard IG-equipment. In my view it detracts tremendously from the appeal of the faction. If you feel you MUST have chimeras and so on, please leave an option to go with trucks or landmovers or welded-together-lawnmowers or something else instead.

Thanks for taking a look and your feedback. I guess that to me, the Cult was always an infestation of the local PDF or IG regiment, and way way back this was how the Cult was developed. That 'lowest common IG unit' approach is something that I have always found interesting about the Cult. Even when its not the local IG, its civilians grabbing common rifles and minimal protection and taking to the field.

That said, I can see how its not necessarily the modern interpretation (although the modern 40K Cult list does include Sentinels, Leman Russ, etc.... Just saying ;) ), and both Chimera and Rockgrinders are basically equivalent, so how about this.....

Off The Grid

The current list represents the Genestealer Cult established on a relatively common mining world. However, many Cults will attempt to evade Imperial scrutiny and develop on planets either disconnected from the Imperial or those normally overlooked, so as less likely to draw the attention, and the retribution, of the Imperium.

A Genestealer Cult can opt to be drawn from one of more disconnected worlds. If the player chooses this, every Chimera must be replaced with Rockgrinders, and the Cult may also not take any Hellhounds, Griffons or Leman Russ tanks.

However, a Genestealer Cult which is from a world off the grid may take three Covens for every Cult Cell instead of two.

https://www.cybershadow.ninja - A brief look into my twisted world, including wargames and beyond.
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 Post subject: Re: Genestealer Cult List - Colonial Claw Uprising
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 6:40 pm 
Brood Brother
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I think that a more proletariat uprising secretly controlled by Genestealers would be my preferred focus. Nothing prevents a subsequent related list that's more the Infiltrated PDF list (aka Guard + Stealers). Maybe it's just me but the idea of Xenos and Hybrids running around while miners and factory workers using technicals and other improvised weapons just sounds like a winning theme. 2cents

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 Post subject: Re: Genestealer Cult List - Colonial Claw Uprising
PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 1:58 pm 
Brood Brother
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Honestly, if you feel strongly about the IG+xenos-strategy (also part of the old chaos cult list) then go for it. Trying to bolt on special cases on top to make a super specialized list more generic will likely just feel awkward bothways. The fact that GW used IG-stuff is not that difficult to grasp - they wanted to sell stuff at a low developemnt cost and naturally bulked the list up with minis for other factions when they though/think they get away with it....

Nitpicks Knapsack (Scratchbuilding and 3D designing and printing and painting)

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