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Making Dagon work as a new Tyranids player

 Post subject: Making Dagon work as a new Tyranids player
PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 8:33 am 
Brood Brother
Brood Brother

Joined: Mon Feb 02, 2009 12:23 pm
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After many years playing exclusively Eldar across 40k and Epic, I've decided that it's time to branch out and start something new. I've always liked the look of Tyranids, and with none of the local players running them at the moment it seems a good choice. Writing up a list is a little more difficult: I'm not such a fan of look of the old-GW bugs (especially the slug bugs), so I'll be running Vanguard DiD 15mm Entomorphs for many of the larger bugs (Broodmother as Dominatrix, Harbingers as Hierodules, Creepers as Haruspex).

I'm somewhat restricted by the models I've been able to order suitable minis for. As I'm yet to work out good sources for Trygons, Harridans, or Biovores (suggestions?), those are currently out.

Here are my first two stabs using the Dagon list, as I like its higher model-count of the small and medium nids:

Dagon Tyranids - 3K - No SC wrote:
200 - Minor Swarm - 2 Warriors + Zoanthrope, 10 Gaunts
200 - Minor Swarm - 2 Warriors + Zoanthrope, 10 Gaunts
200 - Minor Swarm - 3 Shrikes, 8 Gargoyles
475 - Major Swarm - Dagon Overlord, 4 Zoanthropes, Hierodule + 2 Haruspex
375 - Major Swarm - Hive Tyrant, 4 Zoanthropes, Hierodule + 2 Haruspex

275 - Attack Swarm - Barbed Hierodule Prime, 3 Carnifex
275 - Attack Swarm - Barbed Hierodule Prime, 3 Carnifex
300 - Attack Swarm - Barbed Hierodule Prime, 4 Haruspex
275 - Attack Swarm - Barbed Hierodule Prime, Scythed Hierodule

200 - Infestation Swarm - 3 Ravener Alphas, 5 Raveners
225 - Genestealer Swarm - 8 Genestealers with Broodlord

Dagon Tyranids - Drop 3K with Dominatrix wrote:
550 - Nexus - Dominatrix, 4 Haruspex
200 - Minor Swarm - 3 Warriors, 10 Gaunts
200 - Minor Swarm - 3 Warriors, 10 Gaunts

350 - Major Swarm - Hive Tyrant, 4 Zoanthropes, 3 Carnifex, Mycetic Spore
350 - Major Swarm - Hive Tyrant, 4 Zoanthropes, 3 Carnifex, Mycetic Spore

275 - Attack Swarm - Barbed Hierodule Prime, Scythed Hierodule
275 - Attack Swarm - Barbed Hierodule Prime, Scythed Hierodule
275 - Attack Swarm - Barbed Hierodule Prime, Scythed Hierodule

200 - Infestation Swarm - 3 Ravener Alphas, 5 Raveners
225 - Genestealer Swarm - 8 Genestealers with Broodlord
100 - Razorfiend

Unfortunately, I'm not hugely impressed by either of these lists but I'm not sure how best to improve them (at least, not without buying dozens more Gaunts). The Attack Swarms seem like nicely chunky hammer units to centre the list around but nothing is fast and shooting is weak across the board, not to mention the barely-there AA. There's also a huge reliance (overreliance?) on CC, which as a Saim-Hann player I'm very aware of limitations of. Topping it all off, the activation counts feel quite low for an army that will want to be marching as many formations as possible on Turn 1. Are these problems with solutions, or just how things are in the world of Tyranids?

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 Post subject: Re: Making Dagon work as a new Tyranids player
PostPosted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 11:43 pm 
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Joined: Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:00 pm
Posts: 984
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Really liking the Dagon list personally. Plays very tyranid like (big swarms, potent in combat, limited shooting). Like the spore drops, and the hordes of gaunts! Gotten 5 games in with the list. Find that biovores are a must for fir adding so.e utility to the small swarm and especially nest formations. It does well against the few specialist lists I played but has some challenges against lists with large war engines and necrons..

Necron AC (click to see current Necron list threads)
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