Mrdiealot wrote:
I've gone for the double drop formation, one with leader for potential combined assault.
A nice beefy ground BTS with the Supreme Comander
2 teleport lictors
Artilley battery swarm, which in hindsight after the weekend might have been better as more biovores
MW shooty swarm
Short range INd swarm with biovores
small swarms for running around. forcing the field and grabbing objective
Will be interesting to see how this list performs. Just make sure to use turn 1 to set up for turn 2, it's all to easy to try and engage the opponent piecemeal. Might even be a good idea to delay the drop until turn 2 to get the greatest effect.
Sorry guys, life and lockdown and then back at work made me really busy.
I should note that I eneded up taking 1st place at Cancon 2020 with the list.
I'll try and write up some thoughts in the coming week