Now that we have a new codex and some fleshed out information from 40k. how about an update to this list. Some suggestions from reading the codex.
What is the heart of the Genestealer cult list. Ambush - The ability to arrive anywhere on the battlefield, tunneling is represented in this list, but wow do I dislike tunneling, slow and clunky, would have preferred teleporting (there is precedence, the lictor. but that's just my opinion). Maybe remove the upgrade tunneling and automatically allow 1 unit per 1000 points to tunnel? Bikes - There is a completely new formation that needs to be added. Atalan Jackals, and quadbikes.
Atalan jackal INF 35cm 5+ 5+ 5+ Sawed off shotgun Small arms (15cm) Mounted
Atalan Wolfquad LV 35cm 5+ 5+ 5+ Mining laser 30cm AP6+/AT5+
Their own vehicles - There are two vehicles in the list that will be distinctive for GCult. The Goliath, can be equipped either as a CC version of the rhino, or a razorback. I think we should settle for the CC Rhino, more thematic, and at the same time remove the chimera and the "civilian transport". And The ridgerunner, a fast attack vehicle with some interesting options for GCult. A "Glass cannon" unit.
Goliath AV 30cm 5+ 5+ 6+ Twin autocannon 30cm AP5+/AT6+ transport 2
Achilles Ridgerunner (Normal) LV 30cm 6+ 6+ 5+ Heavy Stubber 30cm AP5+ Mining laser 30cm AP6+/AT5+
Achilles Ridgerunner (Mortar) LV 30cm 6+ 6+ 5+ Heavy Stubber 30cm AP5+ Heavy Mortar 30cm 1BP indirect
Achilles Ridgerunner (AA (not quite supported in the codex, but needed)) LV 30cm 6+ 6+ 5+ Heavy Stubber 30cm AP5+ AA missiles 30cm AA5+
At the same time loose Baneblade, Ryza russ, Hydra, Bombards, silo.
I would also like to make a suggestion regarding something that I think need to be addressed in lists like this. An army like a GCult doesn't necessary operate like a regular army, distinct units and tactical organization. for instance the tank platoon in the list. 6 leman russes, operating like a tactical unit. It would make more sense (to me atleast) to have these spread out amongst the infantry. I'm aware that this option is available trough upgrades, but just adding units bloats the units and makes them to costly for not much benefit.
Genestealer cult Brood formations
Brood Brothers 12 Brood brother + Primus character
Upgrades Brood brothers - Add up to 6 Brood Brothers XX points/each Fire support - Upgrade up to 4 Brood brothers to fire support XX points/each Transport - Add as many transports that is needed to transport formation XX points/each Hybrid - Upgrade up to 6 brood brothers to Hybrids XX points/each Purestrain - Upgrade up to 6 brood brothers purestrains XX points/each Abberations - Upgrade up to 4 Brood brothers to Abberations XX points/each Ridgerunner - Upgrade up to x Brood brothers to Ridgerunners XX points/each Leman russ - Upgrade up to x Brood brothers to LeMan russ XX points/each
Fast support 6 jackals
Upgrades Wolfquads - Add up to 4 Wolfquads XX points/each Sentinels - upgrade any Jackal to a sentinel XX points/each Ridgerunner - Upgrade up to 3 Jackals to Ridgerunners XX points/each Leman russ - Upgrade up to 3 Jackals to LeMan russ XX points/each
This would give this list a completely unique feel. I striking appearance on the battlefield, while i guess it will neither prove overpowered or weak.