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Xenomite Thread

 Post subject: Re: Xenomite Thread
PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 10:57 pm 
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That's awesome!!

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 Post subject: Re: Xenomite Thread
PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 11:01 pm 
Brood Brother
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Really like him! (or are they "her"?)
Every bug army needs a brainbug!
Maybe give he/she/it some small helpers like in starshiptroopers? Atleast I will when I get my hands on one :)

Can we have a pic from the front please?

About the vindanids, after deciding what to use them for, I like them better. If possible, maybe do a more spread pose for one of them? Would look big and scary with all 4 arms spread out and a wide open jaw.

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 Post subject: Xenomite Thread
PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 11:36 pm 
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I like the Cerebnid design! The pose is something quite different and innovative!

For the Vindanids (and biomonsters in general), I do wonder about what an integrated, biological, 'long-range lascannon/venomcannon' type weapon would look like :9. Since we don't have any real-life examples, it's an interesting quandary! I suppose what would probably happen would be creatures with corrosive juices that would run/fly up to hard targets and apply the corrosives in close combat. An interesting thought experiment (for me, at least), though!

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 Post subject: Re: Xenomite Thread
PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2018 3:20 am 
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Ok that Cerebnid is officially awesome!

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 Post subject: Re: Xenomite Thread
PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2018 1:36 pm 
Brood Brother
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rubberlizard wrote:
Really like him! (or are they "her"?)
Every bug army needs a brainbug!
Maybe give he/she/it some small helpers like in starshiptroopers? Atleast I will when I get my hands on one :)

Can we have a pic from the front please?

About the vindanids, after deciding what to use them for, I like them better. If possible, maybe do a more spread pose for one of them? Would look big and scary with all 4 arms spread out and a wide open jaw.

Here yah go:

There will be some swarms of little bile beetles that could fit the bill for you.

I may add a couple of additional poses to the Vindanids...

Thinking Stone wrote:
I like the Cerebnid design! The pose is something quite different and innovative!

For the Vindanids (and biomonsters in general), I do wonder about what an integrated, biological, 'long-range lascannon/venomcannon' type weapon would look like :9. Since we don't have any real-life examples, it's an interesting quandary! I suppose what would probably happen would be creatures with corrosive juices that would run/fly up to hard targets and apply the corrosives in close combat. An interesting thought experiment (for me, at least), though!

I'm not against having big bio-cannons - but it has to fit into the design in a believable way. For example - see the "Rhino Beetle" bug below - I think that kind of thing works. But a gun integrated into the arms of a creature looks goofy to me. What's it do with it when not fighting? How does the thing feed itself or manipulate its environment? Having limbs joined by ammo hoses and the like are right out - it'd be like having your arms tied together at all times...


I'm glad you guys like the Cerebnid!

I was inspired by seahorses when designing that big tail. I can see him using it to anchor himself to debris while focusing its psychic attacks. It would also allow it to support itself while resting - can't levitate all the time! I can see him using it like an elephant trunk to feed itself - after stinging it's prey with that wicked barb...

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 Post subject: Re: Xenomite Thread
PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2018 8:28 pm 
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You just have to look at the insect we have on this planet and you will find plenty with specialised appendages for fighting, grabbing prey or shooting acid. There are Soldier ants with huge mandibles which they use to fight. These ants are fed by worker ants. The Preying Mantis is another example of specialised arms for catching prey and you also have the Bombardier beetle that can shoot concentrated acid over long distances. You size that up and you have a decent bio-canon ;D


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 Post subject: Re: Xenomite Thread
PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2018 8:42 pm 
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you really got your mojo going!

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 Post subject: Re: Xenomite Thread
PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2018 11:51 pm 
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They look nice!



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 Post subject: Re: Xenomite Thread
PostPosted: Thu May 10, 2018 12:50 am 
Brood Brother
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;D Loving this so far!

And have say that Rhino Beetles and Stag Beetles areexcellent prototype inspirations, though it depends on how you want to go with the army - Is it primarily close quarters fighting with support firepower, or can it adapt to full combined arms, or some compromise between the two? That decision will make whether you have large "vehicle" sized items quite important. :geek

Also, these creatures have not developed from insects, I infer, so the other arthropods are there for inspiration as well - Chelicerates ( Spiders and scorpions, ticks and horseshoe crabs), the Crustacea ( Lobster, crabs, isopods and shrimps ), Trilobites and the rest of the Uniramians ( Apart from insects, the millipedes and centipedes ) - plus the more chordate features of the design ( Mammalia or reptilia is seems to me ). Possibly, though tentacles are a cliche and not entirely justifiable on land dwelling organisms, you could look at some mollusca and even the Echinodernata ( Starfish, sand dollars, crinoids, sea urchins, sea cucumbers and brittle stars ) - particularly the "jaws" of the sea urchins, the terrifying Aristotle's Lantern :o

. . . Well, I'm letting my biology geek/science degree flag fly here today, aren't I? ::) ;D

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 Post subject: Re: Xenomite Thread
PostPosted: Thu May 10, 2018 3:41 am 
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I hate to be a downer here, but this range is just not grabbing me at all. I’m not fond of the cartoon-y look a lot of these guys have. The legs seem huge compared to the upper torso, for some reason I can’t define, the curve of the tails don’t sit well with my, and for the larger guys like the vindanids I just had my heart set on a flared back head crest, like a triceratops or xenomorph queen.

The brain bug is really sweet though. I do like that one.

Sorry to rain on the parade. Glad other people seem to like them though.


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 Post subject: Re: Xenomite Thread
PostPosted: Thu May 10, 2018 10:29 am 
Brood Brother
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The cerebnid:
Wauh, Im completely sold on her! (think ill start refering to them as her, planet devouring aliens reminds me of a former girlfriend)
Have you though of multiple poses? Maybe standing on on the spike and the last 1/3 of the tail, when firing.

The vindanid is growing on me, really like the idea of the quill shooters, no need for bioguns in my opinion with them.
Maybe do a few with mantis-like tallons?

The bilemites are cool, they can really give some life to bases with larger beasts. Hope you'll sell them seperately. Hopefully with multiple poses, maybe they could be a unit in them self in your universe.

Like the idea of reusing head and vulture neck for the rhino bettle. Looking forward to see him in 3d.

Are there plans for big flyers this time?

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 Post subject: Re: Xenomite Thread
PostPosted: Thu May 10, 2018 1:34 pm 
Brood Brother
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Great conversation guys :)

CovertWalrus - Awesome points. The sky is the limit here with real world inspiration - I'm not limiting anything to bugs. Mother nature has come up with all sorts of amazing ways to kill things - all are welcome in this line lol

ForgottenLore - No offense taken my brother. I fully understand the look you'd like to see, but I hope that you can understand the importance of making this line unique in look and biology to other alien miniatures out there. I hope you'll keep checking in - there's a lot coming down the pipe.

rubberlizard - The Cerebnid will be a single pose model - however the head is separate, and the tail will be easy to bend and pose. Mantis Talon beast is coming. The Bile Mites will be units on their own, and also act as ammunition to multiple shooty beasts in the army. There will be flyers - I'm working on a ruleset of my own and flying units are a big deal.

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 Post subject: Re: Xenomite Thread
PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 6:17 am 
Brood Brother
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WIP shot of the Mantanid:


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 Post subject: Re: Xenomite Thread
PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 8:14 am 
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Nice update.

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 Post subject: Re: Xenomite Thread
PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 2:39 pm 
Brood Brother
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Thank you sir!

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