Tactical Command

Name for fleet ships
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Author:  Xavi [ Tue Jun 19, 2007 3:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Name for fleet ships

Hello there.

I need names for the fleet I am building up for friday. Any suggestions appreciated, so shot away with your most wicked or hilarious names! :p


The ones that need names are:

- Hysterical ex-girlfriend

HADES (x2)


SLAUGHTER (x2) [or Carnage + Slaughter]

Shot away!!


Author:  blackhorizon [ Tue Jun 19, 2007 9:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Name for fleet ships

The Desolator is odd and funny.
The rest in the same manner?

Bloody Lust
Bitten Pain
Harvester of Souls

Author:  vanvlak [ Tue Jun 19, 2007 10:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Name for fleet ships

Hard Drive Failure
Solidified Paint

Incontinent Mongrel

Two Flat Tyres
Weak Coffee

Author:  Xavi [ Tue Jun 19, 2007 10:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Name for fleet ships

Ooooooh!!! Van, you are a genious!!

Fanboy and Weak Coffee!! 2 terrible things indeed!

@BH: yeah, pretty much. Once the fleet is well painted _AND_ I write down something (I always do that) for fluff I will name them OK, but no ship pof mine has ever hit the table being a nameless chunk of lead and plastic. So I ask for names :)



Author:  CyberShadow [ Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:32 am ]
Post subject:  Name for fleet ships

There was a running joke on the BFG list a while back about a vessel called the 'Indestructabe II'... ie, what happened to the Indestructable I?  :D

Author:  Xavi [ Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:39 am ]
Post subject:  Name for fleet ships

Heh, I like that one :) Let's make it indestructible II then ;)

List of names completed!

The Terrorific fleet of Bob, Mutilator of Chickens.

Desolador: Hysterical Ex Girlfriend

Hades #1: Tamidian (one forum's internal joke)
Hades #2: American Coffee (strikes terror in every soul)

Devastation #1: Elune (an other forum's internal joke: a spammer)
Devastation #2: Fanboy

Slaughter: Indestructible II
Slaughter: "If you can read this, you are in teleporter range"

Endline candidates:
- Jerk of India (internal joke)
- Devious Mother
- Party blower (NOTE: In spanish the literal translation would be "Mother-in-law Killer")
- Lupus AKA "By Khorne, I should stop watching House"


Author:  Otterman [ Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Name for fleet ships

Along the lines of the Indestructable II, an old computer game called Myth had a unit called the 'wight', which was essentially a zombie that could explode like a bomb.

Some clever fellow made the name 'Veteran Wight'.

Author:  Legion 4 [ Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:40 am ]
Post subject:  Name for fleet ships

War, Death, Famine, Pestilence ... IIRC ! :ghostface:  :laugh:

Author:  Bombot [ Thu Jun 21, 2007 12:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Name for fleet ships

I often use a thesaurus to help with names, especially with Chaos ships.  Stick in one evilly sounding word and see if it comes up with any good alternatives.  I put in 'traitor' the other day:

My Webpage

Fancy a ship called Benedict Arnold?  :)

Author:  glorfindel-777 [ Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:13 am ]
Post subject:  Name for fleet ships

A list of ship names taken from an imminent BFG campaign :

Hand of Corruption, Harbinger, Plaguebearer, Dark Hand, Malefic, Undeath, Blighted, Deathbringer, Corrupted
Red Wyrm, Lord of Contagion, Death Blade, Prophet of Desolation, Prophet of Despair, Poison Blade, Black Shroud, Pale Sun, Heart of Corruption, Balefire, Black Sun, Stigmata of Despair, Cold Blade, Festerchild, Deathwish, Contagious, Virulent,
Corpselight, Dark Heart, Unclean, Unholy, Harvest of Despair, Plague Lord, Pariah.

A couple of these have been nicked but most are mine.  Bet you can't guess which legion...

Anyway. hope this helps a bit..


Author:  blackhorizon [ Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:36 am ]
Post subject:  Name for fleet ships

Two years late.... but okay.  :vD

Author:  BlackLegion [ Sun Aug 02, 2009 1:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Name for fleet ships

My Desolator Battleship is called "Sternenschrei" (german for Starscream) and my Repulsive Grand Cruiser "Schicksalsmörder" (german for Fate Slayer). I have two Slaneeshi Slaughter Cruisers called Soundwave and Shockwave :D

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