Tactical Command

Imperial Guard versus Chaos game (3000 points)
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Author:  KevinW [ Tue Aug 29, 2017 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Imperial Guard versus Chaos game (3000 points)

Escalating engagement scenario Imperial Guard supporting an Imperator versus a mixed bag of Chaos demos, cultists and marines.

I went for a very firepower-oriented Imperial guard force of two companies of footsloggers with CC/firefight support, a fast-moving company of heavy weapons supported by LeMan Russes, six Basilisks, an army commander, three stormhammers and a shadowsword and an Imperator.

Chaos had a mix of cultists, demons, a Warlord, a Reaver, knights of Slaneesh, artillery and a gaggle of marines.

File comment: Knights with mounted marines attempt to force my flank in a wide sweep
slaneesh-flanking-force.jpg [ 87.24 KiB | Viewed 8293 times ]
File comment: Basilisks roar and obliterate the flanking Slaneesh knights
mightbasilisks.jpg [ 79.35 KiB | Viewed 8293 times ]
File comment: Chaos moving forward
chaosmovingforward.jpg [ 73.87 KiB | Viewed 8293 times ]
File comment: Opening moves- my detachment of infantry moves toward his Bloodletters
opening-moves.jpg [ 63.19 KiB | Viewed 8293 times ]
File comment: IG sans Imperator
forces.jpg [ 114.56 KiB | Viewed 8296 times ]

Author:  KevinW [ Tue Aug 29, 2017 2:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Imperial Guard versus Chaos game (3000 points)

Around the fifth round both sides limped at each other to continue the brawl.

lategame2.jpg [ 84.73 KiB | Viewed 8292 times ]

Author:  primarch [ Tue Aug 29, 2017 8:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Imperial Guard versus Chaos game (3000 points)


Sweet report and pics!


Author:  Commander Karth [ Thu Aug 31, 2017 10:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Imperial Guard versus Chaos game (3000 points)

Terrific, I'd love to hear more details of the action! Are there more turns to cover? Who won?

Author:  KevinW [ Sun Sep 03, 2017 12:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Imperial Guard versus Chaos game (3000 points)

Thanks Pete!

Commander Karth- I'll upload more pics later. We called it a draw, but Chaos would probably have lost. He was down to 22 morale at the end of turn 5 from his start of 62. I was still at 40+ with my Imperator and a three Bandblades + Stormwind so I probably would have pushed him off the board.

I have some tactical ideas for IG that I want to float in a separate thread but I will say that this is the first time I've used the Imperator with this rule set and can I tell you how great and balanced it seemed? The original rules for the Imperator were clunky and a mini-game unto itself but here it was unencumbered and was worth every point of the 900 that I spent. It wasn't invincible- it lost a close combat against a Reaver with a close combat weapon. The only thing I would do next time is put a detachment of Terminators or Assault Troops in it for a nasty surprise for the enemy.

Author:  Markconz [ Sun Sep 03, 2017 1:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Imperial Guard versus Chaos game (3000 points)

Nice report! :)

Author:  Commander Karth [ Sun Sep 03, 2017 3:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Imperial Guard versus Chaos game (3000 points)

KevinW wrote:
Thanks Pete!

Commander Karth- I'll upload more pics later. We called it a draw, but Chaos would probably have lost. He was down to 22 morale at the end of turn 5 from his start of 62. I was still at 40+ with my Imperator and a three Bandblades + Stormwind so I probably would have pushed him off the board.

I have some tactical ideas for IG that I want to float in a separate thread but I will say that this is the first time I've used the Imperator with this rule set and can I tell you how great and balanced it seemed? The original rules for the Imperator were clunky and a mini-game unto itself but here it was unencumbered and was worth every point of the 900 that I spent. It wasn't invincible- it lost a close combat against a Reaver with a close combat weapon. The only thing I would do next time is put a detachment of Terminators or Assault Troops in it for a nasty surprise for the enemy.

Cool, looking forward to the rest of the pictures (and more battle details please!). It is interesting to see that you had such a big morale lead, but of course that could evaporate quickly if he managed to bring down your Imperator (which would give his side a healthy boost in morale as well).

But yes, the rules for war machines like Titans are pitch-perfect in Epic 40k. They were never so perfectly yet also thematically integrated into the game in any edition previous or thereafter, and there will never be another game in the future that could do it better. As for your startegy, that sounds good but each option gives you different options... Terminators give you a tough screen that even a Reaver would have a hard time punching through in close combat. Assault Marines, on the other hand, give you much more attack power and distance to strike out at a bothersome enemy (enemy Land Raiders taking aim at your Imperator with anti-tank attacks, perhaps). I like both options, but it depends on the scenario, the map and the particular mission you give to your Imperator for that game (and what you think would look cool, as well!).

The thing I love about Epic 40k though is the redundancy in morale systems... there are at least three different layers of morale running at the same time. Army morale is the obvious one, but breaking units in close combat and firefights is another (plus the whole leadership/rally system) and the pinning/firepower loss from blast markers is a third morale system. The redundancy allows you to model something as complex as morale in a number of different ways all at the same time and gives a more three-dimentional picture of an army's psychology and condition and lets itself perfectly to the epic scope and feel of the game. I always get the feel that I am conquering entire planets when playing Epic 40k. Other editions just feel like big Warhammer 40k battles, to be honest...

Author:  Toco [ Thu Jun 14, 2018 10:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Imperial Guard versus Chaos game (3000 points)

Commander Karth wrote:
... I always get the feel that I am conquering entire planets when playing Epic 40k. Other editions just feel like big Warhammer 40k battles, to be honest...


And your idea about the morale system is spot-on too!

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