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Forum: NetEA Chaos Topic: Iron Warrior V2/V3 battle reports (lots of photos). |
Onyx |
Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 8:56 am
Replies: 32 Views: 18228
Nothing stands out too much... Maybe Defiler/artillery spam. Drop podding Dreadnoughts in large numbers? The Ordinatus (it's been mentioned that it might be a little over-priced now)?
Thanks guys 
I'm sure Matt and I can help out with the space fairies as well  |
Forum: NetEA Chaos Topic: Iron Warrior V2/V3 battle reports (lots of photos). |
Onyx |
Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 12:47 pm
Replies: 32 Views: 18228
I really need to get more batreps done for the Iron Warriors V3.1. I have played many games this year but they were almost all using the same list (as I was preparing for tournament play). Not ideal when playtesting an army for approval. Anyway, here's a game from earlier this year. Between a rock a... |
Forum: EA Battle Reports Topic: "Iron within" Vs "Wind beneath my Wings"! |
Onyx |
Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 11:46 am
Replies: 7 Views: 2915
Loving the batrep guys  Any other Iron Warrior game reports coming up? The list is pretty much ready for approval. |
Forum: Epic Armageddon Topic: Rules questions |
Onyx |
Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 1:38 am
Replies: 22 Views: 5894
"You may" and "but" do make it vague, but I agree with what Kyuss is saying: rolling all CC or all FF is still splitting the hit dice. CC hits go on base contact enemy only, and FF hits go enemy not in base contact but within 15cm and LoS. I've played it that way as long as I ca... |
Forum: Epic Armageddon Topic: Rules questions |
Onyx |
Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 9:04 am
Replies: 3 Views: 1557
+1 to Kyussinchains. Overwatch is not actually part of the Engagement (Overwatch casualties do not count for assault resolution) so all normal modifiers apply. |
Forum: NetEA Adeptus Astartes Topic: Codex Marines - the big discussion |
Onyx |
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 2:49 am
Replies: 127 Views: 36193
The whole being able to land in multiple ZoC to engage is to be decided in the 5 minute warm up before the game. There will be no official ruling as to try and enforce one way or the other would be a waste of time. One thing I will note from the conversation here is that great players win more games... |
Forum: NetEA Squats Topic: Squats: Thurgrimm Stronghold v1.51 |
Onyx |
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 3:00 pm
Replies: 83 Views: 52953
It's not the 'double range' that I worry about. It's the playstyle that it could encourage where the entire squat army becomes an 'artillery train' that sits back and shoots indirectly. It's not particularly fun to play with or against. The ability to double the range of the Squat big guns is a pro... |
Forum: Epic Armageddon Topic: Rules Q - both players have teleporting formations |
Onyx |
Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 7:51 am
Replies: 3 Views: 1500
Hopefully the thread you linked to can be repaired. To answer your question - As Ginger wrote: the higher SR declares who goes first, then players teleport alternatively (including the Eldar Avatar), and when a player declines he may not change his mind and teleport another formation during the turn... |
Forum: NetEA Orks Topic: Gargant Big Mob list development |
Onyx |
Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 2:35 am
Replies: 680 Views: 216241
Just curious about your reasons for not wanting the death kannon. ATML have the volcano cannon that has better stats and is cheaper. For the most part the ATML weapons are significantly better across the board. There are several valid reasons to remove long range weapons from an Ork list. Anything ... |
Forum: Epic Armageddon Topic: Overwatch question, how do you play it? |
Onyx |
Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 10:09 am
Replies: 22 Views: 6582
Best to leave the Tau Coordinated Fire special rule out of this discussion as it doesn't allow for combined shooting (I know you know this Verjigorm as you stated this - "and there it's also on a formation by formation basis"): The formations don’t have to stay within a given distance of e... |
Forum: NetEA Squats Topic: Squats back from CanCon (The Overlord Rant) |
Onyx |
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 10:20 am
Replies: 81 Views: 36234
Steve, you yourself used the word ludicrous on page 2. Mark used the word crazy (all be it tongue in cheek maybe). Again, we are bickering pointlessly. The fervour with which some seem to need to defend their point of view is amazing. This is toy soldiers and I've shown the relevant rules for all to... |
Forum: NetEA Squats Topic: Squats back from CanCon (The Overlord Rant) |
Onyx |
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 10:03 am
Replies: 81 Views: 36234
That is a 2 way street Steve. I'm sorry for being antagonistic but I didn't start using language like "Wierd, crazy, out of touch, a pain in the ass, awful TLOS rule from Warhammer, ludicrous, a fallacy, makes no sense' etc" Can you understand that as being Antagonistic as well? |
Forum: NetEA Squats Topic: Squats back from CanCon (The Overlord Rant) |
Onyx |
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 9:56 am
Replies: 81 Views: 36234
And the rules say otherwise. The to hit modifier also applies if intervening terrain obscures the target partially from view Units on hills will benefit from better lines of sight to enemy units, as they will be high enough to see over some terrain features The method used by the author (and the def... |
Forum: EpiComms NetEA Rules Amendments Topic: What the Epic Armageddon rules say about terrain. |
Onyx |
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 9:33 am
Replies: 26 Views: 11335
*Note to other mods here. Please do not edit this post. PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE POST you may learn something new :) Just for clarity on the terrain situation, here is what the Epic Armageddon rules say about it: Design Concept: Terrain Conventions It is possible to have all kinds of arguments about ... |
Forum: NetEA Squats Topic: Squats back from CanCon (The Overlord Rant) |
Onyx |
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 9:22 am
Replies: 81 Views: 36234
However, the issue also is that Australia seems pretty isolated in interpretation of terrain rules. And if that's the case, and most of the world seems to have agreed on an alternative, this might actually be worthy of the attention of the NetEA committee to clear all this up and go with the majori... |
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